16 Sep 2022


Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries: Everything You Need to Know

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 274

Pages: 1

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In chapter 20, a topic that stood out for me was that of maintaining appropriate boundaries. Therapists are in a position of power given their authority and high level of knowledge, while clients are typically vulnerable given the effect of mental or psychological issues (Buehler, 2017) . In such a scenario, therapists can easily exploit clients by sexually abusing them. Therapists should maintain appropriate boundaries by treating and caring for the client rather than abusing them. I believe the client's safety and wellbeing should be of the utmost importance, and, as a result, therapists who abuse their clients should be punished severely. All forms of therapist abuse, including sexual advances towards the client, are regarded as malpractice (Edelwich & Brodsky, 2013) . However, not every type of therapist malpractice entails abuse. Sexual misconduct by therapists is a crime in some states, such as California. 

In chapter 21, a topic that I found interesting was marketing oneself as a sex therapist. Marketing is essential since it allows the marketer to stand out in light of many individuals offering their services (Krueger, 2019). Advertising one’s services as a sex therapist may seem counterproductive to the goal of assisting people. However, a sex therapist can only find clients if they advertise themselves and their services. One of the best techniques of marketing one's services is through word-of-mouth advertising through referrals by clients. Word-of-mouth marketing is effective given that potential clients who may be family members or friends are highly likely to trust individuals who have received the sex therapist's services. Trust is essential since it drives the decision-making processes of clients. The word-of-mouth technique is also beneficial to the sex therapist, given that it is cost-effective (Pride & Ferrell, 2016) . It is a cheaper technique than creating a website or using directory listings. 

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Buehler, S. (2017).  What every mental health professional needs to know about sex . New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. 

Edelwich, J., & Brodsky, A. (2013).  Sexual dilemmas for the helping professional: Revised and expanded edition . Routledge. 

Krueger, G. (2019).  Marketing your really small business . Lulu. com. 

Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2016).  Foundations of marketing . Cengage Learning. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries: Everything You Need to Know.


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