11 Nov 2022


Plastic Grinding Machine

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 3043

Pages: 10

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Various organizations have been contemplating how to reduce the amount of plastic that is being used around the globe and attempting to discover a solution on the most proficient method to limit it, explicitly in ocean which is the most perilous zone for plastic, where the plastic could soak in the sea making calamity the ocean life which threatens the aquatic life and floras experiencing inside the sea. The aim of the project is to forestall the harm that is made by plastic. This task shows how the machine would save marine life and forestall risks that could be brought about by discarding plastic in the sea, and furthermore exhibiting the favorable circumstances and burdens of the machine. Recognizing the material that we are managing and what might it cause to the climate, demonstrating a great deal of proof would it cause to our reality, explicitly the ocean life of the mariner, creatures, and plants.  


Plastic is one of the significant materials on the planet and that utilized in various techniques, in spite of the fact that it is perhaps the most hazardous materials to our climate, since plastic itself can't decompose effectively, the plastic needs 450 years to decompose. Numerous Marine guidelines have been set to forestall the plastic pollution welling to improve the ocean world to be a better place .One of the arrangements that is being utilized these days is to ground the plastic, keep it in trash store and wait for the barge to dispose it, but imagine a scenario where a machine that can limit the amount of plastic that being disposed?. A machine that can forestall way better of the characteristic causes that the plastic could cause, it would make more space on board ship and incur less expense than the previous strategy. 

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Considering putting a plastic crushing machine is an new thing and furthermore thinking about how the plastic could affect the ocean life is additionally a new sort of issue that the world is attempting to tackle, with many plastic setting or having been released in the sea affecting the entire world, numerous approaches to consider solutions on how to limit that tremendous amount, as human being, everyone could partake to help the nature, and as a sailor a thought of setting a plastic granulating machine could assist with decreasing that eccentric quantity of plastics. Grinding the plastic manually and putting in a plastic pack, and shipping off a freight boat isn't that adequate, plastic is a twofold edged blade , that could be so helpful to utilize , thus risky to dispose of it at the equivalent time. 

Main Objectives 

The principle objective of this work is to save the world from various sort of perils and the part of the seafarer that should be taken against it 

The Benefit of the Machine 

The grinding machine could be one of the best solutions that are given for life at the ocean alluding to sailors, particularly for the voyage line organizations where the quantity of travelers could surpass 1500 individuals, which implies the travelers would consume more plastic that human can envision. The machine could likewise assist with grinding the food waste not just the plastics. The picture below demonstrates how the machine could manage the plastic, as it indicates that the plastic went to ashes and 100 of containers as opposed to being in 15-20 plastic sacks can be fitted in just one plastic pack. Alluding to the previous technique for how the plastic being disposed doesn't seem like assembling with our new generation, with the new solution that is being considered, time, space and cash would be saved: 

1-Saving time for the crew to accomplish more significant tasks 

2-As opposed to spending cash to the barge, organization would save the transportation cash for something different. 

3-Space would be made more than before with an enormous distinction. 

Future Benefits 

The plastic grinding machine would assist with reducing the amount of plastic to be used and set in board ship, and furthermore it will make a clean and unadulterated climate. The strategy could be adequately intriguing to the manufacturers, to purchase the grinding machine and gathering consumed plastic to granulate it, recycle, re-use it form or structure that would help of not utilizing crude materials like these days. The ocean climate would be quiet to live in for creatures, which the disposed plastic in the ocean could harm the fishes, where it could prompt to extinct the ocean life. Many sea creatures have been died due to the plastic pollution that has never been taken care of, which could lead to many creatures in ocean becoming extinct. The expense of the machine hushes up costly, however investing in that kind of machine would guarantee the protection of the climate. It's not possible for anyone to envision an ocean without fishes, an ocean without dolphins, that sort of view wouldn't be found in future, so the human who caused this ought to tackle it. 

The Grinding Machine 

Components of the Grinding Machine 

• Rotating Knives: which helps to cut the material and clean. 

• Specialty Knives: cutting action. 

• Bed Knives: cutting action. 

• Knife Blocks: created to pass through the material 

• Throat Plates: the first stage where the material gets inside and being cut to enter easily 

The service of the machine can be note through the manual of the machine and the spare parts could request through the seniors. 

