18 Aug 2022


Poverty and Inequality

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Term Paper

Words: 2226

Pages: 7

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It is impossible to measure and conceptualize the inequality and poverty. While conducting research, there were several proposals developed to help in reflecting on the research that comprises of the least acceptable life quality and portrays the visible differences between the least and the knowledgeable society. The chosen measure and concepts provide a great platform for the analytical conclusion of inequality and poverty. These decisions are based on pragmatic and theoretical grounds. Using the underlying hypotheses, an outline with good rationales conceptualizes. This paper will solely focus on the definition and mapping of these various concepts and measures used in defining poverty and inequality and how they differ and relate. Also, the paper will introduce all these concepts on inequality and poverty in a different dynamic as it belongs to a threshold that allows distribution and overall its spread respectively. Considering the focal variable of inequality and poverty, it provides a various range of literature varying from unidimensional monetary to that of various indicators which has a broader multidimensional. Looking at the subgroups of individuals from, households, overtime and countries, the comparative analysis of poverty and the inequality should be carried out to provide discussion on these issues and formulating comparisons. The methods used to measure inequality and should also be used in formulating new concepts. Using other different concepts, household level poverty or the individual threshold can be important in defining these measures and summarising levels of inequality and poverty against the population hence giving different definitions of axioms and properties. The summaries of the main families when setting up a poverty threshold and the poverty and the measures of poverty and inequality and their properties as reviewed in the 5 th section. 

Literature Review and Research Question 

Marxian theory tries to explain the intricate dimension of poverty. Max acknowledges in his theory that radical changes in the social-economic system are insufficient to boost economic growth and lift the poor because the poor will continue to be exploited due to lack of equality in the society. Inequality and poverty is a complex dimension that is researched by several researchers ( Bonilla-Silva, 2017) . Poverty and Inequality remains a world-wide dilemma that attracts attention to improve the livelihood of those who are affected. Various programs such as sustainable livelihood approach and IGPs attempts to eradicate poverty. Many factors contribute to inequality and poverty; they include; population, race, place of birth, income, employment rates, types of occupation, family household types, size of the family, education level, veteran status, gross rent and cost of the housing. 

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Poverty is described a problem that has a different dimension which involves restricted access to various factors. Sugrue (2014) observed that demographic aspects influence inequality and poverty level. One demographic aspect that influences inequality and poverty is heterogenous population. The different demographic group has their own beliefs and culture that may impact on inequality and poverty. A demographic group can perceive its self to be more superior to another demographic group, and this may lead to inequality and poverty since the superior demographic group may avail themselves all the resources that are supposed to share amongst the rest of the demographic group. 

Education level also impacts on inequality and poverty in a population. Krueger (2018) observe that the demographic group that is highly educated has low inequality and poverty level. Educated demography has high literacy level, and they understand the repercussion of inequality if subjected to any individual. Demographic whose literacy is high tends to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of resources so that different opportunities are presented to everyone. Demographic that has high literacy level tends to enhance and promote innovation hence creating job opportunities that will reduce poverty level in society. 

Income also contributes to high inequality and poverty level in demography. Countries that pay its citizen handsomely tends to have lower inequality and poverty level. Countries such as Sweden and Australia that has high wage structure tend to pay their citizen adequate salaries that the enable eradicate inequality and poverty ( Krueger, 2018) . These countries can accord their citizens with a salary that is sufficient to house them and save some of the money for future use. In contrast, America does have biases in their pay structure since the majority of the employees are underpaid hence cannot settle all of their bills. This scenario has forced the American citizens to do two jobs in a day to sustain their families. 

employment rates 

Countries that have higher employment rates have less inequality and poverty rates because the majority of the population are presented with the opportunities of being employed. Ryscavage (2015) observed that the low employment rate in America had made the population of America suffer because they cannot afford the basic essential that is required to sustain life. It is important for countries to enhance job creation techniques to increase the rate of employment. Inequality arises as a result of limited opportunities that are available. People in power tend to offer the limited available resources to the individuals they have to know despite not qualifying for the favour. 

Family household types also contribute to the poverty level. Families that depend on single parent has a source of income is likely to experience high poverty level compared to families that both parents contribute to raising of the family. Also, size of the size matters, when family size is big, it becomes hard for parents to manage because they will be spending a lot on running the house and save less ( Ravallion, 2017) . In families that parents earn inadequate salary children may be forced out of school, this will increase the poverty level of the family. Also, How the governments handle the veterans determine if a family has to dip inside their pockets to maintain them. Veterans are expensive to manage due to their medication and government can ensure it has reduced poverty level by supporting the veterans financially. 

