5 Nov 2022


National Labor Relations Board Exerts Its Authority Over All Employers

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 357

Pages: 1

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What was the National Labor Relations Board trying to accomplish with this requirement? 

The National Labor Relations board was attempting to improve the wages as well as working conditions of employees in the private sector, with or without a union when it came up with the requirement of demanding all private-sector employers to notify their employees of their rights. The board wanted to encourage collective bargaining and to do away with particular management practices and private sector labor than can cause significant harm to the welfare of employees, businesses and the economy of the state. The board wanted all employees to be aware of their labor rights so that employers cannot take advantage of them. Since the NLRB cannot give fines, the violation of an organization may be considered as evidence of unlawful motive. The board wanted to inform workers that they have labor rights which include right to act together as a group to improve their working conditions and salaries, to create, join, or even offer assistance to a union. Workers also have a right to bargain collectively with their employer as well as withholding from any of the activities (Werner, 2011). They also wanted to notify workers of organization as well as union conduct that is unlawful and to provide contact information in case the workers felt that their rights were violated hence it would be easy for employees to report labor violations. The NLRB also wanted to affirm itself in the unionized and nonunionized workplaces. 

What objections would employers have to these postings and why would unions want them? 

The objections that employers would have on these postings is that employees will take advantage of their rights and it will be effortless for them to sue businesses in case they feel that they are wronged by the company. Employers are also against this postings because it will not be easy for them to terminate their workers without a good and just reason and employees will raise a lot of questions concerning their rights (Werner, 2011). Unions would want these postings as they would be helpful in championing their rights. It would be easy for unions to exercise their rights as the rights would be already posted in companies and employees would be well aware of the rights. 

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Werner, J. L. (2011, September). SnapshotFiles/ac762362-f09c-4016-bf81-cd285de7e970/NonSubscriber.snapshot . Retrieved from https://www.lowenstein.com: https://www.lowenstein.com/SnapshotFiles/ac762362-f09c-4016-bf81-cd285de7e970/NonSubscriber.snapshot 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). National Labor Relations Board Exerts Its Authority Over All Employers.


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