The Sequence of the Machine 

The figure above demonstrated how the crude material would be circulated through the chamber, where it is being grinded through the blades (cutting edges), and the staggered chamber knives that are joined to assuming the principle role of cutting the plastic, the crude material at that point being passed to the top throat bar for the third slicing stage to granulate the material seriously driving it to the base throat bar for additional cutting. Through the air intake from outside, the ashes would lead down to the outlet of ground material discharge, and afterward it can be gathered and stored in a plastic sack and fend off or stored. 

Safety Procedure before Starting the Machine 

Personnel protective equipment must be worn prior to starting the machine like ( boiler suit – safety shoes – gloves – helmet –goggles-earmuff) 

Ensure prior starting the machine that the plastic that will grind to be set all together and not spreading in the whole place. 

Check the external and the internal state of the machine 

Check the condition of the knives before starting the machine 

Analyze the intercooler to determine whether if the water is sufficient for the operation 

Check if there any hindrances to Air intake of the machine 

Check the power is supplied to the machine and make sure that the generator could accept load and no need for another generator. 

Take off the lock if the emergency button is locked in case of emergency during operation 

The machine can be turned on then 

When the Machine Is Running 

At the point when the machine is running ensure that the plastic not be tossing inside the opening arbitrarily 

Ensure that sailor is far enough from the opening 

Check the gauges of the machine and the electrical supply 

Ensure the release port that is covered with plastic pack that is attached to it 

Fend the ashes off and store them after the activity. 

Ensure that the fire extinguishers are ready to be used if there should be an occurrence of emergency 

Dimensions of the Machine 

BDHS Physical Specifications

• Feed Opening: 11” x 11”

• Discharge Opening: 13” x 20”

• Cylinder Diameter: 20”

• Shaft Diameter @ Cylinder: 2-15/16”

• Shaft Diameter @ Bearings: 2-7/16”

• Bearing Type: Pillow Block

• Number of Rotating Knives: 12

• Number of Stationary Knives: 2

• Auxiliary Throat Plate: 1

• Shaft RPM (Maximum) 1200

• Standard Operational RPM As Required

• Motor: Premium Efficiency; 50 HP, 1800 RPM

• Voltage: 480/3/60

• Drive Type: V-Belt (Direct drive optional)

• Screen Size: 1/8” – 2”

• Structural Base: Heavy S-Beam

• In feed Hopper: Standard Open Front

• Discharge Hopper: Not supplied

• Discharge Style: Gravity

All the measurements for the height and width in inches, as it shown above the BDH type would consume power at max 50 HP equals to 35 kilowatt. 

- The weight of the machine is 2200 kg 

- The BDH type would be suitable enough to use on board ship 

- The size of BDH is reasonable more than the other types 

- BDH type would not consume energy 

Control Panel Specification 

One NEMA 12 Granulator Control Panel to consist of: 

Nema 12 type enclosure with interior enclosure light 

Square D Series 9001 Emergency Stops (1) Panel / (1) Remote 

Cutler Hammer 480VAC main circuit breaker with thru door operator mechanism 

Convenience receptacle 

Square D IEC Soft Start or Equal 

Crompton or Square D Current Transformer / Transducer 

Standard 22mm on/off push button 

All components are UL listed 

Idec relays 

Ashes of Plastic 

As shown in the figure below, the ashes of plastic that have been ground, ashes must be gathered after the operation of grinding and fitted in bags and stored in a safe place, and hand it to the barge 

Oil is a carbon-rich crude material, and plastics are huge carbon-containing compounds. ... Most plastic are synthetically inactive and won't respond artificially with different substances 

The ashes could be shipped off to the barge effectively with no difficulty or damage 

Ashes could be shipped off to the manufacturers to recycle it 

Ashes could be tradable as opposed to utilizing crude materials, which means it can be offered to manufacturers 

Ashes could be the new material to be used rather than crude materials, as it will be indicated further on. 

