15 Jul 2022


Police Values and Culture

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 272

Pages: 1

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I have encountered this question many times in both formal and informal scenarios. In all these scenarios, I admit that I always find it challenging to provide the right answer, especially considering the question’s context. However, what is very clear in my mind is that police officers are concerned citizens with great zeal to address some societal challenges especially those requiring legal redress. When I became a cop, I had this strong urge to help my neighborhood take bad guys to jail and be a moral watchdog. As a new police recruit, my predispositions remained unchanged for a very long time; however, the predispositions changed with time. 

Police job has become so dynamic, especially in the past decade. The new officers being recruited are coming with completely different ways of thinking compared to how we used to think in our time as recruits. There is nothing wrong with changing the way of doing things. The issues facing today’s law enforcement are very different from those in the past, and hence, a new law enforcement culture is desirable. Our country and the rest of the world are witnessing culture changes now and then. These changes have influenced a lot of changes in community policing techniques.  Although many people have the desire of serving as police officers, they fear to fail in the academy or being eliminated during the hiring process. Because of this fear, these people fear a great career as they feel it is challenging to get started. 

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As new officers join the service, they will always carry with them unique predispositions and thus, cause changes in police sub-culture. Different regions of the country exhibit various regional police subculture. Cops within a region predominately come from the same regions. This, therefore, means that these cops carry with them the cultural predispositions and thus, bring about unique police subcultures. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Police Values and Culture.


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