5 Jun 2022


Living the Wisdom of Tao

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Book Report

Words: 1085

Pages: 4

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The 7 th Verse 

The verse teaches people to live a Tao centered life as opposed to an ego centered life. If individuals can able to apply this in their minds and actions, they are capable of finding inner peace and fulfilment. It also adds that the ego is a demanding force, which when someone lives with, can never be satisfied. Dyer (2009) asserted that the Tao life involves generously thinking and serving others which will lead to a fulfilling life. Letting the ego determine one's behaviors in pursuit of desires, the more such characters will elude someone. The egocentric life only makes one striving and never arriving. The verse also outlines that culture is defined by individual’s success, social status, and possessions. People are taught the quest for power, and bigger things are supposed to be a source of happiness. The 7 th verse advice people to live for more than just themselves. Also, the habit of giving without asking for anything in return would guarantee one to be given everything they need. By putting oneself last, one would end up first because the things they desire will start coming to them. 

The 9 th Verse 

The verse teaches people on humility as the society is built by greed. The society promotes the status and to seek approval in everyone's deeds. The concept of the American Dream has transformed people to adopt an egocentric life. The ego mentality has also been claimed to be a problem that is responsible for the current economic situation. Tao suggests a life balanced in the principle of humility. It is important to know when one's hands are filled with too much water and also when to stop sharpening a blade to avoid dullness. When one has wealth, they should not hoard it but share it to the benefit of humanity. Pleasures should be sought in what one is doing rather than how they benefit from it. People should be keen to enjoy the means rather than the ends. With humility, one would know when to stop, step back, and enjoy the success of their labor. 

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The 10 th Verse 

The verse outlines the concept of absolute truth where one is either right or wrong. Tao also explores the concept of duality where one can have a right without necessarily having the concept of wrong. In achieving oneness, people need to let go of their self-importance and ego. The verse also cautions against judging others unless they can experience the problems the other party is experiencing. Tao also teaches people not to value possessions and achievements. Possessions have been accused of bringing suffering and drawing people away from the Tao kind of life. Losing possession will make people enjoy a sense of freedom. 

The 17 th Verse 

This verse focuses on various ways one can lead or govern people. This verse has a lot to do with valuable parenting lessons. To become a good parent or a leader, it is advised that one should make themselves invisible as possible. Tao also advises against leading with fear. If parents use fear in governing their children, the children will only behave in a good manner as long as the fear is present. Leaders and parents are also advised against speaking carelessly and instead told to speak little. Speaking carelessly has a profound negative effect on the children. Inspiring leaders and parents get good results by their examples. 

The 28 th Verse 

The verse highlights how the society has been rooted in a masculine principle. The masculine principle is about action, conquest, achievement, and dominance. The author advice people to know the masculine but on the other hand to keep to the feminine whose qualities include nurturing, wisdom, compassion, and acceptance. These are the qualities that are needed in the world people live in today. People are also called upon to understand the world in all its myriad forms, taking into account to keep to the formless. When people are exclusively focused on objects and forget their source, they lose touch with their source and the outcome is invariably suffering for everyone. 

The 56 th Verse 

The verse begins with asserting that the loudest and the most visible authorities are often the most deluded and ignorant. The wisest people are often the quietest and the humblest of all the people. Such people have no business making a show for themselves because they have moved beyond such cares. They understand the virtue and power of remaining silent because that is where they draw their wisdom from. The verse also highlights the importance of primal union which can only be achieved through quiet meditation which will offer one a peaceful experience of inner union within one's source. 

The 57 th Verse 

The author focuses their attention on aspects of leadership and finding the best way to govern that is in tandem with the principles of Tao. The advice is directed to leaders of this time especially those who are mandated with the positions of national influence. Leadership that is suggested by Tao includes characteristics such as noninterference, equanimity, allowing and non-grasping. It is also suggested that the more rigid and authoritarian a country is, the more dysfunctional and unsustainable it will be. Tao also suggests that nature is the greatest governor and reflects harmony and perfect balance of leadership. Nature leads without effort, control or shapes its constituent parts. 

The 58 th Verse 

The verse still focuses on matters leadership. The key to leadership is leading by allowing, nurturing without imposing and to trust that people will manifest their virtues if given the opportunity. The verse also highlights that without enough control and laws, social injustices such as stealing, killing and pillaging will take place. Leaders should allow people to know what is best for them and also what is right for them. The best way to govern the subjects is by offering good examples and not imposing things against the will of people. People are also advised to lead gently, pointedly without imposition. Leaders should illuminate but not dazzle. 

The 68 th Verse 

The verse claims that the source of suffering is the mentality of the ego self. People lose peace when they become lost in a mentally-constructed belief of themselves. The concept of competition and the urge to emerge triumphantly and become better than others emanates from an egocentric kind of thinking. If such completion mentality can be removed, people will not engage life as a battle but as a play of form of what it is. Without a competition mind, people become lighter, freer, and they can avoid conflict and negativity. 

The 75 th Verse 

The verse also highlights the role of leaders especially those on the political scope and their relationship to their subjects. When taxes are too high, people are prone to go hungry. Poor leadership on the national level has an economic implication that affects common citizens. When the government of the day is not good to its people, the citizens tend to lose morale and spirit in working. The government leaders are advised to act in the best interest of its people trust their people and finally give them their peace. 


Dyer, W. W. (2009).  A New Way of Thinking, a New Way of Being: Experiencing the Tao Te Ching . Hay House, Inc. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Living the Wisdom of Tao.


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