Research Question 

What are the Inequality and poverty levels in Weston Florida and Broward County? 


My target population is people who dwell in Weston and Broward County. My sample study was 76,582 people from Weston and 12,011 individuals from Broward County. The method that I used to analyze the study is both quantitative and qualitative methods. I intend to treat qualitative and quantitative data as complementary. 

Results and Discussion 


The race composition of Weston Florida entailed Hispanic, or Latino Race, non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic Asian alone and their population percentage was 50/9%, 49.1%, 4.1% and 5.2% respectively. However, the race composition of Broward County entailed Hispanic, or Latino Race, non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic Asian alone and their population percentage was 27.6%, 39.2%, 27.2% and 3.4% respectively. The number of Hispanic or Latino is high in Weston Florida because most of them are immigrants and Weston is more industrialized hence offering casual jobs that the immigrants can do, unlike Broward which is less industrialized hence fewer employment opportunities ( Acosta, Leite & Rigolini, 2014)

Place of Birth 

The place of birth of population of Weston Florida vary among its population: Weston Florida has a population of 43.6% who are foreign born compared to Broward County which has 32.7%. Also, per cent of a citizen who is naturalized in Weston Florida is 53.3% whereas in Broward County is 57.7%. Additionally, the percentage of people who were born from 2010 onwards in Weston Florida was 23.3% whereas in Broward county was 12.2 %. Weston has a high birthrate of foreign-born because the businesses and the factory that is situated in the town attracts foreigners to do casual jobs. Percentage of foreign born from Latin America is high because the factories and the business attracts many foreigners from Mexico and Cuba who are looking for greener pastures ( Lustig et al. 2016)

Poverty Status 

In Weston, the percentage of people whose income is below the poverty level was 7.79% whereas in Broward County it was 11.1%. Since Weston is a master planned suburban town, it has attracted many businesses which have offered employment opportunities to the local people around the city. This explains why the town has less poverty level compared to Broward County that has fewer businesses and industries. 

Income measures 

The median income of Weston and Broward County was 93,883$ and 52,954$ respectively. However, the mean income of Weston and Broward County in 2010 was 125,525$ and 75,330$ respectively. Weston has a high median and means income since the majority of its people are employed, unlike Broward county which has lesser people who are employed ( Mishel, Bernstein, & Schmitt, 2016)

Employment measures 

The percentage of unemployed in Weston Florida and Broward County was 4.9% and 5.8% respectively. Nevertheless, the percentage of the population who are not in the labour force in Weston Florida and Broward County was 33.0% respectively 33.8%. Percentage of unemployed in Weston Florida and Broward County is slightly different; this can be explained by the ability of Weston to attract more business compared to Broward County. The number of people in Weston Florida and Broward County who are not in labour force is 33%, this people are self-employed and earn money through their business ( Lustig et al. 2016)

Occupational characteristics 

The percentage employed in management, business, science, and arts occupations Weston Florida and Broward county was 50.8% and 35.4% respectively. However, the percentage of the population who are employed in service occupations in Weston and Broward county was 11.8% and 19.9% respectively. The number of people who are employed in management, business, science, and arts occupations is high in Weston Florida because the region has a conducive environment that attracts many businesses which employ people of Weston. However, the number of people who are employed in service occupations is high in Broward County because many people are self-employed and offer their services which they are paid ( Lustig et al. 2016)

Family Household Types 

a) The percentage of families that are married couples is higher in Weston Florida (68.8%) compared to 43.3% in Broward County. This high percentage variation is attributed to the high cost of living in Weston, FL. As a result of this, the couples prefer to stay married together to share the expenses thereby lowering the cost of living. Also, inequality and discrimination of divorced or unmarried household members in Weston, FL contributes to the couples staying married ( Lustig et al. 2016)

b) The percentage of families headed by female householders with no husband present was slightly higher in Broward County (15.6%) than in Weston, FL (12.7%). In both populations, the percentages are relatively low. Societal tendencies strongly advocate for the presence of a masculine figure in the family. Most people conform to that notion thus the low percentages of families headed by female householders. This belief is largely centred on gender inequality and male chauvinism, where it is expected that the head of all proper families is males ( Lustig et al. 2016)

