26 Dec 2022


Life and Death in the ‘Hot Zone’

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 509

Pages: 2

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The author of the article concludes that the situation surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic is critical. The doctors, nurses, and other medical staff who are at the frontline fighting this pandemic are the ones facing the greatest risk. The author refers to the position currently held by medical practitioners as a "hot zone" since it is a position that demands a lot in terms of professionalism, care, courage, patience, and long shifts. Having visited two hospitals in Bronx, New York, the author affirms that indeed the situation is wanting as the lacking medical staff is constantly receiving new patients despite the already crowded situation. The author proceeds to account that most patients have died while others are in a very critical situation.

How does the author attempt to make the case? 

The author manages to make the case by vividly describing the clinical situation he experienced at Montefiore Medical Center and Jack D. Weiler Hospitals. Being the most hit medical center by the pandemic, the hospitals' situations paint a real picture of what it means by “Hot Zone". Endless streaming in new patients for admission, fear, pain, and loneliness is all captures in the article as intended by the author.

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Does the author use logical argumentation? Does the author use rhetoric? A combination of both? 

Life and Death in the ‘Hot Zone’ author applies a combination of both logical argumentation and rhetoric argumentation. In the article, Nicholas elucidated that the doctors and nurses were both exhausted and frightened by the mass death of patients and secondly how helpless that had been in trying to save lives. The author intends that Americans get to understand Covid-19 further for them to stay more committed to observing best practices as a way of saving not only their lives but also the lives of medical practitioners. Rhetoric argumentation is employed when he mentions that understanding Coronavirus is more intense through seeing the distress that doctors and nurses are going through in the frontlines instead of tuning into White House briefings. The author also tries to stay authentic in reporting that the patient in the two hospitals was of different racial denominations.

Is the author's position reasonable? Why or why not? 

The positioning of the author is very reasonable. First of all, it is notable that like soldiers in time of war, doctors and nurses are in the front line in the fight against Coronavirus. Secondly, some people still perceive Covid-19 as a distance pandemic, but reading the article those persons may get insight and behave in more responsible ways to keep themselves and their families safe. The authors’ decision to select Bronx, New York is because New York City has been greatly affected that other states, and this, therefore, paints a real picture of the whole situation (Kristof, 2020). The article sheds light on the hydroxychloroquine as a game-changer in curing Coid-19 as it had earlier been proclaimed by President Trump. The author as per the doctor’s comment reports that the drug has marked little success as it is only applicable to patients at early stages. The entire pandemic is a matter of life and death to everyone hence the need to stay safe and avoid exposure caused by negligence. As the doctors and nurses risk their lives in the frontlines it is good to honor the guidelines they are putting by being careful, regular sanitizing, avoiding social gathering, and keeping social distancing.


Nicholas Kristof (2020). New York Times . Life and Death in the ‘Hot Zone’. Available at; https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/opinion/sunday/coronavirus-hospitals-bronx.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Life and Death in the ‘Hot Zone’.


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