20 Jun 2022


How to Do a Personal TOWS Analysis

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 2496

Pages: 8

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For one to achieve success, it is important for them to define their identity. They need to ask themselves who they are. What is it that they wish to achieve? How do they intend to attain their aspirations? Answering these questions allows one to develop a compass that offers them direction and guides their every step. I am a student pursuing a program in Business Management. I understand how important it is to define my identity and to develop clear goals that I commit all my efforts and resources to. It is for this reason that I have narrowed my academic focus to Human Resources. I selected this particular program because of my desire to contribute to the empowerment of workers. I believe that providing workers with adequate training, resources and support enhances their productivity. I also wish to see a world where fairness thrives. I understand that there are many employers who fail to uphold justice and fairness in their treatment of their employees. It is not lost on me that I am unable to single-handedly restore justice and promote happiness. I recognize that I am severely limited and that I need to work with colleagues in the Human Resource management field to address the failures that have bedeviled this profession.

In the pursuit of my goals, I am driven by a number of forces. Love for humanity and the desire for a caring and just world are among the factors that fuel my passion. I believe that there is some measure of good in all men. I am convinced that all men can participate in improving humanity. I also believe that it is possible to restore justice and to create a world where everyone cares. These forces drive all my actions. They define how I operate my relationships and how I pursue my goals. I credit the growth that I have undergone to these forces. Excelling as a human resource management professional is my chief inspiration. I hope to become a professional who is committed to the welfare of employees. I also wish to help in the creation of working environments that are characterized by justice and warmth. I know that the academic training that I am receiving now will provide me with the tools, skills and insights that I need to achieve my objectives.

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In this paper, I will offer a personal assessment. The assessment will focus on my strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. The primary tool that I will use for the assessment is TOWS analysis. Essentially, this tool is used to evaluate one’s situation and environment. It allows one to identify their areas of excellence and the issues that require improvement. It is true that this tool is mostly used by organizations in their attempts to understand their internal and external environment. However, the tool can also be extended to personal evaluations where individuals examine their composition and environment.

TOWS analysis 

In the discussion above, a mention has been made of the function performed by a TOWS analysis. Threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths are the components that constitute this analysis. There are a number of threats that I have observed. These threats could derail my progress and impede my efforts to achieve my goals. The intense competition in the labor market is among these threats. As I have already mentioned, I desire to excel in the human resource management profession. I understand that there are thousands of other students who wish to serve in this profession. This means that if I am to land opportunities in this crowded profession, I must demonstrate excellence and possess unique competencies. The other threat that I need to be wary of is technological changes. I recognize that technology is gradually replacing workers. Employees have become so dispensable that they can easily be replaced by machines. I must build a professional profile that allows me to survive the turbulence introduced by the technological changes. While it is true that there are threats that could derail my growth, there are also some opportunities that will propel me towards success. The demand for human resource management professionals and further education are some of the opportunities that I intend to exploit. I understand that more and more companies are hiring individuals who promise to effectively manage their personnel. I am convinced that at graduation, I will have developed the skills and competencies that these employers seek. I also wish to obtain additional qualifications through education. I believe that learning will insulate me from the intense competition and keep my dreams alive.

Weaknesses and strengths are the other factors that make up my personal profile. I know that I possess some weaknesses that have held me back. My inability to embrace change is among these. I find change to be disruptive and inconveniencing. This is why I tend to hold on to what is familiar. I know that while familiar issues offer comfort, they do not drive growth. I need to learn that change is inevitable and necessary for growth. The other weakness that serves as an obstacle is my weak spirit. I lack the drive and passion to keep pursuing my dreams. I usually lose enthusiasm especially when I encounter challenges. I possess a number of strengths that have brought me to the position I occupy today. My strong belief in the good that is found in every human soul is among these strengths. I have already mentioned that i am a strong believer in the goodness of the human spirit. I feel that this strength will enhance my interactions with those I will encounter in the workplace. I will be able to see beyond their weaknesses and mistakes. Positive personal attributes such as integrity, kindness and warmth and some of the other strengths that define my character. The following matrix offers a summary of my TOWS analysis and the strategies that I intend to implement to erode the impact of the threats and weaknesses and enhance my opportunities and strengths.


