31 Aug 2022


Odin Lloyd Murder: An Analysis

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The shooting and killing of Odin Lloyd occurred on 17, 2013, within North Attleborough, Massachusetts. It is clear that the death of Lloyd made international headline particular because one of the superstar players of Tight End for the New England Patriots Aaron Hernandez was confirmed as the primary suspect in the murder case; therefore, he was going through an investigation. According to Fox News (2017), the prominent NFL footballer superstar, Aaron Hernandez went to listen to his case that was held in one of the courts in Fall River, Massachusetts, on January 29. Aaron Hernandez was connected to the shooting and death of semi-pro player by the name Odin Lloyd (Eric Levenson, 2017). Odin Lloyd before his death was the boyfriend of Hernandez fiancée’s sister. After he was presented to the court, Hernandez pleaded not guilty and then sentenced for the first-degree murder, but on April 15 has been condemned to life imprisonment for a first-degree murder without the possibility of parole (Aaron Hernandez Timeline, 2017). During the court proceeding, Hernandez was found guilty of the killing and was sentenced to a life imprisonment and denied any chances of bail. The prosecutor confirmed that he further shot and killed two other people in different circumstances in a night club. Alexander Bradley according to the prosecutors was the key witness and was thus believed to be the murderer. Aaron Hernandez went further to admit having engaged in the substance abuse for decades and acting very violently among other people (Eric Levenson, 2017). The prosecutor went further to point the tattoos that were all over Aaron Hernandez’s body as the primary evidence for the crime he committed (FOX2now.com, 2017). The most interesting tattoos that the prosecutor pointed were a gun that was similar to the one that was used to kill and murder the two gentlemen in 2012; the other tattoo represented a head view of a gun that similar to the gun that Bradley saw while he was being shot. According to Fox News (2017), the other significant tattoo on his body was a designed scrawl of text with the words "God forgives" used as vital evidence. Aaron Hernandez got charged with two separate murder accusations of the year 2012 double homicides of Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu but in the year 14, 2017 he was acquitted. On April 19, 2017, Aaron Hernandez committed suicide by hanging himself with a bed sheet in one of the prison. The essay will focus on the 3 Sides to Every Story by analyzing the crime of Aaron J. Hernandez murdering his pal Odin Lloyd as brought out by CNN and FOX News. 

FOX News 

FOX News analyzed the case of Hernandez in a more liberalized approach. According to these sources, the Bristol County first assistance district attorney by the name William McCauley stated that Odin Lloyd was last seen alive with Aaron Hernandez at exactly 2:30 am. Further, his body was found in one of the industrial parks some miles away from Hernandez’s home. It is clear that FOX took a step to step analysis of the events revolving around the murder of Odin Lloyd (FOX2now.com, 2017). The investigators approached Aaron Hernandez questioning him of his connection to Lloyd's body discovery. Around June 20, 2013, the law enforcement sources told the FOX25’s Bob Ward that Aaron Hernandez seems to be tied directly to the killing of Odin Lloyd (Aaron Hernandez Timeline, 2017). In the US, the prosecutor is in charge of the role of delivering justice, an advocate beside being a court’s officer, therefore; he is required to apply sound prudence when carrying out his or her roles, but this was not the case with Hernandez. The sources further reported that there was a video evidence of Aaron Hernandez and two other dressed in hooded sweatshirts heading towards Hernandez's home few minutes of neighbors hearing gunshots but there was the need for this to be proven beyond reasonable doubt as for the truth (FOX2now.com, 2017). In the year June 26, 2013, Aaron Hernandez was then arrested, pleaded not guilty to the six charges among them murder, possession of a large capacity firearm in addition to unlawful possession of a firearm. According to Fox News (2017), when he was arraigned, the court prosecutor clearly laid out precise and veritable evidence while on the other hand; his lawyer stated that the case in question was highly circumstantial. Despite this, he was imprisoned without bail and currently he is held at the Bristol County Correctional facility. 

