20 Sep 2022


Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults

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Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 2683

Pages: 10

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The title of the article is good enough as it gives the reader a glimpse of what the researchers studies. In this case, the title is "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults." By looking at the title, the reader gets to know that the purpose of the research is to investigate two variables, namely physical activity and cognitive function. The population of the study is elderly adults. Also, the topic shows that the researchers will measure these variables objectively, and this indicates that they intend to eliminate any cases of bias. However, the title is not sufficient to tell the reader whether the researchers aims at investigating the relationship between the two variables or whether they are researching them independently. Thus, the title of the article is fair as it illustrates the variables and population of the study, but it does not give the reader all the information required to understand what the objective of the research is. 


The abstract is a short description of what the writer intends to cover in their work, and this should provide the reader with what they should expect to be covered. In this case, the abstract of the research article "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults" clearly and concisely summarizes the primary features of the report. First, the researchers introduce the purpose of the study by stating that there has been emerging evidence showing that there is a relationship between physical activity (PA) and cognitive function. Also, the researchers report that there have been limitations of self-report PA measures that the study seeks to address. The problem in the abstract links the topic to the problem of the study. The reader understands the intention of the researchers to use objective measures in analyzing the variables of the research. In this case, the purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship of "accelerometer-measured PA with incident cognitive impairment and longitudinal cognition among older adults." Thus, the problem in the abstract provides the researchers with a clear perspective about the problem which the researchers aim to address. 

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Also, the abstract analyzes the methodology used in the collection and analysis of the research. The reader gets to understand the number of participants in the study, how they were recruited, where the researchers conducted the study as well as how the variables were measured. The researchers also demonstrate the results gathered from the research and the conclusions made from these findings. By going through these features, the reader gets to know what to expect from reading the article. In the end, the keywords of the study are identified, and these are "cognitive decline, memory, executive function, accelerometer, ageing population." These keywords are essential because they help the reader to understand the primary issues of the study. Therefore, the abstract of the article "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults" addresses all elements of the research and what the researchers address. 


Statement of the Problem 

The problem of the study is easy to identify in the introduction part because of how the researchers address the variables and population of the study. First, the researchers discuss the issue of cognitive ability and support it with statistics, and this shows the reader how the problem is becoming critical among individuals. Some of the cognitive impairments identified include Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. The estimated number of dementia cases in the world is approximately 7.7 million, and this shows how serious the problem is. Next is that the researchers link how these ailments are more rampant with old age and can impact more population as the years pass. In this case, there is a prediction of how cognitive impairments are more likely to affect a wider population by 2030 and 2050. Given the prediction that these cases are more likely to double every year, the reader understands how serious the problem is and how it requires attention. Thus, the researchers make it easy for the issue of cognitive impairment to be easily understood in the introduction. 

The next problem that the researchers address is physical activity (PA) and the impact that it can have on the health of the elderly population. The objective of the research is to use objective measures in assessing PA, and the problem about subjective measures used before has been addressed in the introduction part. Some of the issues identified and which affected measurements of physical activity were bias, and others. The problem has significance for nursing because it provides professionals in this sector with some of the preventive measures they can recommend for patients to prevent contracting cognitive impairments and to increase the functioning of their brain. The researchers also address the differences existing between races, and they address the whites and Blacks. Nurses will be in a position to promote healthy cognitive ageing because they will understand the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and cognition in various racial/ethnic groups. Thus, the problem statement of the study builds a compelling, persuasive argument for the new research. 

The introduction match provides a good match between the research problem and paradigm. The issue that the researchers investigate is how old age is correlated with a decline in cognitive functioning. There is an aim to identify how physical activity helps in addressing the problem, and there is a definition of how this aspect will be measured. As a result, there is a clear description of the relationship between the research problem and the paradigm. In this study, a quantitative approach is significant because the researchers attempt to identify the relationship between two variables, namely physical activity and cognitive functioning. Generally, the problem statement of the research justifies the methodology that the researchers used and how it was convenient in attaining the research objective. 

Research Questions 

The researchers do not state the research questions. However, the purpose of the study was "to investigate the association of objectively measured PA with longitudinal cognitive function (including global cognitive function, memory and executive function) in White and Black older adults." There is no justification for the absence of the research questions, but the objective provides the reader with an understanding of some of the essential aspects that will be addressed in the study. These questions would have been crucial in giving directions for the research. Irrespective of the shortcomings, the purpose of the study is clear and states that the researchers aim at establishing the relationship between cognitive behaviour and physical activity in the elderly population. 