Intense competition in the market place: I intend to gain an education and skills that will enable me to weather the competition.

Technological changes: I wish to embrace these changes and incorporate them into my career. I also intend to ensure that I am indispensable by building my competencies.


Demand for professionals: I wish to develop skills and attitudes that will earn me the recognition of employers.

Educational opportunities: I will continue to obtain training and further education.


Resistance to change: I need to understand that change is healthy and necessary for progress.

Weak spirit: I must rise up and bring down obstacles that I face.


Confidence in the human spirit: I will continue to see the good and the beautiful in people’s souls.

Integrity, kindness and warmth: I will develop these traits further so that I am able to create deep and lasting bonds.

Learning styles 

Different students learn differently. There are those who respond mostly to visual stimuli while others find verbal instruction to be more effective. I have embraced a variety of learning styles. However, I prefer visual and aural learning. I find that I retain information better when it is presented in a graphical format. This is not to say that I do not gain any knowledge when instruction is presented through text. It only means that visual elements are more effective. Visual elements are more stimulating and they allow me to maintain focus for much longer. Sounds have a similar effect. They allow me to employ my imagination. I am also able to engage all my senses. It is unfortunate that these learning styles are not compatible with all forms of learning. There are some learning scenarios where other styles are more appropriate. I have learnt to be flexible and adapt to different learning environments and situations.

Skills assessment 

The skills that one possesses determine whether they are able to perform a given task. I recognize the need to develop skills and ensure that I am able to execute tasks. There are various skills that I have developed. I believe that these skills will fuel my rise to the top of my profession. Cultural competence is among these skills. I am able to interact with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. I recognize how important it is to demonstrate cultural sensitivity and to embrace others. I think that the divisions in the world could be addressed if people became more tolerant and accepting of those who are different. In addition to cultural competence, being tech-savvy is the other skill that I possess. I am a young individual who understands that technology drives the world today. While it remains true that I find change to be disruptive, I feel that I will only be relevant when I warm up to technology. I know that more and more companies are insisting that their employees be tech-savvy. I am confident that the fact that I have embraced technology will enable me to weather the competition in the workplace.

Career assessment 

Overcoming obstacles 

I anticipate that I will face many challenges as I pursue my career. There are a number of approaches that I have developed that will enable me to overcome these challenges. Keeping my focus on my goals is among these approaches. I have mentioned earlier that I tend to give up in the face of challenges. This is still true. However, before I give up, I keep my eyes on my aspirations. It is only when the challenges become overwhelming that I quit. The other approach that I rely on to overcome obstacles is seeking support. I know that it is very difficult to weather challenges alone. This is why I turn to my family and friends for support. I am fortunate to have a circle that is composed of individuals who are always ready to lend a hand. I am confident that the continued and unconditional support that I receive will allow me to cope with the challenges that await me in the workplace.


In an earlier section, I identified demand for professionals and educational programs as among the opportunities that I intend to exploit for professional growth. In addition to these, such programs as internship are the other opportunities that I have in my journey. I believe that an internship will offer me the exposure that I need to understand the dynamics of the workplace. It will also provide me with the environment to further enhance my core competencies and create vital networks.


For one to achieve success, they must invest an immense amount of effort. Personal effort alone may be insufficient to provide the drive that one needs. This is why individuals need adequate resources. I have available a number of resources that I intend to employ in the pursuit of my professional and personal goals. My teachers are among my most important resources. I will continue to rely on them for insight and guidance. My circle of friends and family has always been an invaluable source of support. I expect to encounter challenges that will force me to turn to them for support and encouragement. While my friends, teachers and family are key resources, I believe that I am my own most reliable resource. I have counted on myself to face and overcome challenges.

