Medical reconciliation procedure is crucial in the treatment process of the patients. It entails the consideration of the medical history of the patients and the current list of medications. The method minimizes mistakes that can be fatal on the path of the patient as the information enhances an informed decision from the practitioners. No doubt the role of the medical facilities entails the enhancement of the overall medical conditions of the patients rather than making it worse. Without the information about the current and past medications of the patients, the caregivers and medical practitioners may add to the agonies of the patients as they may end up leading the patients to medical discrepancies. Markedly in the quest to promote their welfare, the care practitioners should make informed decisions after the past and present medical reconciliation exercise. Given this, the report establishes the reasons for medication reconciliation, utilization of the ISBARR form, and the Relationship between Collaboration, Teamwork and Patient Safety based on three articles. The report then offers a summary of the articles and these elements in the welfare of the patients.
Reasons for Medical Reconciliation
Medical reconciliation enhances the welfare of the patients. Lester et al. (2019) assert that medical interaction minimizes the occurrence of adverse interactions. Lack of information on the past medical history of the patient affects the quality of decisions made during the treatment process of the patient in question. For instance, through this process, healthcare practitioners can avoid instances of overdosing among patients. Thus, it enhances the welfare of the patients in both the short and long-term basis.
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Also, medical reconciliation ensures that the root causes of the problem in question are not medicine-based. The patients may not be aware of the effects of the medications that they take, and as a result, it is crucial to ensure that they are under the right medication (Lester et al., 2019) . The realization of the effects of the wrong medicines among individual patients is vital in the determination of the most appropriate drugs to administer based on the conditions of the patients.
Medical reconciliation enhances the tracking of patient medications changes. Markedly, this is the basis in which the healthcare practitioners improve the administration of the current medications. Through these patterns, they rectify the modes of offering medicine and offer the necessary guidance to the individual patients during their treatment process. Besides, it plays a vital role in bridging the gap between the initial and current medical issues. During the transfer processes, the problems of miscommunication and misinterpretation are curbed through this practice. The elements of incomplete prescriptions associated with accurate or incomplete instructions are catered for (Lester et al., 2019) . Thus, the welfare of the patient is enhanced through this process and in the end; the speed of recovery is enhanced.
Reasons for Utilization of the ISBARR Form
The utilization of the ISBARR form is a common phenomenon in the healthcare environment. Pang (2017) states that; the primary reasons for its applications are; communication, integrity, orderliness and accountability and responsibility. The working schedule of healthcare practitioners is divided into shifts whereby different caregivers cater to the needs of the patients at different times. Thus, in the quest to enhance patient safety, it is crucial to hand over the required pieces of information.
The outgoing healthcare practitioners are aware of the individual need s of the patients in question. Without proper communication, the incoming practitioners may lack the proper instructions to handle the needs of the patients. Through this tool, they get the proper communication to enhance the discharge of their tasks in a professional and right way. Furthermore, through this tool, healthcare practitioners depict their integrity ( Pang, 2017) . They ensure that the patients are left in the best hands as the incoming caregivers offer similar or better care based on the information they are accorded.
Moreover, the ISBARR tool is crucial as it enhances accountability and responsibility. As the practitioners offer the details of the patient in question to their incoming colleagues, they take accountability and responsibility of the patients as they share the relevant information to make them receive personalized care. Thus, even though the initial practitioners pass the mandate of catering for the patients to the other parties, they still have the responsibility of ensuring that they receive the best services. Finally, the tool is embraced for its orderliness. The healthcare practitioners work sequentially and appropriately as they can easily take over from the others in an orderly manner (Pang, 2017) . Through the tool, they also acknowledge the responsibility of the patients for the set period.
