10 May 2022


Personal Reflection on Jonathan Swift’s essay “A Modest Proposal”

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Critical Thinking

Words: 301

Pages: 1

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Jonathan Swift gives a satirical proposal on the problem of having the children of the poor families in Ireland becoming a burden to the economy of the country. He proposes that out of the hundred and twenty children born of poor parents, it is necessary to reserve twenty thousand for breed (Swift, 2000). The remaining should be offered in sales to the rich as a source of food. In return, the poor parents will be able to get considerable income from these children who have become a burden in their daily lives. He supports this satirical proposal with various advantages such as lessening the number of Papists and benefit to the poor tenants as they will have something valuable to pay the rents. 

I fully support Swift’s proposal because it will eventually provoke a change towards the low-income families’ bearing several children they cannot provide for. As a result, it becomes a problem for the whole country. Besides, large families with many children are less likely to afford education for their children (Chaudry & Wimer, 2016). That would mean that those children grow up to have low earnings resulting in a repeat of the poverty cycle. It brings an economic burden to the country. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the number of children born in low-income families to reduce poverty cases in the country. 

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Through this satirical criticism, I think it discourages the poor from bearing too many children they cannot afford to take care of as they will only be offered to the rich as a source of food in exchange for money. Even though the proposal may seem inhuman noting that it considers the imperfect parent’s children as a source of food to the rich, I suggest the satirical proposal will benefit the country. It encourages the citizens to bear the number of children of whom they can provide the basic needs.


Chaudry, A., & Wimer, C. (2016). Poverty is Not Just an Indicator: The Relationship Between Income, Poverty, and Child Well-Being.  Academic Pediatrics 16 (3), S23-S29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2015.12.010

Swift, J. (2000).  A Modest Proposal . Infomotions, Inc.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Personal Reflection on Jonathan Swift’s essay “A Modest Proposal”.


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