Presentation as a professional 

One of the key elements of being a professional is proper presentation. If one wishes to be taken seriously, they must invest in their look and overall presentation. I have identified a number of measures that I will adopt as I seek to present myself as a profession. Dressing properly is among these measures. I have been reminded by my teachers that how one dresses determines to a great extent how they are regarded. Neatness and dressing properly allows one to gain respect and recognition. Communicating clearly and effectively is another measure that I will adopt so that I am regarded as a serious professional. I intend to use the correct lingo, tone and vocabulary. This will allow me to fit into the workplace.

Building credibility and respect 

The need for an individual to establish credibility and earn respect cannot be overstated. Networking and internships are among the opportunities that provide one with the chance to build respect and credibility. These opportunities are examined in more detail below.


Networking is primarily concerned with creating professional connections. I feel that networking holds the key to building respect and establishing credibility. I intend to join professional organizations that attend to the needs of those who wish to excel in the human resource field. I think that being a member of these organizations will offer me the exposure and connections that I need to understand the profession better. I also believe that I will be able to create friendships that will extend beyond my professional life.


Networking is not the only opportunity that I will exploit for growth. I intend to combine it with internship. Human resource management is an issue that concerns almost all organizations. These organizations need individuals who will effectively manage their personnel. Given the high number of potential employers, I am confident that there will be many internship opportunities. Apart from allowing me to gain hands-on insights, these opportunities will also allow me to demonstrate my capabilities. They will enable me to earn the respect of my employers and to obtain references.

Fitting into core competencies 

Much of this paper has focused on personal attributes and professional aspirations. It is important to examine how these attributes and aspirations fit into the job that I would like to perform. As I have already stated, my desire is to become a professional in the human resource management industry. I believe that my core competencies are compatible with the dynamics of the industry. For instance, I mentioned that I have tremendous faith in the human spirit. I find that this competency is needed in the management of employees. It is important to understand that when provided with the right conditions, employees can perform marvelous acts. My professional qualifications and academic background are also in line with the job that I wish to do. Overall, I have no doubt regarding my ability to fit perfectly into my job.

Proposition statement 

It is important for individuals to understand their value. They need to ensure that they add some value to whatever situation they are in. I believe that I possess skills and competencies that are valuable and vital. The following proposition statement captures my firm belief in my ability to of significance: “I add value to the human resource management profession by presenting a fresh approach that focuses on respecting and treating people with dignity.”

3-5 year plan 

My main aspiration is to become a successful member of the human resource management profession. To achieve this, I have developed a short-term plan in which I have identified the goals that I wish to achieve within the next 3-5 years. My first goal is to graduate with honors. I find this goal to be attainable since I am committed to my studies. The support and guidance that I receive from my teachers will also enhance the attainment of this goal. Joining a professional organization is another component of my 3-5 year plan. As I already mentioned, professional organizations are necessary for gaining respect and building credibility. I also intend to serve as an intern. Combined with membership to a professional organization, internship will enable me to create networks and friendships.


This paper has offered an exploration of my personal profile. It has shed light into my aspirations and the kind of person that I am. I am an individual with a passion to restore justice. I intend to leverage my strengths and opportunities to ensure that workers are treated fairly. I also intend to address my weaknesses and insulate myself against the threats that I face. The learning style that I have adopted and the resources at my disposal serve as important tools for driving my dreams. As I inch closer to my goals, I will adopt a professional look and build my networks through internship and professional organizations. These efforts will be supplemented by my 3-5 year plan. In this plan, I have outlined my desire to graduate, join a professional organization and to sign up for internship. I am a strong believer in the power of personal resolve and commitment. Regardless of the obstacles that one faces, as long as their eyes are fixed on their dreams, they can achieve whatever they desire.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Do a Personal TOWS Analysis.


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