8 Jun 2022


Monic Ltd Performance Management

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1630

Pages: 6

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Monic Ltd is a local small-scale electronic manufacturing and supplies company. Monic specializes in the production of mobile phone parts, chips, and provision of custom made electronic AI devices for special companies. The company employs over 800 casual workers, and 250 full time employees ( Cascio, 2014) . The casual workers handle manual work in the production chain in the factories. Recently, the company has reported decline in production and this has been assessed to be as a result of lack of drive by the employees, lack of proper training in certain technical areas, lack of adoption of new technologies and lack of critical skills in certain areas of production. The management is also reluctant to train the employees, motivate workers and help in increasing revenues. 

PMS Step 1: Performance Outcomes 

The company needs to motivate the employees through a reward system, there is need for motivating the workers to trust the company again and to start giving their best in their respective fields. Monic is specifically interested in attracting high skilled workers in different technical areas, training these workers continuously to ensure the employees are equipped with the skills and knowhow to increase production. Monic does not just need to hire, it needs to attract a diversified workforce that will bring in the required creativity and promote an environment that is accepting of people from different cultures across the globe. 

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PMS Step 2: Employee Part to Achieve Outcome 

Change is complex. Enhancing employee performance through introduction of new ideas into the business is likely to meet rejection from some employees. This may be due to fear of change in status quo, fear of lack of the appropriate skills, and fear of negative outcome that may directly impact on the employee. 

It is upon the employer to develop the worker goals, behaviors and actions to achieve the set objectives. One of the most effective ways to achieve the expected outcome is to issue training to the employees about the initiated changes in terms of employee performance. The supervisors are expected to undergo the managers training to be equipped with the practical skills to help the workers get acquainted to the new ways and the expected objectives. 

The employer needs to introduce the appropriate tools for self-monitoring. For example, key performance indicators (KPI). KPIs will go a great mile in ensuring that every employee meets their individual objectives for the organization to move forward as one. Just like there are supposed to be rewards, there is need for punishments for not meeting these targets, including firing the employees that repeatedly fails the performance tests. 

PMS Step 3: Support and Supervision to Performance Discussion 

A happy employee is highly productive. Workers needs to be highly motivated to highly perform. Worker happiness can be achieved by introducing a friendly working environment, incentives for performance, reward-punishment program, allowing for creativity amongst the employees, and proper remuneration. The worker empowerment policy gears towards promoting a culture of self-drive among the employees to give their best through hard and smart work, through collaboration, innovation, and good relations with the company. Empowerment needs to be long-term through ensuring worker well-fare ad promoting their career through training and furthering their education and enhancing their skills. This policy will work towards motivating the employees to begin working hard, and to help them see the company objective and let them understand their significance as capital to the company. 

Monic Ltd policy aims to promote the culture of being aware of the environment in all its functionalities and all its products. The Monic Ltd objective is to manufacture products through high ethical standards and to protect the environment by using green energy and approaches in the processes. It is therefore a priority for Monic Ltd to move from the current harmful methods of production and products to an environmental friendly approaches. This will be done gradually in a manner that the company is able to sustain. Monic Ltd, therefore resolves to use environmental friendly materials and to protect its employees, community and the environment from any harm. This include use of proper 

PMS Step 4: Evaluate Employee Performance 

We have boosted the employee morale, we have placed strategies to ensure they are satisfied with the job, we have ways to measure their performance through training, it is time now to ensure the effort is paying. 

Once we introduce the suggested employee performance management methods, provided the appropriate training and put in place the employee morale-boosting strategies, we need to put in place performance measuring metrics. We can use a combination of performance metrics to help us evaluate whether the workers are helping the company to grow by achieving their target objectives and goals. The metrics I suggest include productivity, efficiency and training. Training and development ensure the satisfaction of the organization’s employees in the capacities that they function within the organization. Through training, the employees are able to acquire new skills and knowledge that aids them in executing their roles and duties 

We can evaluate employee performance through employee performance data, including self-evaluation reports, graphic rating scales, and checklist. Implementing a 360-degree feedback system will go a greater level in helping assess every employee contribution. I believe creating a self-evaluation reports that employees must fill every quarter will be a step towards understanding the output by every worker in the organization. This way, we will be able to know the best performance, the least performance and those who are to be trained for leadership positions. 