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According to Aaron Hernandez Timeline (2017), the FOX albeit after numerous evidence, have come to appreciate the very basis of Hernandez case and conviction and therefore, also have begun to raise positive voices, aimed at advocating for the interests of that individual who might have been convicted wrongly and of Hernandez’s innocence. For instance, as liberal TV, FOX continues to air programs and reports that are as a matter of predisposition sympathetic towards Hernandez. FOX, for instance, highlighted the most sensitive sides of the case while at the same time, referring to the various sufferings of his families, who themselves, also are victims of circumstances (FOX2now.com, 2017). Similarly, such like deflating programs, in most instances, focus on comments that oppose any notions concerning Hernandez as a murderer without sufficient proof. They make the immense effort towards coming up with new dimensions to change the negative views, long-held in some quarters against Hernandez’s family. It tries to correct the negative image of the Hernandez and his family as created by the courts. Further, FOX, later on, learned that Aaron Hernandez was also under investigation of a double homicide that was experienced in the year July 16, 2012, in Boston but went on to state that the double homicide count had been dropped long ago (FOX2now.com, 2017). The source also was informed that a Connecticut man by the name, Alexander Bradley, reported having lost an eye after being shot by Hernandez and was to appear before a grand jury in Massachusetts that was investigating Aaron Hernandez. It is evident that there were primary developments throughout the year 2012 the linked Aaron Hernandez to the double killings. According to Fox News (2017), the authorities also had a surveillance video that showed Aaron Hernandez in a nightclub where the two were murdered. Later on Nov. 28, 2013, Aaron Hernandez utilized his Fifth Amendment right that was established to protect the defendants against self-incrimination specifically. According to Aaron Hernandez Timeline (2017), as a defendant, he had the absolute right to remain silent and be protected from a lawsuit that was filed by one of the former right-hand man Alexander Bradley who claimed that he was shot at by Hernandez at a strip club in Miami. The source went further to find and report real evidence as provided in the case taking into consideration the level of bias. The family of the decrease in this case-Lloyd filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Hernandez (FOX2now.com, 2017). 

FOX, as a liberal television, additionally, is on record for having aired sentiments and expressions that, quite believably, respect and accept any contrary behaviors, opinions and perceptions from the ones that are deemed as being more socially acceptable. It implies that FOX often and in as much as it possibly can, has tried to listen to the views of both parties and by so doing, has continued to be able to respect their firmly held convictions, rather than portraying Hernandez merely as a murderer (FOX2now.com, 2017). Conversely and regrettably so, a few liberal outlets have continued to air views that paint Hernandez in nothing more than bad light. 

CNN News 

The accusative comment implies that the observations and phrases made on CNN News are meant to create doubts on real intentions that are involved. The comments made are believed to pronounce the judgment concerning Hernandez as an adolescent who is unable to adopt modernity and civility. The other phrase that has often been used by CNN is a provocative comment which entails highlighting the incompatibility of Hernandez with the concept of democracy and human rights with the aim of provoking sentiments of inequality among the audience (Drew Kann, 2017). The last phrase used in reporting by CNN is a reinforcing comment which portrays Hernandez as being as the breed of human right violation and a murderer who is strongly against modernity. It also creates a negative judgment concerning Hernandez in the viewers’ minds hence leaving behind a strong impression on him. At the same time, they can create a significant level of ambiguity among the audience with regards to the Hernandez and his family that results into accusations of this family without necessarily having any proof. The article analyzed the fall of Aaron Hernandez in a manner to suggest that he deserved everything that he went through and this places them under the conservative media sources (Eric Levenson, 2017). He was led to one of the Boston courtrooms in the year 2014 to be arraigned. This media source went further to state that Hernandez was destined to be a global football prominent player and at the time of his arrest, he had become one of the highly promising tight ends NFL players but wasted his life. 

