20 Jul 2022


Legal Issues and Disciplinary Actions

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Job requirements refer to the qualifications and specific set of skills required from a job candidate by the employer. These requirements are necessary to ensure that an individual can adequately perform the required duties/tasks of the specific job role. Job requirements improve the accuracy of the requirement process, reduce the number of potential applicants and assist applicants in deciding on whether to apply for a specific role or not (Anastacia, 2019) . Standard job requirements include skill and knowledge requirements, work experience, educational and equivalent requirements as well as professional certification. To come up with relevant job requirements, a firm has to perform a job analysis which helps in breaking down all the tasks of the job role and taking each of them into consideration. The job analysis will help the firm identify the competencies, behaviors, and attitudes a firm is seeking from a potential employee apart from the educational requirements. 

For managerial positions, it is essential to understand the role of managers in a firm; Most managers oversee staff, direct daily business operations and generally ensure that the business runs smoothly (McQuerrey, 2018) . It is therefore critical that managers gave certain qualifications and skill sets to help their efforts. Also, since the role of managers is quite extensive, the requirements of the role may be more detailed compared to other job roles. For anyone to be employed at a managerial position they must possess knowledge of the industry, this means that they must have a good understanding of the industry’s overall position either from previous work experience as well as formal or vocational education. For operations to run smoothly, managers must be able to communicate with employees effectively; this means that they need excellent written and verbal communication skills as well as the ability to troubleshoot problems, read people and direct people. According to McQuerrey (2018) , when managers can bring people together around a common goal, then it is easier for them to achieve the set goals other skills required from a manager include time management and problem-solving. 

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Job analysis is a process that entails collecting and analyzing data about the content and requirements of a job including the context in which the job is performed. The information provided by a job analysis helps organizations determine which employees are best fit for specific tasks. The outcome is also crucial for developing performance, designing learning and improving processes (Stoilkovska & Serafimovic, 2017). While conducting a job analysis, the analyst identifies and describes the duties of the role, the nature, and conditions of work, physical and mental requirements and the necessary skills and qualifications required. The measure of a sound job analysis is a valid task list which contains the functional areas of the position, basic training recommendations, and the related tasks. Once the analyst provides a descriptive analysis, the human resource rates the competencies ad together with experts, they identify the levels required to meet them. The information collected in a job analysis may be obtained through open-ended questionnaires from job incumbents, interviews, highly structured questionnaire, observation or use of a work diary. 

HR uses the job analysis output to develop a job description and job specification (Stoilkovska & Serafimovic, 2017). A job description provides an organized statement of job contents in the form of duties and responsibilities of the specific job. Before a firm announces any vacancy, preparation of a job description has to be done. The job description states, in brief, nature, and type of the job. It is descriptive and contains all facts related to a specific job this include the title, nature of duties, nature of authority, necessary skills and qualifications, the relationship of the job with other jobs and the work environment. Job descriptions help in job evaluation as well as in the recruitment and selection process. 

A job specification states the minimum acceptable qualities required to perform a job; it translates the job descriptions into human qualifications that a job can be done/performed in the best manner. It is necessary for hiring the appropriate person for the proper position. The factors included in a job specification include the job title ad designation, educational qualifications, physical and mental related attributes, relationship of the job with other jobs as well as any unique qualities and abilities. The job specification assists in preliminary screening during the selection procedure, giving justification to each job and assists in the monitoring of employee performance. 

According to Juneja (2019), a job design follows the job analysis. The main aim of this document is to outline the outline and organize the duties and responsibilities of an organization into a single unit of work to achieve specific objectives. It gives an outline of the methods and relationships necessary for the success of a certain job. A job design identifies the tasks required to be done and are part of the job, how the tasks are performed, what number of tasks should be done and the sequence of performing the tasks. Job design restricts work overload, repetition of tasks, define working hours as well as work processes. In this case, the job design would be useful for ensuring that non-represented employees operate in a favorable working environment. 

Job evaluation is a standard process used in assessing the relative value of a job in a firm; this is possible through comparing it with other positions within the organization or with job markets outside. By making this systematic comparison between jobs, job evaluation can help establish a rational pay structure. For the job evaluation process to be successful, job analysis is required, the process begins with job analysis and ends where the value of the specific role is determined for attaining pay equity between jobs. To evaluate the relative worth of the managerial positions, each position is measured against established criteria, and the corresponding value is weighed in a uniform consistent manner (Dogan, Onder, & Demir, 2014) . There are several ways/methods in which job evaluation is done, they are including ranking/grading method, point-ranking method and the factor comparison/weight-in-money method. 

The job evaluation process begins explaining the purpose of the job evaluation to the employees and securing acceptance followed by creating job evaluation committees. The team then decides on the job to be evaluated ad through analysis they prepare the job description. The most appropriate method to assess based on job factors and organizational demand is selected, and jobs are classified as per the weight and monetary values, installing the program in the firm after explaining it to the employees and finally conducting periodic reviews in light of any organizational changes (CivilServiceIndia, 2019)

In this case, the factor comparison/weight-in-money method would be more appropriate. This method involves selecting a common essential element in different jobs roles; these elements are then weighed and rated. The common factors may include skill, physical effort, responsibility, working hours and mental effort. Monetary value is allocated to each element of all jobs then the individual job monetary values re-weighted. The total value of each job is then derived. Compared to other methods, factor comparison is more accurate and also allows for the rating of different roles based on common factors. Distilling the value of the job in monetary terms has the potential of helping firms being sure that their recruitment method provides a decent Return on Investment. 

Pay/compensation structures help firms offer equitable and competitive salaries as well as map out the employees’ path to growth and higher pay. These structures create a fair and more predictable process for determining an employee’s compensation. As for managers, they would be below the top executives who include the CEO’s, CFO’s and the directors and vice presidents. This is because managers make up a crucial part of the company and are part of the decision makers. Apart from the base pay, managers may receive commissions, overtime pay, allowances such as housing as well as health coverage. For senior managers who lie in the top executives, they may be granted stock options which is in addition of their salaries and other compensation benefits. 


Anastacia. (2019, March 27). What Are Job Requirements and How to Define Them. Retrieved April 30, 2019, from https://www.cleverism.com/job-requirements/ 

CivilServiceIndia. (2019). Job Evaluation, Job Evaluation Methods, Job Evaluation Process. Retrieved April 30, 2019, from https://www.civilserviceindia.com/subject/Management/notes/job-evaluation.html 

Dogan, A., Onder, E., & Demir, R. (2014). Assessment of Turkish HR Professionals on Determining the Importance of Factors in Point Factor as a Method of Job Evaluation.  European Journal of Business and Management 6 (29), 1-13. Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= 

Juneja, P. (2019). Job Design - Meaning, Steps and its Benefits. Retrieved April 30, 2019, from https://www.managementstudyguide.com/job-design.htm 

McQuerrey, L. (2018, June 1). What Are the Most Important Qualifications of Managers? Retrieved April 30, 2019, from https://work.chron.com/important-qualifications-managers-9937.html 

Stoilkovska, A., & Serafimovic, G. (2017). Job analysis as an important human resources management function.  International Refereed Scientific Journal Vision 2 (1), 113-124. Retrieved from http://visionjournal.edu.mk/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/irsjv_v2i1_aleksandra.pdf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Legal Issues and Disciplinary Actions.


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