Literature Review 

The researchers do not have a literature review section but summarize the concepts in the introduction part. Even though they do not adequately summarize the existing body of knowledge for the problem, there is evidence about the need for a new study. As indicated, there is a description of cognitive impairments and how they are associated with old age and how the incidences will continue to double every twenty years. Another problem that the researchers address is the subjectivity of measures of physical activities in past studies. The researchers justify the new research by pointing out how fewer studies have focused on national studies, especially in ethnic disparities. Generally, there is no section about the literature review as the information presented in the introduction part covers this information. The knowledge described are based on primary sources and justify the need for new research. In this case, the literature review is not sufficient, but still addresses the problem that requires investigation. 


Protection of Human Rights 

The researchers protected the rights of individuals by allowing them to make their decisions. During telephone interviews, participants were asked whether they were willing to wear an accelerometer and complete a daily activity log for one week. The procedure shows that there was respect for human rights as they could not be forced into doing something that they were not comfortable with doing. When the participants accepted to be part of the activities, they were then sent an accelerometer and a log sheet through email. Besides, the researchers conducted the research ethically as they had to obtain the informed consent of the participants. In this case, the researchers did not force the participants into doing what they did not want, and this shows respect for their human rights. 

Another reason to shows that there was the protection of human rights is that the research was externally reviewed by institutional review boards, which in this case were Arizona State University, University of South Carolina, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Also, the purpose of the study was to do good and not to harm patients, and the researchers aimed at ensuring that the participants receive some treatment to make their conditions better. Thus, the study titled "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults" protected human rights. 

Research Design 

In this case, longitudinal study was used, and this involves following up with participants over a given period. This design was appropriate, given that the researchers established that cognitive ability declines as individuals get older. As a result, there was a possibility of investigating how age is associated with cognitive impairments. The researchers conducted follow-ups every six months to determine the impacts of physical activity among the participants. After every two years, there was a measure of the progress of their cognitive ability. The design provided appropriate comparisons that provided the researchers to make comparisons and this enhanced the interpretability of the findings. Thus, the intervals of measuring the variables of physical activity and cognitive ability were well presented by the design of the study, and this allowed the researchers to present reliable and credible information. 

During the start of the study, the researchers collected demographic information about the researchers, and these included age, race, sex, and current geographic location. Other aspects that the participants had to report were their highest education level, diagnosis of stroke by a physician, their health status, smoking, as well as their history of hypertension. The information was essential because it allowed the researchers to determine whether any issues could have affected the cognitive ability of the participants before the study. Body mass index (BMI) measure was essential as it helped to compare whether there was a match between the height and weight of participants. In most cases, physical activity lowers BMI of individuals; hence making them healthier. 

Besides, the researchers defined some of the information collected, and this helped ensure that the right criteria were used. Some of the definitions provided were blood pressure and diabetes. On the other side, the researchers had a defined way of measuring cognitive impairment of participants. The participant's score on the Six-Item Screener (SIS) was used in assessing them. The definitions and the measurements used in the design minimized biases and threats that would have impacted the validity of the research. 

Population and Sample 

The article defines the population of the study is detailed, and in this case, it consisted of the elderly population from diverse racial and or ethnical groups who had to wear an accelerometer. Initially, the study targeted 12,146 participants, but 8,096 provided data. The researchers point out some of the reasons that led to the lower participation rate, with some being the failure to wear or return the accelerometer, missing the device, errors in filling the log sheets, as well as non-compliance. Also, the researchers describe the sample of the study and pointed out to include 6452 White and Black older adult participants who used an accelerometer and with at least one complete follow-up. Sampling biases were minimized because there was a combination of individuals from different races, and all had to meet the required age to take part in the study. Generally, the population and the samples in the study were the best possible and reduced any issues that could have affected the credibility and reliability of the information provided and collected during the study. 

