18 Feb 2023


Patagonia: Clothing, Backpacks, & More for Your Outdoor Adventures

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Academic level: College

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Words: 512

Pages: 2

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Patagonia is a private benefit corporation that was founded in 1973. Its headquarters is located in the united states, specifically Ventura, California. The founder of Patagonia company was Yvon Chouinard, and the CEO is Ryan Gellert. It is one of the best American clothing company that sells and markets outdoor clothing. The founder of Patagonia began by marketing hand sham mountain climbing equipment in the year 1965. Patagonia's first store, great pacific ironworks, was opened in 1973 in Ventura. Patagonia expanded its merchandise line to contain attire embattled to a game like surfing.

They bargain goods such as backpacks, athletic equipment, camping food, and sleeping bags. In the year 2017, they concluded that Patagonia products that were in good condition would be replaced for new products through which they would be repaired, cleaned, and sold back through their worn wear website. The company focuses on generating economic and social worth over its commercial duties. Its objective is to “Build the finest merchandise, cause no pointless destruction, use commercial to motivate and contrivance resolutions to the ecological catastrophe.”

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Even though e-business is of great importance in our business, it dramatically impacts Patagonia's inflammation and productivity. Due to the constant extension of e-business, there is a decrease in inflation through increased competition, savings, cost, and also the changes in the vendor's valuing behavior. The accounting department is affected by a computerized system to track and record financial transactions. This has dramatically affected the accounting staff as some are replaced while those who are left, their work is made easier.

Every company's target or dream is to save costs and boost cash flow to allow the industry's development. When a company implements an ERP system, its business is motivated by the many advantages that accompany the EPR. The EPR system allows the better and faster collection and invoicing, which there is cash at hand for the business and thus boosting the Cash Flow. The company is also ready to enhance business reporting with real-time and trusted information. Some strategies are to be considered to optimize a successful EPR implementation. The first step is to set the right anticipation for the enactment project. One should always focus on future improvement instead of focusing on the current or existing situation. It is also advisable to hold several meetings with the company staff to explain how the system will work and its expected advantages. After estimating and preparing the project's cost, determine the right EPR system that matches the business needs.

For the EPR implementation to be the effect, the managers should consider the performance as a project and which should be managed to be efficient and effective. The final step should be to provide the staff with the required knowledge through staff training. The best way to optimize the EPR project is through adequate training of staff.


Patagonia is an isolated profit establishment that sells and markets alfresco clothing and was founded in 1973. With the implementation of e-business, the accounting department and inflation and productivity will be affected. EPR application failure's probabilities can be reduced by ensuring that the involved personnel receive training and are educated on the importance of EPR in business. It is also essential to consider the importance of aftercare through which the manager should oversee the processes after implementing the system. Before the implementation, one should consider the long-term planning to avoid inconveniences some years later.


Turner, L., Weickgenannt, A. B., & Copeland, M. K. (2020).  Accounting information systems: controls and processes . John Wiley & Sons. 

Stanley, V. (2020). Commentary: Patagonia and the Business of Activism.  Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 39 (4), 393-395.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Patagonia: Clothing, Backpacks, & More for Your Outdoor Adventures .


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