The conservative media sources such as CNN are more overt with regards to their biased view of Hernandez and his families, stereotyping them as capable only of evil. It has at some point, even bordered on the attempted isolation of Hernandez family from the rest of Americans (Drew Kann, 2017). However, a year after signing a contract of approximately $40 million contract extension with one of the most successful football powerhouses referred to as New England Patriots, Hernandez was found guilty of the offense and this saw him charged with a first-degree murder implying that he acted foolishly by allowing his anger to drive him. The writer went further to state that approximately two hours after he got arrested on June 26, 2013; the Patriots were forced to drop Hernandez from the team. At the time of his arrest, he was 23 years old, and after pleading guilty to killing Lloyd, he was still held in one of the jails in Massachusetts without bail. CNN source reported that it was the right move by the court to deny him the bail since he could have used his power and control to influence the witness or disappear. Evidently, the evidence gathered, in this case, revolving around Lloyd death investigation resulted in two more murder charges against Hernandez in a different case in Boston (Eric Levenson, 2017). He was accused of shooting both Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu simply as a result of a spilled drink at one of the nightclub. In addition to this, the evidence provided established that the two shooting occurred in the year July 2012 exactly one year prior to the shooting and killing of Lloyd. Hernandez, however, when arraigned in courts pleaded not guilty of the offense and immediately after the trial of Lloyd case he was found guilty and imprisoned. 

Suffolk County District Attorney Dan Conley in one of the news conferences in the year 2014, he announced that Hernandez was indicted for the murder that took place in the year July 2012 of Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu. Therefore, he was arraigned in Attleboro, Massachusetts, District Court for case proceedings in the year June 26, 2013. Hernandez was thus charged and sentenced to life imprisonment with first-degree murder in the death of Lloyd (Eric Levenson, 2017). However, the NFL team played a significant role in securing his releases about two hours after his arrest. The CNN report went further to define the events revolving around the case as from a golden boy to behind bar to capture the attention of the audience. In addition to this, we understand that prior to making national and global headlines; Hernandez became an outstanding athlete throughout Bristol and further, originated from a family that was defined as one of the different local sports dynasties. There was no other family throughout Bristol that was much familiar as was the case with Hernandez family. The young player has thus been defined as a golden boy who was a superstar in basketball, football and running track a talent that was also evident with his uncle, father, and brother (Drew Kann, 2017). 

The CNN media specifically was keen on tracing past criminal offenses that Hernandez was engaged throughout his time in school. Conservative television host, more often than not, is openly hostile towards Hernandez where they dig deeper into information that might make the case worse. The CNN went further to report that Hernandez dropped from high school halfway although his senior year in 2007 and joined the University of Florida but more troubles tend to have followed him (Drew Kann, 2017). For instance, in the first semester, Hernandez was reported by the police to have engaged into fighting at one of the off-campus restaurants, punched the manager and at the same time ruptured his eardrum. Further, in the following fall, it was reported that there occurred a shooting at one of the local club and the police report linked Hernandez and other players from the University of Florida after a heated argument at the parking lot. Among the 20 people who were interviewed by the police, Hernandez was the only one who refused to write the statement after he invoked his right to counsel. The CNN report further stated that Hernandez got suspended for marijuana (Drew Kann, 2017). In an attempt to remove his name from drug abuse, Hernandez wrote a letter directing it to one of the Patriots' directors of personnel. In the letter, he stated that if he is drafted as one of the members of the New England Patriots, he would be more than willing to report and submit himself to the drug test after every two weeks throughout the rookie season. In addition to this, he went further to state that he was willing to guarantee a portion of his 2010 compensation to the substance test and at the same time to reimburse all the money he earned to the team in case of any drug test that he might fail. 

A month after he had signed a deal, Hernandez was involved in partying at one of the Boston clubs, and during that particular evening, two people from the same club were later confirmed dead. The spilled drink was behind the killing of the two individuals. The investigators during a court trial alleged that the two were killed by Hernandez on July 16, 2012, simply since they knowingly or unknowingly bumped into him on a club floor spilling his drink (Eric Levenson, 2017). The District Attorney Haggan went on describing the events of that night stating that Hernandez was increasingly infuriated and annoyed after Abreu smiled and at the same time never apologize. There was the evidence that his friend attempted to cool him down and then they left for the second club some meters away within the street. However, later Hernandez and his friend went back to their SUV, stopped the car and Hernandez took a revolver and started trailing Abreu, Furtado in his SUV (Drew Kann, 2017). Hernandez shot at them about five rounds from his 38-caliber revolver. Further, Hernandez had been charged with the double homicide but pleaded not guilty. The investigators reported having adequate evidence to link Hernandez to the slaying that took place in the year 2012 while they were investigating a new and the entirely different case of killing Odin Lloyd. Prosecutors stated that Aaron Hernandez murdered Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu. They continuously use negative portrayals in the form of news that addresses events from angles that are meant to assassinate the credibility of the innocence of Hernandez. The TV programs, usually, are laced with phrases that as a matter of design demean Hernandez probability of innocence and, linking him to a murderer. 

