16 Sep 2022


Mindfulness: How to Be More Present in Your Life

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 569

Pages: 1

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The current business environment requires organization leaders to be mindful of their operations to help motivate their junior workers and engage them more to enhance business success. The early days have passed when organizations depended upon gathering data and using spreadsheets. Nowadays, leaders use neuroscience to improve their organizational development. Neuroscience helps leaders develop pathways in their organizations to create new ways for them to focus and innovate on the important duties and ensure they are successful in their operations. Habermacher et al. (2014) applied the constancy theory, which is a technique that leaders can apply within the organization to help improve their business. Habermacher et al. (2014) stated that the model could be combined with the coaching framework to help on improving leadership skills. They further stated the human motivation depends upon direction, self-esteem, and pleasure needs. Leaders should have the neurological perspectives to help in psychotherapy, mental illnesses, and other basic needs. Additionally, they should have the capability to apply neuroscience to help understand the emotions in their workers. Habermacher et al. (2014) also stated that motivation is important in driving the individual’s ability to participate in activities that help improve well-being and promote healthy brain performance. Additionally, motivation helps in driving basic needs and makes individuals feel more valued, have more freedom, and understand the world well. The authors state that leaders can use their resources to meet their basic needs. They can use their viewpoint schema and activate the schema to enhance success. Neurobiology helps to learn and create sustainable coaching mediations. Additionally, neurobiology enables leaders to fulfill their goals and avoid violations. Moreover, coaching helps in feedback systems and bringing attention to certain factors that might be unconscious. Using the neurological viewpoint and the coaching framework will help develop healthy environments and brains and promote learning in the brain. Additionally, neurology equips leaders with a framework and knowledge that provides intervening techniques and building resources at the right place. 

Kyaga et al. argued that bipolar disorder is closely related to leadership traits. Also, most of the significant leaders have ever suffered from mental illnesses. Additionally, they stated that bipolar disorder is associated with leadership and political attainments. Also, leaders with bipolar disorder stress towards attaining goals and achieving self-worth. They are more willing to increase their efforts to improve on the conditions involving rewards. Additionally, the individuals with the disorder are possessed with wants even after acquiring the rewards and thus, validating highly aspiring goals. Moreover, they are more motivated, which enhances effective leadership. Positive cognitive traits of empathy, realism are observed in bipolar people. Having a good appreciation of the positive traits of the mental illness and exploring the techniques helps improve the mental traits. People with traits related to the disorder are essential in leadership. Kyaga et al. state that people with BP and no chronicity are not effective in holding administrative professionals than the population. The authors used occupational records to explore people with BP. They found that siblings have more leadership skills and possess more political professions. The authors provide a clear intent on which organization leaders should support people affected by bipolar disorder. They should make the work environment like providing better job descriptions and providing leaves if the employees experience emotional symptoms and physical diseases. Also, individuals with BP have no good leadership qualities, which is also similar to their siblings. People with the condition have some benefits such as creativity and are disproportionally in the professional groups. The research has shown some traits that evident in some leaders are linked to bipolar. Moreover, the BP makes the leaders to be more mindful and have decreased depressive symptoms. It helps in increasing emotional control capabilities and individual well-being. 

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Habermacher, A., Ghadiri, A., & Peters, T. (2014). The case for basic human needs in coaching: A neuroscientific perspective – The SCOAP Coach Theory. The Coaching Psychologist, 10 (1). 

Kyaga, S., Lichtenstein, P., Boman, M., & Landen, M. (2015). Bipolar disorder and leadership – a total population study. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 131 , 111-119. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Mindfulness: How to Be More Present in Your Life.


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