Creating Space On Board Ship 

The space that would be made in board ship would assist enough with doing other tasks, for instance if the plastic would spread everywhere in the motor room, it very well may be put away in the grinding machine space or close to enough that could be handle, and no one would utilize the plastic as bowl for spillage for machinery and it very well may be supplanted with something better. These days, the plastic is being put away in the boson store in the most of ships so it tends to be grinded manually and put away in trash store , yet the granulating machine would help to dispose it off by keeping the remains in boxes and handing it over to the freight boat with no huge expense. Ordinarily in board ships, plastic could be seen all over the place. Storing one sack of plastic ashes is better than keeping 20 plastic packs in a single spot. The crew will get comfortable with the new technique and would know where to store and keep the waste plastic correctly. The grinding machine could be fitting in incinerator room where the waste could be close and labeling the plastic packs in courtesy to remember them without any problem. The grinding machine create make more space particularly in cruise line, and that would assist with adding more wellspring of amusement in the ship as opposed to putting away the plastic in the entirety of the cabin. 


Plastic could be reused after the activity of grinding, which could help a great deal of to get the advantage of the material as opposed to discarding it, best solution than consuming the plastic which if a human breathe in the consume could cause unwanted illnesses. Reuse could change the type of the item to any shape that is needed, for instance, if a container have been pounded and gone to remains, it very well may be framed to a bowl through a recyclable machine that could make a bowl. Reuse the plastic could be the new technique for saving the world, as it appeared in a few nations where a large portion of the usable things are reused, with no over cost, not devouring the nature sources .recycle can't be achieved without grinding the plastic , the two of them assuming a major part of saving and securing the climate . Plastic remains can be offered to manufacturers who might want to reuse and re shape it in various structure, which leads that the seafarer world partakes in saving the climate. The image below will show how the activity of how the plastic being reused through various stages goes on: 


Recycle is a technique that could assist with reducing the amount of plastic that is being used around the world, which assists with decreasing the necessities of consume common recourses in light of the fact that the manufacturers would export the crude materials if the plastic is not being recycled which may cause effects on the natural environments of earth in future. 

Recycling saves energy; if the manufacturers utilize new items to present plastic that would require more energy when converting the crude materials, however, if the plastic be reused which can save that energy being utilized in the previous technique. The crude materials should be developed, evoked, and transported, the entirety of which would devour energy, so utilizing recyclable materials would set aside energy and cash too, which will come in the answer for just grind the plastic and change it through recycling. 

Recycling also reduces air pollution by reducing incineration; if the recycling strategy is undertaken instead of burning the waste, this would reduce the number of gases emitted as a result of incinerating the plastic waste. Recycling protects the ecosystem: Land areas where plastic waste is being dumped or burned in huge amounts could prompt harm to the region thus destroying animal habitats. Recycling of plastic waste could help to diminish the measure of waste being dumped and burnt thus reducing contamination simultaneously. Recycled PET might be utilized in a wide assortment of conclusive applications. With extremely fascinating and remunerable monetary returns for the recycling organizations. 

What Is Plastic? 

A plastic is any of the various natural engineered or processed materials that are generally thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high molecular weight and that can be made into films, objects, or fibers. The Chemical formula of Plastic: CH2=CHCI 



1. Can be formed into different desired shapes 

2. Very good at water resistant 

3. Can be used as a protection 

4. Cheap to manufacture 

5. Light in weight 

6. Chemical resistance 

1. Produce Carbon when burnt causng air pollution 

2. Does not decompose easily 

3. If it is not being disposed in the correct 

Place causes harm to the environment 

4. Some are Carcinogenic. 

5. It is a Non-renewable resource 


All of the countries globally pursue to inhibit any kind of pollution that could harm the marine life in any way, but one of the major threats to sea life is plastic, which is considered as the most dangerous material to the environment in case it is not being dealt with properly, as a sailor an action of concern must be taken to save the aquatic life. Marpol (Convention for Prevention of Marine Pollution) which is issued by IMO. MARPOL has been placed to prevent to any kind of pollution, and every ship that is registered under IMO, must comply with Marpol regulations. Marpol has VI annex which every registered ship has to comply with, the plastic can be followed through annex V & VI 

Annex V: prevention of pollution by garbage from ships 

Annex V: prevention of pollution of Air pollution by ship 

Based on the annexes that are established in Marpol barring any kind of pollution, conversely, burning the plastic is strictly prohibited which would release carbons gases to the atmosphere, and if anybody who inhales would be affect health wise. Recycling the plastic waste is much helpful than disposing it, which will be shown further on, especially the plastic, which would minimize consuming the nature sources

