The administering of justice to juveniles always had a particular resonance in America. It turns out that the practice was meant for premeditated good intentions but has had adverse outcomes. Precisely, the institution of juvenile justice is far from perfect because of the haphazard faults that have marred the system. This essay will offer insight into what the problem is and possible solutions.
The system is prone to poor judgment on who they incarcerate. A recent study found out that two-thirds of juvenile justice cases have preexisting mental challenges. These youths end up in juvenile jails to serve terms for crimes they have little control or understanding over. The second fault with juvenile justice is that it is prejudiced. From a recent study, it was found out that 40% of the youths that are incarcerated are people of color. Yet, out of the whole youth population in America, African-American yo8uths only make 14% (Knefel, 2015). Precisely, the system is racially biased and discriminate in treating black youths just like the adult justice system is. Finally, public attorneys and defenders in juvenile cases have a limitation in understanding the challenges of teenagers who are undergoing adolescence and may just be experiencing a natural cause that may go away with time.
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It is high time that a community-based system is established to help youths with mental health and related needs to stay out of trouble and juvenile jails. The right approach is to put these youths in a care system that will see them treated rather than incarcerated. Addressing the second problem, the most viable proposal is through the issuance of a directive from the federal government to state governments to reduce the ratio of incarceration of black youths so that they can equal the actual percentage they cover in the entire population (14%). The way the juvenile system operates has the potential to unjustly make young clients suffer in the hands of the law, and their only refuge has a defense attorney who understands what they are going through (Smith, n.d.). I propose that juvenile attorneys be appropriately trained on how to defend young clients and create juvenile defense standards for attorneys.
In conclusion, the juvenile justice system is flawed because we see it conducting unlawful prejudiced arrests to youths and punishing mentally ill adolescents. Adopting the given proposals like training defense attorneys to suit the young clients is just but one of the options that will lift this disgrace off our shoulders.
Knefel, M. (2015). Trying to Fix America's Broken Juvenile Justice System . Retrieved 28 July
2020, from
Smith, H., (n.d). Problems and Solutions to Juvenile Justice . Retrieved 28 July 2020, from files/FINAL%20RCP%20Problems%20%20Solutions_08%2013%2013.pdf