Data Collection and Measurement 

During data collection, the researchers provided definitions of concepts such as diabetes, blood pressure, and body mass index (BMI). As a result, there was a minimization of any errors that could occur in the process. Also, the researchers operationalized vital variables using the best method. For cognitive functioning, the researchers used REGARDS follow-up telephone interviews to measure this variable, and there was the use of standardized scripts and scoring methods that had been described before. The technique was justified because of the lack of objective measures in assessing one's cognitive ability. In assessing the level of physical activity, the participants wore a Mini Mitter Respironics, Inc., Bend over their right hip, and this was attached to a neoprene waistband. The purpose of these was to provide an estimate of the frequency, intensity, and duration of the physical activity of the participants. The participants had instructions to wear these devices when they woke up in the morning for seven consecutive days, and then return them immediately. The report provides that not all data was analyzed because of various discrepancies that occurred during data collection. As a result, there is evidence that the data collection methods used yielded reliable and valid information since the researchers used data that was complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge. 


The study does not have an intervention presented to any group of participants. Regardless of this, there is evidence that the researchers collected data in a way that minimized bias. For instance, the population consisted of individuals from different ethnicities and races, the data collected was specific and included demographic characteristics, and the measures of the variables were well defined. The statistical analysis process was well-documented, and all the ethical considerations were upheld. The staff of Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS), in the U.S., assisted in the data collection process, and given their levels of training, the data collected was reliable. Generally, the procedure used in the collection of data in the article "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults" led to minimal biases and credible data for analysis. 


Data Analysis 

Analysis of the data collected was taken to address each of the variables and establish the relationship between them. The researchers presented data in tables to address each of the key variables of the research. Given the levels of measurements, there were appropriate statistical methods used in analyzing data. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between cognitive ability and physical activity, and to attain this; the researchers used regression analysis. This measure is the beast quantitative analysis tool that helps in identifying whether there is a correlation between two or more variables. The only shortcoming that the researchers did not perform an intention-to-treat analysis. However, there was the accountability of missing data such as those that did not return the accelerometers, or misused them, or failed to fill in the logs correctly. Generally, data analysis considered all variables as well as discrepancies that occurred in the process of collecting data. 


The results of the study present information about statistical significance. For instance, confidence interval (CI) presented were adjusted for various characteristics, namely "age, sex, race, the region of residence, education, BMI, hypertension, smoking, and diabetes". Besides, the researchers have made good use of tables in presenting their findings, and this makes it easier for the reader to identify the information that they want to understand. For instance, there are tables about variables of the research as well as quartiles and these are presented systematically. The reports contain sufficient information needed for evidence-based practice. Generally, the findings of the study are reported in such a way that readers can easily understand the information presented by the researchers. 


The researchers discuss all findings of the study within the context of their research objective. They provide the relationship that exists between the two variables, physical activity and cognitive ability while justifying this causal effect. Besides, they point out the limitations that were disadvantageous to the research process, and this helps in identifying what could have caused the differences in the figures. The researchers acknowledge limited research in the field and provide that there is a need for further observation of their cohort study to determine whether there are differences between the White and Black adults in how their physical activity and cognitive function respond to doses. In the end, there is an acknowledgement of the possibility of the results not being generalizable to other REGARDS participants. Generally, the discussions section of the article "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults" address all findings of the research, shortcomings that could have affected the study, as well as generalizability and relationship between key variables. 

Global Issues 

The report of the article "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults" is well written, organized, and detailed for analysis. The only shortcoming is that the researchers do not cover adequate literature review about past studies on their topic of study. Also, the findings of the research are accessible to nurses, and they can use it to promote healthy cognitive ageing among their patients, based on demographic characteristics such as race, age, gender, and others. Also, they will be in a position to consider other health factors that may have affected patients before recommending appropriate care and correct physical activities they should participate or take part. Besides, the researchers' qualifications and experience enhance confidence in their findings and interpretation. They work incredible institutions and departments, and their combined efforts make the study credible and reliable. Despite the limitations of the study, there is confidence in the information presented, and the study contributes meaningfully to the nursing practice. For instance, there will be better handling of patients to reduce incidences of mental impairments and to ensure that they are physically fit in all aspects of their lives. Also, nurses benefit in the field of handling patients in care facilities. Generally, the article "Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults" presents credible information, research, findings, and conclusions that can be applied in evidence-based practice to ensure better health as individuals age. 


Zhu, W., Wadley, V. G., Howard, V. J., Hutto, B., Blair, S. N., & Hooker, S. P. (2017). 

Objectively measured physical activity and cognitive function in older adults.  Medicine and science in sports and exercise 49 (1), 47. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Elderly Adults.


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