Family size 

The average family of Weston, FL was 3.54 while that of Broward County was 3.44. Both populations have similarly low family sizes which are comprised of two parents and one or two children. The scarcity of resources and poverty is a limiting factor to the family size. Families engage in family planning in a bid to be able adequately to provide for their children, thus the average low family sizes ( Lustig et al. 2016)

Educational Attainment 

a) The percentage of high school graduates was significantly higher in Broward County (27.3%) compared to that of Weston, FL (12.0%). The high discrepancy is due to the affordability of high school education in Broward County. The County high school education expenditure per student is high, thereby promoting education. The higher cost of living in Weston, FL makes it hard for most families to afford the education ( Lustig et al. 2016)

b) Unlike high school education, the percentage of people with bachelor’s degree in Weston FL. is higher (34.4%) than in Broward County (19.9%). Contrary to the case in high school education, Weston’s university education expenditure is higher than in Broward County, making university education affordable. Over 90% of those who complete their high school education are enrolled in University. 

Veteran Status 

The percentage of civilians that are veterans is significantly low in populations, 4.1% and 5.6% in Weston, FL. And Broward County respectively. The low numbers of veteran status both populations is as a result of the low education and employment rates resulting from inequality in employment opportunities and unaffordable education. 

Housing Tenure 

a) Owner-occupied housing – The percentage of housing units that are owner-occupied in Weston FL. Is 73.4% while that in Broward County is 62.8%. The high median gross rent in Weston makes people prefer to own their houses ( Lustig et al. 2016)


The housing value in Weston FL. Was US$ 414,000 while that in Broward County was $202,300.This discrepancy is as a result of the high land rates and costs of construction in Weston, FL. The rise in property value contributed to the high cost of living in Weston. 

Gross Rent 

The median gross rent in Weston FL. was US$ 1,933 while that in Broward County was US$ 1,226. This rent in Weston was much higher than the average median gross rent in the United States. The chasm in the rent values resulted from the high costs of construction and land rates in Weston. 

Housing as a percentage of the total income 

a) For owners and mortgages – The population percentage paying 35 percent or more was 44% in Weston FL. and 46.2% in Broward County. Relatively fewer people in both populations preferred to pay that mortgage price, probably because it was unaffordable for most people, 

b) For renters - The population percentage paying 35 percent or more was 53% in Weston FL. and 62.1% in Broward County. Most people, especially in Broward County, preferred this payment rate because it was affordable as a rent payment plan. 

Total population size 

Broward County had three times the population size of Weston FL., 1,863,780 and 68,893 respectively. Most people prefer to live in Bradford due to its lower cost of living ( Lustig et al. 2016)

In conclusion, the main contribution of my research is the characteristic of the metropolitan area that was presented. Basing on the result, there are inequality and poverty level in the two metropolitan area. To eradicate inequality and poverty in the two areas the respective governors in collaboration with the federal governors should ensure they encourage entrepreneurship which is the main source of employment. If employment is in abundant, the two metropolitans will have their level of poverty reduced immensely and resources distributed equally to each person or community. To move towards a solution, I will turn to the federal government and the governor of State of Florida. 


Acosta, P., Leite, P., & Rigolini, J. (2014). Should Cash Transfers Be Confined to the Poor? Implications for Poverty and Inequality in Latin America.  Social Insurance, Informality and Labor Markets 11 , 347-372. 

Bonilla-Silva, E. (2017).  Racism without racists: Color-blind racism and the persistence of racial inequality in America . Rowman & Littlefield. 

Krueger, A. B. (2018). Inequality, too much of a good thing. In  The Inequality Reader  (pp. 25-33). Routledge. 

Lustig, N., Lopez-Calva, L. F., Ortiz-Juárez, E., & Monga, C. (2016). Deconstructing the decline in inequality in Latin America. In  Inequality and Growth: Patterns and Policy  (pp. 212-247). Palgrave Macmillan, London. 

Mishel, L., Bernstein, J., & Schmitt, J. (2016).  The state of working America: 1996-97 . Routledge. 

Ravallion, M. (2017).  Poverty comparisons . Routledge. 

Ryscavage, P. (2015).  Income inequality in America: An analysis of trends . Routledge. 

Sugrue, T. J. (2014).  The origins of the urban crisis: Race and inequality in postwar Detroit . Princeton University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Poverty and Inequality.


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