9 Sep 2022


Music And You: The Relationship Between Music And Emotion

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 278

Pages: 1

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There are different factors that determine the type of music we enjoy; these factors include both social and environmental factors. When in my early teenage hood I used to enjoy hip-hop and rock music; this was influenced by the company I associated with and the environmental setting which a campus environment full was of hyperactive people and a lot of exploration. Life during this time was all about partying and identifying with specific groups that shared similar social activities. Now in my final year in school I find myself having little or no interest for hip-hop and rock music; although it was very exciting to listen to this kind of music in my first and second year in college, I no longer have the same interest. Contrary to the enjoyment and satisfaction I found in hip-hop and rock music, I find this type of music so loud and disturbing and am uncomfortable watching the images of some of the performers even in the presence of my peers. Hip-hop and rock music makes me feel distracted and every time I listen to that type of music I have memories of a past that was very active and unorganized. Hip-hop and rock music also brings back a past that comprised of involvement with school gangs that had little to contribute to our future but instead were aimed at finding prestige and fame. This type of music also determined the way I dressed and the way I related with the people that surrounded me. I find it hard to relate with this type of music today considering that I am now a busy working citizen who spend most of the time meeting goals and associating with people who will help me grow; today I enjoy slow music playing in low volume. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Music And You: The Relationship Between Music And Emotion.


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