It was reported that the prosecutor’s case seemed to be founded slightly on the forensic evidence but mostly dependent on the testimony that was provided by Bradley who was present at the time of the shooting incidence (Eric Levenson, 2017). Bradley had accepted to testify only under immunity and went further to reveal to the prosecutor that Hernandez was furious in one of the nightclubs in the town when two individuals approached and bumped into him spilling his drink. Bradley was asked to drive to the direction of the two gentlemen who had spilled his drink and at that time, drew a gun and shot at Safiro Furtado, and Daniel de Abreu (Drew Kann, 2017). The case presented Hernandez as a murderer who was supposed to be eliminated from the public sphere. On June 17, 2013, Lloyd was found dead with seven shot seven. His body was found in one of the industrial parks in North Attleboro, Massachusetts by a jogger the next afternoon. Lloyd, who was at that time dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancée, was together with Hernandez at a party before his demise. Evidently, it was evident that the investigators had minimal leads to the case to support the case making it go cold. It was reported as worrying why Hernandez would act irresponsibly to forego his $40 million contracts by engaging in a criminal offense (Drew Kann, 2017). It was clear that Hernandez and Bradley were great friends, but this changed when Bradley showed signs of exposing his shooting secret. It forced Hernandez to shoot at Bradley in 2013 between the eyes leaving him behind to die, but he survived and testified to the court. Despite the fact that survived the shooting, he lost one of his eyes but also promised to avenge on Hernandez. 

Analysis of the Case 

It can be argued that Aaron Hernandez’s motive to shoot and kill Odin Lloyd could have been his strong desires to keep his bisexuality notion a top secret as numerous media outlets have reported it. According to Aaron Hernandez Timeline (2017), after he was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, Hernandez committed suicide and left behind three notes in his prison. One of the letters was for his prison boyfriend, the other one to his fiancée and the third one to his daughter. There was another case of Hernandez’s alleged homosexual relationship, with a former high school classmate, and this was the primary piece of the current investigation into unraveling the murder of Lloyd. In addition to this, before he was arrested and sentenced to the death of Lloyd, it was reported that he had moved the huge sum of money into three different accounts including, his daughter, and fiancée and for his alleged lover who was said to have received the largest amount of money. 

It is important to focus on the case in an open and objective way to report the events and outcome as it is without manipulating the findings with the aim of creating and pleasing your audience. It might not be possible to know the number of promising young athletes who have ruined their lives for similar reasons because many of them squander their opportunities while still in high school or earlier, and those would-be superstars never get a chance to play college or professional sports. According to Aaron Hernandez Timeline (2017), unlike the Aaron Hernandez case, their stories will never make the national news. But it is not just athletes who do this, and not just young people. Individuals with God-given talents for music, the arts, academics, leadership, and other fields are not immune to making such bad choices that they fail to realize their potential, or they ruin their lives altogether. Even as you read this, a brilliant chemist who could have discovered a new anti-cancer drug might instead be rotting away in prison for running a meth lab. Aaron Hernandez saga proves that people can squander their fame, fortune, and success at any age, by making bad choices. Hopefully, the Aaron Hernandez story will serve as a wake-up call to promising young athletes and other talented people who have begun to veer down the path of self-destruction (Eric Levenson, 2017). 