Relationship between Collaboration, Teamwork and Patient Safety
The safety of the patients is the main goal in any given healthcare institution. According to Mazurenko et al. (2016), these approaches are the basis of timely, safe, quality, successful and patient-centred care. On the path of the healthcare practitioners, it results in orderliness which minimizes their exhaustion and confusion. The human mind works well in a relaxed situation, and in cases where the healthcare professionals have doubts with their work environment, they tend to offer poor services. In the quest to enhance their alertness and relaxation, teamwork promotes the efficiency of their work environment.
Additionally, based on the orderliness, critical situations can be handled in the shortest time possible. In this case, each practitioner contributes towards the common goal of the healthcare team, which is to enhance the welfare and safety of the patients in question. No doubt, this cannot be achieved in cases where the healthcare practitioners lack a common target and engage in collaboration and teamwork. Besides, through teamwork, the patients’ perceptions are catered for as the practitioners work together in enhancing positive outcomes (Mazurenko et al., 2016). Thus, this enhances the rate of their recovery through the management of a positive environment.
Moreover, teamwork minimizes the costs of care. Healthcare practitioners embrace different plans and schedules that minimize the wastage of resources in the healthcare environment. The plans are patient-centred, and in the end, the patients get all their requirements during the treatment processes. Also, healthcare practitioners are assured of job satisfaction and quality experience in the care environment. The interactions between the caregivers enhance the learning process, and as a result, the patients can be assured of competent services (Mazurenko et al., 2016). In cases of emergencies, healthcare practitioners engage in professionalism as they collaborate to realize the best outcomes on the patients’ health.
Equally, through the teams, healthcare practitioners realize better relationships and reduce the frequency of the unhealthy conflicts that hamper the safety of the patients. Markedly, the combination of proper relationships and collaborations enhance job satisfaction which enhances the willingness of the healthcare practitioners to act as per their code of conduct which places the welfare of the patients before their own (Mazurenko et al., 2016). Ultimately, the safety of the patients is guaranteed.
Summary of the Articles
The Medication Reconciliation article emphasizes on the need to collect the past medical information about the patients and to apply it in the decision doing exercise. It explains the reasons behind the exercise, which include; avoidance of adverse drug interactions like overdosing, administering the right medication, tracking of medical changes and proper communication. It further emphasizes on the compliance of the healthcare practitioners in keeping the patients safe. Pang’s article on the ISBARR principles elaborates on the importance of the tool in patient welfare while Mazurenko et al.’s article embarks on the relationship between teamwork and patient safety. They conclude that this tool enhances integrity, accountability and responsibility, proper communication and orderliness; hence it is crucial in the healthcare environment. Here, the findings are that these aspects directly impact each other because teamwork enhances orderliness, reduction of costs, proper communication and job satisfaction. All these issues result in better services and increased safety of the patients.
Safety of Patients and Conclusion
Evidence-based practice; teamwork and communication contribute to the welfare of the patients. With evidence-based practice, the patients like Mary can be assured of proper diagnosis and hence enhance their recovery. In such cases, misdiagnosis is excluded in the healthcare environment as the practitioners make informed and viable decisions on the treatments processes. Teamwork enhances the experience, relationships and job satisfaction of the workers, and this offers the best environment to enhance the overall treatment process. Finally, proper communication promotes orderliness in the work environment and minimizes mistakes as a result of miscommunication or misinterpretation of the treatment regimen. Accordingly, all these factors help in patient-centred and safe services for the patients.
Lester, P. E., Sahansra, S., Shen, M., Becker, M., & Islam, S. (2019). Medication Reconciliation: An Educational Module. MedEdPORTAL: the Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources , 15 .
Pang, W. I. (2017). Promoting integrity of shift report by applying ISBAR principles among nursing students in clinical placement. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 37, p. 01019). EDP Sciences.
Mazurenko, O., Richter, J., Swanson-Kazley, A., & Ford, E. (2016). Examination of the relationship between management and clinician agreement on communication openness, teamwork, and patient satisfaction in the US hospitals. Journal of Hospital Administration , 5 (4), 20-27.