24 Sep 2022


Multi-Agency Law Enforcement

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1832

Pages: 7

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Over the years, the law enforcement department has always faced numerous challenges from both internal and external environments. The law enforcers’ work together to ensure the efficiency of law enforcement. The cooperation between different departments of law enforcers has always been faced numerous challenges which in turn hinder effective collaboration and instead lead to misunderstanding and conflicts that arise from the problems ( Murphy et al., 2014) . For example, one of the significant challenges that have affect partnership between different law enforcers is ineffective communication as well as conflict of duties when working together. As a result, such difficulties should be minimized to ensure that various law enforcement departments can work together. Statistics indicate that effective partnership and cooperation between different law enforcers have been found to be useful in managing crime such as terrorism and drug and substance abuse ( Murphy et al., 2014) . A comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding between the partnering forces or department is essential in enhancing mutual understanding between the parties involved in an attempt to improve the relationship between the parties which will, in turn, lead to enhanced performance and better service to the people. 


Firstly, it is essential to establish an active communication structure and system. Communication plays a critical role in any form of partnership, therefore, developing appropriate communication systems will ensure smooth flow of information which will, in turn, enhance the day to day operations of the partnering departments ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . From the past, law enforcement groups working together have been faced with information sharing challenges which adversely impact partnering forces to work together effectively. Based on the already existing statistics, ineffective communication between law enforcers has negatively hindered the effectiveness of the forces working together ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . For example, during the September 11 attack, statistics indicate that the detective had adequate information and had already worn the security of an attempted attack ( Murphy et al., 2014) . Inability to share data between the US law enforcers and security forces such as homeland security significantly lead to failure in protecting the US against terrorism. Leading to the success of the terrorist attack leading to massive loss of lives and destruction of properties ( Rosenbaum, 2014) . Also, it is vital to note that in a multi-agency relationship, the parties involved should be actively involved in original data collection, analysis, and dissemination as well as in information sharing. 

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Additionally, while still focusing on communication, data restriction also adversely Multi-agency cooperation ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . Lack of direct access to original data, sources and database of the partnering parties especially the inability of the local agencies to access such data significantly affects the ability of the teams to work together towards a common goal. Additionally, obstacles such as a stand-alone database utilized by different participating agencies wildly hinder information sharing which further impact on the abilities of the agencies to work together ( Rosenbaum, 2014) . Although sometimes it is essential for law enforcement agencies to keep a secret of information regarding specific agency's operations it is key to state that restrictions of such data might adversely affect multi-agency operation due to lack of adequate information on activities of partnering agencies ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . It is also important to indicate that transparency of information is vital while dealing with multi-agency and the agency leaders should develop a mechanism that involves frequent such as daily briefings to ensure that the team members have adequate information and they are not frustrated by information withholding. 

In addition to the participating agencies, the external environment should also be provided with adequate information. Such external stakeholders include the general public and the media personalities. The technique will eliminate rumors and speculations as well as protecting the parties from misleading information ( Rosenbaum, 2014) . Information sharing should be quick and accurate to avoid errors that arise from delayed delivery of information as well as due to inappropriate information. In this case, the concerned agencies should be informed of any form of development on crime as quick and accurate as possible. 

Role Definition 

Managing multi-agencies is complex and require strategy while delegating duties and responsibilities. Statistics indicate that role-conflicts constitute a significant source of the strained relationship between different law enforcers working together ( Fleming & Wood, 2013) . As a result, it is essential to explicitly state the duties and responsibilities of each and parties involves. Additionally, duty and role definition significantly enhances accountability which further helps in improving the multi-agency law enforcers’ performance. Despite the role definition, in some instances especially at the scene of events role conflict is likely to occur and hence it is essential to effectively plan and delegate duties and responsibilities based on the skills and professionally presented by the multi-agency ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . Also, the role definition also helps members from different agencies to identify with individuals whom they should form a relationship with (Bellamy et al., 2015). In this case, some relationship is developed before the occurrence of a crisis while others are developed during the crisis. It is also essential to indicate that role definition also plays a critical role in eliminating anxiety among local officers which occurs when the federal law enforcers are involved in the same roles as the local officers. The state and local officers might be unwilling to cede the investigation which in turn leads to role confusion and resistance among the agencies personnel ( Fleming & Wood, 2013) . Role definition also ensures that roles that conflict between law enforcers are well defined and streamlined to eliminate contradiction of roles while operating as a multi-agency. 

In October 2002 the Washington DC was terrorized by a spree of terrorist that focused on victims indiscriminately. In response to the terrorist activities for 23 days in October 2002, the sniper team occupied the Washington Dc and Central Virginia regions. The move challenged the duties and responsibilities of the area law enforcers leading to role conflicts and confusion which hindered the corporation between the snipers and the local law enforcers which further impeded the sniper's roles in the region ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . Role definition also ensures effective utilization of talents and skills. Failure to define duties and responsibilities lead to underutilization of some abilities, skills, and expertise while working as a multi-agency. It is therefore essential to describe duties and responsibilities to ensure that each officer understands his or her role which will, in turn, ensure smooth partnering as well as operation ( Rosenbaum, 2014) . The definition of duties and responsibilities should primarily focus on personal skills, abilities as well as experiences. Essential, during a crisis, it is crucial to indicate that new duties and responsibilities might arise which might require the hiring of other personnel skilled in the specific roles. 