It is clear that in the first two accounts, Hernandez was pronounced innocent in the murder of the two people in 2012. However, based on the evidence from numerous studies, it is evident that Hernandez was actually behind the death of the two individual since they had angered him. Arguably, Hernandez was confirmed as a person who could not adequately control his anger. However, he was further subjected to face eight counts of criminal offense comprising of are assault and murder. Hernandez was used to taking action in his hand and was quick administer justice in his way which was very wrong. According to Aaron Hernandez Timeline (2017), despite facing all these counts of the criminal offense, he was found guilty of only one of the, which was the illegal possession of the weapon. It signified the fall of the greatest football superstar and the end of the most promising contract in his entire life with the New England Patriots fell apart in 2013. Focusing on his family background, we clear understand that Hernandez was raised in a family that was prominent throughout the country and this would only mean that he was raised in the right way (Eric Levenson, 2017). For instance, Hernandez father was reported as a major force behind his success where he required him to practice for several hours before engaging with friends. In this case, it is clear that the prosecutor tried to seek fairness to the offender and ensure that justice was achieved. According to Fox News (2017), the defense lawyer for the great player named James Sultan came out clearly laying the foundation for the plea before the Massachusetts jury stating that why would an individual with approximately $40 million contracts kill semi-pro player Odin Lloyd a few miles away from his home? Various authors have come out openly to report that both the friends and fans seem to wonder the possibilities of a superstar player with approximately 900 receiving yards around the year 2011 to be suspected of killing three individuals. 

In the US, the Fifth Amendment was established to protect the defendants against self-incrimination the absolute right to remain silent and be protected from double jeopardy, and all of these were granted to ensure that Hernandez is receives justice. During the custody, defendants have access to the counsel, and further have the right to a speedy trial. According to Fox News (2017), during the trial, Hernandez was allowed to be presented by his defense lawyer to ensure that justice prevailed as sufficient as possible. It is the duty of the courts to make sure that they review and amend various conditions of the pretrial release at any time before the trial as considered appropriate. The court determines whether an individual committed a perfect crime in question and the type of punishment to be given. The court can further offer a peaceful approach to determine a private dispute that individuals might not adequately resolve, however, in this it can be said that the tribunal did not properly perform its role (Eric Levenson, 2017). It is evident that the ground for appeals tends to vary significantly from states and in the US for instance, the reasons for appeal include the violation of the rule of evidence which might be the case here. In addition to this, failure to prove without a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty can be used as a ground for appeal in the US. Hernandez was denied the right to parole which seemed to have infringed his rights. 


The essay has critically evaluated the criminal case of Hernandez when he shot and killed Lloyd. The concept of the 3 Sides to Every Story has been brought out clearly in the case as it was brought out by the two media sources, CNN and FOX and the analysis of the case from a different perspective. The crime was of greater significance and made headlines in the global media sources because the principal suspect in the death of Lloyd was a famous superstar player of tight end for the New England Patriots, Hernandez. CNN has been brought out as being conservative as far as the case was concerned while FOX news as being liberal. The case can be understood as the rise and fall of the greatest football player because the court’s verdict marked the end of his career and what followed was an intense moment that led to his death where he hanged himself while inside the prison to end his sufferings and agony. The concept of the three sides of every story is evident as the twp media houses have analyzed the case in an entirely different approach each media presenting the information revolving around the case based on the information they had acquired. Further, the essay has also focused on the case in a different approach from that of the two primary sources. The three distinct approaches to the crime committed by Hernandez are thus clear depiction and illustration of 3 sides of every story. 


Aaron Hernandez Timeline(2017): From Odin Lloyd's death to present . WFXT . Retrieved from http://www.fox25boston.com/news/aaron-hernandez-timeline- from-odin-lloyds-death- to-present/509862602 

Drew Kann, C. (2017). Trial set for ex-NFL star in 2012 killings . CNN . Retrieved from http://edition.cnn.com/2017/02/03/us/aaron-hernandez-boston-double-murder- trial/ 

Eric Levenson, C. (2017). Aaron Hernandez found not guilty of double murder . CNN . Retrieved http://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/14/us/aaron- hernandez -verdict/ 

Fox News (2017). Aaron Hernandez verdict: Former football star acquitted in 2012 double-murder by jury . Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/04/14/aaron-hernandez-verdict-former- football-star-acquitted-in-2012-double-murder-by-jury.html 

FOX2now.com (2017). Former NFL star Aaron Hernandez hangs himself in prison . Retrieved from http://fox2now.com/2017/04/19/aaron-hernandez- commits- suicide-official-says/ 

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