25 May 2022


Prenatal Nutrition and Environmental Exposure Effects on Organogenesis

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 888

Pages: 4

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Part A

A social stratification system can be viewed as a unique form of grouping or ranking of people within a societal framework based on their socio-economic ability. The socio-economic capacities of individuals within various groupings or strata are determined by aspects such as, wealth, occupation, social status, income level and socio-political power (Presentation, 2018). Primarily, societies can stratify their members through distinct approaches within the social dynamic sphere; they include: race, gender, income, education, occupation, and religion. Multiple factors of stratification can apply to individuals in various societal groupings.

Indeed, the dominant stratification systems include: closed verses open systems as well as caste verses social class systems. Thus, a closed stratification system is characterized by low social mobility whereby the probability of moving from one social class to another of distinct nature is almost nil or zero. Essentially, the social status acquired by an individual within this system is determined by hereditary relations and affiliations (Presentation, 2018). On the other hand, an open stratification system is characterized by a high likelihood of social mobility from one social status to another. Markedly, the movement from one social class or setting to another is determined by the personal choices that an individual makes in the course of life. 

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In addition, caste systems are defined as Indian-based socio-cultural dynamics that segment the Hindu society into four distinct classes. The social classes are composed of Shudras, Vaishyas, Kshatriyas, and Brahmins. From the Indian traditions, it is highly believed that the socio-economic classes were established by Brahma, the religious supernatural being (God) who was involved in the creation (Presentation, 2018). On the other hand, social class systems can be considered as social categories that have been set through a hierarchical arrangement or social stratification. Clearly, the categories set in this group include lower, middle, and upper social groupings or classes.

Part B

Evidently, the United States of America stratifies its citizens into nine social classes that are defined through three dominant groupings: upper, middle, and lower. Further, the three social groupings are broken down into three distinct categories whereby each social class has a lower, upper, and middle class (Presentation, 2018). As such, the nine social stratification groups help to capture the American society through the socio-economic lens by adopting distinct income levels for each category. The upper social class is considered to have an income level within USD 250,000 on an annual basis whereas the middle class is viewed to register income levels of between USD 25,000 and USD 250,000 per one fiscal year (Presentation, 2018). In addition, the lower social class is considered to rake in an income level that falls below USD 25,000.

Understandably, the consequences of the social stratification model or system adopted by the United States have a far-reaching effect on economic planning, social programs, and determination of general economic development and growth. For instance, the demographic surveys of members within the various social classes are instrumental in the determination of the poverty index in the United States (LSNJLAW, 2018). As such, the federal government of the USA initiates programs to reverse the poverty trends and resultantly promote societal growth and prosperity.

Again, the USA government uses the data from the lower, upper, and middle social stratifications to ascertain fair distribution of social amenities as well as basic needs. Sadly, the social class system in the United States is perpetuated by the forces and pressures of capitalism. In this regard, the wealth or income level of an individual is determined by the access to the elements involved in the production as well as distribution of services and goods (Presentation, 2018). Bearing in mind that the wealthy individuals have an increased access to these production elements, their ability to generate income remains stronger compared to the poor. Hence, the status quo in regards to wealth creation and poverty still holds. 

Part C

Agreeably, the problems encountered by the people within the lower social class can be addressed through the implementation of effective social programs and welfare initiatives. Moreover, the USA government can design innovative public policy strategies that can help alleviate the challenges of poverty as seen in the lower social stratum (Presentation, 2018). Fundamentally, enhancing access to affordable as well as quality education for the children who come from the families in the lower social grouping can be essential in boosting career and development opportunities that will enable them transform the fortunes of their low-income households. Again creation of jobs and amendments in the tax policy of the United States are effective approaches to address poverty in America (Presentation, 2018). Job opportunities for the low-income families enhances their purchasing power; thus, improving their standards of life and reduces poverty. 

Absolute poverty is viewed as a type of poverty whereby individuals within this social setting have limited ability to achieve their basic needs whereas relative poverty is considered as a form of poverty whereby individuals in this grouping have ability to attain their basic needs but have no capacity to provide for anything else (Office of Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation, 2011). A poverty line makes reference to an imaginary social level or cut-off mark that determines whether an individual is poor or not based on the foundation that it is the minimum amount of income that a person needs to provide for the basic elements in social living. 

Certainly, demographics of poverty; such as, gender, race, and age are metrics used to determine the likelihood of poverty. For instance, it is believed that children (lower age level) have a high probability of poverty due to their inability to generate reasonable income. Feminization of poverty simply refers to the social misconception that women have an increased chance for poverty based on the demography of poverty in regards to gender (Presentation, 2018). Welfare refers to initiatives and social programs established by the government to reverse the trends of poverty and promote wealth creation through strategies; such as, provision of jobs for the people within low-income neighborhoods, issuance of food stamps, and healthcare insurance packages for the low-income groups. 


LSNJLAW. (2018, November). Government Aid and Services, Food Stamps . Retrieved from https://www.lsnjlaw.org/Government-Aid-Services/Food-Hunger-Nutrition/Food- Stamps/Pages/default.aspx

Office of Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation. (2011, January 20). The 2011 HHS Poverty Guidelines. Retrieved from https://aspe.hhs.gov/2011-hhs-poverty-guidelines

Presentation. (2018). SOC113. Poverty. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Prenatal Nutrition and Environmental Exposure Effects on Organogenesis.


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