12 Sep 2022


Leadership Skills: The 8 Most Important Leadership Skills You Need

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Working in the nearby mall, I came across the mall manager Jason Joseph, who is more of a leader than a manager. This paper aims at focusing on Jason and his leadership skills compared to the theories covered in class. 

Charles Handy 

According to the theories proposed by Handy, Jason applied the role culture style of management. This is whereby each or in groups is allocated the type of work that they specialize in. For instance, people who are electronic professions are put into one group. Each one of the employees is given his/her responsibilities depending on the educational level of an individual in their area of specialization (Billis, 1992) . In such type of cultures, workers choose the field they are well conversant with and willingly accept the challenge of working there. In this culture, everybody is responsible for something and has to be responsible for duties awarded to him/her. Jason followed this principle in that he believed power comes with responsibility. He was in charge of all departments and made sure that everybody was responsible for their actions. Jason would personally allocate duties to employees hence interacting with them in a positive way. He also used to counsel people who are undergoing financial difficulties. 

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Leadership theory 

In his work, Jason applied the transformational leadership theory whereby the person in charge freely interacts with the employees to form a healthy relationship that leads to more trust hence an increase in motivation for both the employer and the employees. The leaders in transform their followers using inspirational speeches and are often very charismatic. Rules and regulations are often ignored if not broken and most of the times the employees are guided by norms and values. This gives the employees a sense of belonging and they associate more closely with their employers. By being close to every employee, Jason got to learn their strength and weaknesses and could know what duties to assign them and which ones not to. Moreover, Jason gave the employees of belonging and continuously motivates them to ensure that they are performing. In this type of theory, the one in charge often communicates with staff and knows what is going on in their lives. Jason had mastered this art and got to know his employees at a close level such that he even helped them solve their problems. 

Leadership style 

Goleman had his styles of leadership that he claimed that were emotionally motivated and the type of leadership that Jason applied was he was a democratic leader. This kind of leadership means that he always listened to both sides of a case in the event of conflict in the working environment (Pinnington, 2011) . He made sure that everybody had a say in the company, and this is by ensuring that employees participate in meetings and contribute towards the success of the enterprise (Blake, Mouton, & Tapper, 1981) . During promotions, he was fair in that he picked the best candidate and often gave salary raises when workers performed well. He also made sure that the junior staff members participated in meetings that were discussing matters that directly affect them. When staff members were opposed to a policy being implemented, he listened to their side, and if it made sense, he would support the employees. 

Tannenbaum-Schmidt leadership continuum 

It is a model that suggests that is used to determine the level of freedom that employees are awarded and the authority that is utilized by those in authority. A manager might choose to offer freedom to the employees while another might want to be authoritative and offer little freedom where necessary. The manager that offers more freedom allows employees the opportunity to enjoy working and hence provide quality work (Schmidt, 2014) . Employers that opt to be authoritative are also satisfied, but it determines on the employees happiness. In the Tannenbaum-Schmidt Continuum, Jason chose to give the employees freedom. This was useful in his motivational speeches as he always reminded them of how they enjoyed working for the company as the freedom increases the authority of the manager decreases but this results in a situation whereby both managers and employees develop. This was crucial in that he showed the employees that he was just an employee like them and made them feel welcomed and comfortable working at the mall. 

Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid 

The grid portrays different leadership styles across a managerial grid. On this grid, Jason was on the task management side. Goal-oriented managers who are focused towards achieving the objectives of the company characterize this side ( Glassman, Blake, & Mouton, 2007). Jason happened to be an individual who was focused and wanted to make a change in the mall. In this regard, he made sure that all the workers were alert all the time while working and was widely respected. They characterized the managers as committed and trustworthy qualities that Jason possessed. He was committed to his job and encouraged other workers to focus on their jobs to secure promotions. 

Situation leadership theory 

According to Hersey and Blanchard case theory states that leaders weigh the type of approach to use in connection with the people they are dealing with and putting in mind the circumstances that are around the issue being discussed. More specifically the theory majors with the age of those being led. The more experienced an individual becomes in a particular field, the more conversant they become, and the more efficient they become (Peus, Braun, & Frey, 2013) . Jason made sure that he was aware of the situation before making the solution. He was always aware of what was affecting the employees and put into consideration what was affecting them. If a policy was too harsh for the employees, he made sure that it was avoided. Matters that concerned the staff members were always prioritized to come up with a long lasting solution. 

Types of leadership powers 

The year 1959 was the year that French and Raven described the five bases of authority and Jason fell on one of them. He was in the rewards section, which means that he believed that if employees worked hard, they would be paid. Jason was a believer in promotions and believed that the higher the position, the higher the authority (Krause, 2015) . He did not care about the salary but the power that he had over the employees. He communicated in a manner that showed that he was less important than the company he made it look as if the company the company was an individual. 


Billis, D. (1992). An interview with Charles Handy. Nonprofit Management Leadership , 3 (1), 93-98. 

Blake, R., Mouton, J., & Tapper, M. (1981). Grid Approaches for Managerial Leadership in Nursing. Journal Of Ambulatory Care Management , 4 (3), 85. 

Glassman, A., Blake, R., & Mouton, J. (2007). Making Experience Work: The Grid Approach to Critique. The Academy Of Management Review , 4 (3), 481. 

Krause, D. (2015). Four Types of Leadership and Orchestra Quality. Nonprofit Management And Leadership , 25 (4), 431-447. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nml.21132 

Peus, C., Braun, S., & Frey, D. (2013). Situation-based measurement of the full range of leadership model — Development and validation of a situational judgment test. The Leadership Quarterly , 24 (5), 777-795. 

Pinnington, A. (2011). Leadership development: Applying the same leadership theories and development practices to different contexts?. Leadership , 7 (3), 335-365. 

Schmidt, G. (2014). Virtual Leadership: An Important Leadership Context. Industrial And Organizational Psychology , 7 (2), 182-187. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Leadership Skills: The 8 Most Important Leadership Skills You Need.


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