PMS Step 5: Identity Improvements Needed 

Human resource management in an organization is positively impacted by the employee branding process and the latter also provides a competitive advantage. Additionally, attraction, satisfaction and retention of employees are also enhanced through the process. Subsequently, the image of the organizations receives a lift and a rise in its status is also experienced within the organization and the market. 

Here is a summary of four areas for an organization to identify its training needs. These are specifically chosen based on the needs of our company to achieve its long-term goals and objectives: analysis of the job requirement, organization analysis and performance appraisal. Analysis of the job requirements involves the examination and evaluation of the details on the qualifications of a particular job, and the recruits that lack the required skills are selected for training. Analysis of the organization involves a comparison of both the success and effectiveness of an organization is conducted. This facilitates the identification of staff members in need of training, for example, individuals from various departments that have shown a high turnover rate. Appraisals of performance is a technique involves evaluating the performance of an employee through establishing how many objectives have been achieved as per the job description. 

PMS Step 6: Consequences for Performance Results 

When employees are evaluated for performance, the results are likely to give the best performers, average performers and lowest performers. The best performers need to be rewarded. This will motivate them to do better, and this will also act as an encouraging factor to the average and low performers to do better. The best performers rewards can be in terms of job promotion, certificate awards, salary increase, and provision of certain privileges. In the same spirit, the failures must also be punished. Those who continuously show no improvement needs to be warned for possible firing, and this has to be inscribed in the company policies. 

HR Management Strategies Evaluation 

There are three basic methods of training the employees including coaching, sensitivity training and lectures and conferences ( Anitha, 2014) . Coaching method of training concentrates mainly on the weak areas that have been identified, which is usually fast and is personal between the coach and the member of staff being trained. It also helps to bring out the technical skills of trainees from the theory taught. This is evidenced by the Indian mechanics of which most of them learn how to work on scooters through this method. Lectures and Conferences: Every single training program employed by an organization commences with both a conference and a lecture. This serves to reach a big audience through the use of verbal presentation, which should not only be motivating but should also create a level of curiosity. The individual given the opportunity to lecture should be well-versed with the topic of discussion during the lecture and conference. And this method is the most widely used. Sensitivity Training method can also be referred to as T-group training. It involves the creation of better understanding among the staff of an organization through the development and implementation of behavioural flexibility and social sensitivity within them. And this is simply being able to sense and understand the feelings expressed by fellow individuals. 

Impact of Proposed HR Management Strategies 

Worker engagement is the extent at which a worker is satisfied with their work, feels valued and trust in the organization. Workers who are engaged tend to stay with the organization for longer periods and enhance their output which adds more value to the company. These employees add to the performance of the company and to themselves as both thrive and efficiency is improved and sustained. 

Employee training equips the worker with the necessary skills required to perform specific tasks with their best ability, best accuracy and utilizes the available resources appropriately. Training makes the workers highly efficient, highly productive ( Gruman & Saks, 2011) . Training also ensures that the products generated are of high quality, attracting more customers in the process and increasing sales and as a result increasing profitability of the business over the short and long-term. 

Continual recruitment ensures that the business continuously attract the best talent from the market. Recruitment strategies ensures that the business absorbs the best employees in the market, especially the creativity, technical expertise and the skills to beat the competition. 


Our company can attract and retain talent through training and development. One of these ways through which the company can attract and retain talent is by employee branding. This involves taking the brand identity of the organization and incorporating it with the behaviour and attitude of members of staff, so as to create a projection of the brand identity with the behaviours and attitudes of employees. We need to integrate raining and Development Programs in the organization and provide regular training t with its staff members in different areas. Employee branding is founded on the values and mission of an organization. Through the employee branding process, the employees acquire a better comprehension of the organization’s desired brand image and are able to also experience the latter. According to Miles and Mangold in 2005, the employers and employees’ psychological agreement also forms part of employee branding. 


Gruman, J. A., & Saks, A. M. (2011). Performance management and employee engagement.  Human resource management review 21 (2), 123-136. 

Cascio, W. F. (2014). Leveraging employer branding, performance management and human resource development to enhance employee retention. 

Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.  International journal of productivity and performance management

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Monic Ltd Performance Management.


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