Effective Management of Information 

In addition to effective communication it is essential to indicate that while dealing with multi-agencies, efficient management of information is primarily in enhancing the relationship and performance of the agencies ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . A reliable flow of information is essential to any law enforcers' mission. Effective collection, analysis, dissemination of tips, intelligence and leads, as well as effective management of criminal history, significantly leads to a quick apprehension as opposed to prolonged and frustrating law enforcers' efforts ( Fleming & Wood, 2013) . The systems of communication should be adequate to allow the sharing of information which in turn allows a quick response to a law enforcement crisis. For example, the communication tools such as mobile phones should be ready to adopt new networks as well as ability to store power for a relatively long time. It is also essential to indicate that the partnering law enforcement agencies should acquire the necessary tools and equipment that allows analysis and sharing of information from large investigation agencies ( Bellamy et al., 2015) . Multi-agencies should also ensure that the information shared by the law enforcement agencies is private and protected to ensure that the information is not accessed by other individuals such as terrorist who might use the information to understand the law enforcers operations which in turn will pose a security threat to the state and nation at large. 

Planning and Preparation 

Effective planning and preparation for a crisis are critical in acquiring and gathering the necessary resources that might be needed during the emergency. A plan ensures that the agencies are well equipped regarding all the required resources such as human resource and law enforcement tools and equipment such as guns ( Rosenbaum, 2014) . Importantly, the participating agencies should develop plans and policies before the occurrence of a crisis. Setting up plans and policies is key to ensuring that the parties involved agree to policies and procedures on how to deal with a crisis. For example, agreement on programs and policies on how to manage a crime scene as well as how to handle the criminals. The operations of a multi-agency are guided by common policies to ensure that the activities of one agency do not overshadow or hinder the actions of the other agencies involved ( Rosenbaum, 2014) . Resources are always scared and appropriate planning ensures that the scares resources are well shared, hence, allowing the agencies to operate despite the scares resources effectively. 

Additionally, effective planning and preparation ensure effective utilization of resources while at the same time reduces wastage that might occur while dealing with multiple agencies. Also, during the planning and preparation season, the agencies should also focus on agreeing with other agencies whose support for specific resources might be essential during a crisis ( Rosenbaum, 2014) . Effective planning and preparation also ensure that the agencies evaluate the possible challenges likely to affect the multi-agency and hence allow timely identification and establishing possible solutions to a potential challenge which further help to enhance the performance of a multi-agency. Despite the early planning and preparation, it is essential, the plan and policies should be flexible to ensure that the nature of a crime does not limit them. In this case, the plan and policies should be flexible to meet crisis specifications ( Rosenbaum, 2014)

Defining Territories 

Law enforcers work within a given region and therefore while involving two or more law enforcement agencies it is essential to define the working boundaries in an attempt to ensure that the multi-agency activities do not interfere with the normal operations of other agencies. While working as a multi-agency, there are high chances that the territorial boundaries will be cross which might lead to social unrest among the law enforcers ( Fleming & Wood, 2013) . It is also essential to define the regions which the multi-agency will be operating in to ensure that the operations do not in any way interfere with other local and state law enforcers’ activities. However, in some instances, the territorial boundaries are likely to be eliminated while collectively dealing with a crisis ( Rosenbaum, 2014)

In addition to defining territories, building trust between the multi-agencies is essential in enabling the agencies to work together. In this case, duties and responsibilities should be equally distributed between the agencies to ensure that none of the participating agencies is overloaded or understated. Job and authority delegation should also be carried out to allow diversity and utilization of the available leadership skills ( Rosenbaum, 2014)


Multi-agency operation in law enforcement has been found to be effective in dealing with numerous crimes including terrorist activities. However, the variations presented by the agencies while trying to work as multi-agency present innumerable challenges hinder effective partnership and networking of the law enforcement agencies involved in a multi-agency project. Some of the major problems include ineffective communication which adversely impacts the general operations of the multi-agency right from a delegation of duties to collection, analysis, dissemination, and sharing of information. Information sharing is critical while working as a multi-agency and timely and accurate development should be provided to the necessary agents for further actions and decision making. Also, effective management of information is also essential in ensuring smooth flow of adequate regarding quality and quantity information. Finally, role definition among other factors should be considered in an attempt to enhance the effectiveness of the multi-agency. 


Bellamy, C., 6, P. E. R. R. I., Raab, C., Warren, A., & Heeney, C. (2015). Information ‐ sharing and confidentiality in social policy: Regulating multi ‐ agency working.  Public Administration 86 (3), 737-759. 

Fleming, J., & Wood, J. D. (Eds.). (2013).  Fighting crime together: the challenges of policing and security networks . UNSW Press. 

Murphy, G. R., Wexler, C., Davies, H. J., & Plotkin, M. R. (2014, October). Managing a multijurisdictional case: Identifying the lessons learned from the sniper investigation. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum. 

Rosenbaum, D. P. (2014). Evaluating multi-agency anti-crime partnerships: Theory, design, and measurement issues.  Crime prevention studies 14 , 171-225. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Multi-Agency Law Enforcement.


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