Recycling Machine from Jiangmen Xiecheng Machinery Co., Ltd 

Jiangmen Xiecheng Machinery Co., Ltd is located in South China in the manufacture of plastic crushers at a range of US$580.00 - US$6,000.00. A plastic crusher Machine is a fundamental plastic pulverizing and recycling equipment for plastic grinding and reusing gear for the plastic infusion industry ("Plastic smasher | Plastic pounding factory," 2017). It is fundamentally used to squash a wide range of hard and delicate plastics, granulating the square shape, round, piece like strip formed plastics and plastic jugs, plastic shells, plastic cases, and plastic packs into granular sort for better reusing, unfathomably improving the usage proportion of plastic items. With the laddering pivoting edges plan, this plastic smasher has especially solid pounding power and has a rich appearance. The front and back of this current processor's cutting chamber is twofold layered sound confirmation with acoustic protecting material filled in the center part, bringing about the exceptionally low commotion. Besides, it embraces sensible blade type configuration to make materials broken consistently and fixed course to save great bearing revolution for an extensive period. Additionally, the material of turning cutting edge holder is high-grade steel material, uncomfortable to rub or break, making this waste plastic smasher sturdy and against erosion breaking. The feed container of the smasher utilizes an enhancement plan and extraordinary rust-confirmation treatment, dodging the spillage and contamination of the materials during the way toward pulverizing. This plastic crushing mill has the benefits of stable working execution, low commotion, no powder contamination, uniform pulverizing, great pounding result, and long service life 

Working Principle of Plastic Crusher 

During the working cycle of the plastic crusher machine, its engine drives the high-velocity insurgency of pivoting sharp edge shaper head and the rapid turning edge could frame the overall development patterns helped out the fixed edge. Simultaneously, using the gap between pivoting sharp edge and fixed edge could offer ascent to cutting edges of plastic granulating and cutting, along these lines smashing the enormous bits of plastic. At last, the broken plastics would be separated and yielded by molecule sizes of plastic through the screen strainer. 

Maintenance of Plastic Crusher 

The operating condition of the plastic crusher ought to be checked constantly during the working cycle. Initially, feeding ought to be uniform dodging blockage of the crusher room; besides the machine ought not to be worked overload for quite a while and if the wonder like vibration, clamor, overabundance temperature of bearings and machine, materials splashing outward, etc. happens the machine ought to be halted quickly to distinguish the explanation and keep working after difficulty clearing. 


The plastic crusher ought to be installed in the ventilated position, guaranteeing the warmth dispersal of engine working and prolonging its life expectancy 

Greasing up oil ought to be added on bearings at ordinary stretches to guarantee lubrication property among bearings 


I have attempted to cover everything about the crushing machine, yet tragically I couldn't discover great wellspring of data since fitting a grinding machine on board ship is definitely not a familiar idea, so I needed to connect subjects together to show the need of the machine and why the ship needs one. The expense of the machine hushes up costly which doesn't draw in purchasers, but the cost does not compare to the cost of losing thousands of aquatic lives. I have tried to compare with the previous technique on my own experience of how to deal with the plastic, but still I couldn’t know the cost that the barge would take to collect the plastic, I have focused on what would it help the ship and environment. 


In summary, the plastic grinding machine could be the new answer for save the climate. The ashes that have been made by the grinding machine could be valuable for reusing and re-structure to an alternate article as opposed to utilizing crude materials and consuming more oil. Plastics wouldn't be worried as threat same as in the past and it would be useful. Sea creatures life would be saved and forestall eradication, the level of creatures that are dying from plastic would decline. As a sailor fitting this sort of machine would show a consideration for the climate and attempting not to contaminate the ocean in any sort of way. To close, the grinding machine isn't the only best way to save the climate, but it tends to be the new starting for a better world. 


Plastic crusher | Plastic crushing mill. (2017, December 7). Wire Stripper Machine and Cable Granulator Manufacturer in China. https://copper-recycle.com/recycling-machines/crusher/Plastic-Crusher.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Plastic Grinding Machine.


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