4 May 2022


Project Proposal and Methods Analysis

Format: Harvard

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Dissertation

Words: 3100

Pages: 10

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1 Introduction 2

1.1 Overview 2

1.2 Statement of Problem 4

1.3 Research Objectives 5

1.4 Research Questions 5

1.5 Justification of the Project 5

1.6 Dissertation Structure 6

2. Literature Review 7

i. How is social medial and digital based communications affecting the media market in Kuwait? 7

ii. How does Kuwait’s social media and digitalization frameworks transformation compare with other regional media markets in Kuwait in the Middle East? 9

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iii. Compared to traditional media markets, how does the adoption of social media and digital-based communication models perform? 9

3. Methodology 11

4. Findings 11

5. Analysis/ Discussion 12

6. Conclusion 12

Project Proposal and Methods Analysis

Title: Impact of Social Media and Digitalization on the Kuwait’ Media Market with Comparison to Other Middle East Countries



In Kuwait, the dominance of the traditional media framework in the recent years is rapidly being replaced by new forms of modern media. The media market in Kuwait; initially heavily reliant on TV, Newspapers, Magazines and Radio; is now dependent on new media such as social media and digital web based platforms. Unlike other countries in the Middle East region, Kononova and Alhabash, (2012) posits that Kuwait’s rapid transformation has made the country a regional power hub with the social networks being very strong. The increased internet penetration in Kuwait has in the recent past toppled the degree with which these new forms of media have transformed the market in Kuwait. However, albeit these new changes, the scholarly field have conducted little research work on the way that this new phenomenon has transformed the media market in the context of the Middle East region. Thus, the gap has had a great impact on the accuracy of the decisions made by Key industry players in the region. Most of the focus has mainly been on the rate of absorption, either deliberately or otherwise, there is a need to conduct an in depth study on the ways that the new paradigm shifts in the market dynamics of the media fraternity. 

Preliminary research indicates that the misperception has mainly been the result of a misconception of the role of new media in the modern society. In comparison to traditional media, the new media spectrum has been treated as more of an entertainment platform where individual share freely published material; which going by multiple research is not the case (Kononova and Alhabash, 2012; Kaposi, 2014; Kononova and Akbar, 2015). This is a huge mistake by academic spheres because it is contrary to the facts of the real power of new media. Current studies in the developed countries, social media in the recent past are the leading marketing platform for the majority of the organization. This paper intends to remedy this misconception by undertaking a study that assesses the level of social media influence in Kuwait with priority of the how the shifts of the reliance of traditional media to new media, not just as a source of information but also as a marketing front, has affected the media market in Kuwait. Therein, because the study intentionally targets a broader framework, compare how Kuwait’s performance relates with other regional markets. In more precise terms, determine whether or not the Kuwait transformation in any way is similar to the patterns in other countries in the Middle East region. 

According to various sources, the trajectory of social media and digital web based communication platforms will upsurge with the new innovations of smart phone technology being a central factor towards the future. As Wheeler (2017) notes, Kuwait’s intake of new media technology is leading the region, thus further even making it more important for carrying out this research. More so, the regional context is important because the new media forms have greatly interlinked not just the Middle East region but also the globe (Wheeler, 2017).

Unprecedented connection of these new forms of media makes it even more necessary not just to conduct the study in Kuwait but also compare with other regional markets of the Middle East Region. The new focus of the new media is the result not only makes it important to assess the impact but also determine the trajectory of the market as the subsequent sections will show. 

Statement of Problem

Social media channels and digital platforms, based on the market penetration statistics, have not just caused a shift in the way people share information but also how they consume it. There is a new focused attention on social media platforms and other digital platforms as the preferred source of information in Kuwait. The majority of the people are now sourcing information from social media and digital platforms which in turn has also changed the marketing spectrum (Wheeler, 2017). Companies in Kuwait, in realization of the power of social media, have now focused on using the platform effectively to market their products and reach out to consumers. Just how far has this new transformation affected the Kuwait media market spectrum? Does it make it more efficient for both consumers of information and entities? Is the impact positive or negative compared to the traditional media? All these question have a for a long time remained unanswered thus creating a research gap which if left unanswered will not provide an opportunity for academic spheres and the industry players an opportunity address any issues; if any, or formulate strategies to improve on the role of social media and digital frameworks both in the present and the future as the world continues to transition into a fully digital-based communication model 

Research Objectives

This research intends to primarily investigate the various that social media platforms and digital-based communication frameworks in media has impacted the market in Kuwait. Currently, statistics point to a new paradigm of a transformative agenda of companies using the aforementioned procedural frameworks to not only market products but also evaluate the products and share their feedback on them. As a rapidly growing phenomenon, this paper will intend to answer the following research questions outlined in the section below. 

Research Questions

How is social medial and digital based communications affecting the media market in Kuwait?

How does Kuwait’s transformation compare with other regional media markets in Kuwait? 

Compared to traditional media markets, how does the adoption of social media and digital-based communication models perform? 

Justification of the Project

The millennial market not just in Kuwait or the Middle East but also globally forms a very large part of the market segment of the market. Thus, by undertaking a project to examine the various ways that the new media impact the market this project will provide very meaningful information on the overall outlook of these new paradigms that will be helpful to both academia and industry. For academia, it will offer such knowledge that help in hypothesizing whether these impacts lead to better outcomes and efficiency in these aforementioned spectrums. In the case of industry players, it help to determine whether or not they offer new opportunities for further improvements both in the way that they advertise and develop products. 

Dissertation Structure

In its entirety, the project will contain the following core parts: 

Chapter one: This part will introduce the dissertation project by exploring the underlying thematic patterns of social media and digital forms of communication in the media. Primarily, it also captures the underlying statement of the problem, research objectives- what the study intends to accomplish, and justification that will help to build on its relevance in the context of Kuwait. 

Chapter two : The second chapter will purely focus on a literature review of peer reviewed sources on related studies conducted on the subject to develop connection of how the new media as an integral part of the media impacts Kuwait. In simpler terms, the connection will focus on the variables and how they interrelate towards finding leverage and intersections that will help to inform academic and industry players on how the new paradigm impacts the market. Essentially, the theorized hypothesis will form the foundation of these discussions in this section in close relevance to the topic. 

Chapter three : The third chapter will be the literature review section that focus on the underlying conceptual frameworks for the study. For this study, qualitative procedural frameworks will be applied and as such used to create the research designs, information collection processes and analytical approaches. will entail the methodology of the study. The research will primarily utilize qualitative approaches to help develop a working hypothesis for the paper

Chapter four : The section will in depth analyze the information therein and determine the existing relationships established in the literature review section. Precisely, the findings of the study will be subjected to a thematic analysis to establish the existing connection that emerges therein. The section will help to compliment the findings of the research..

Chapter five : This will be the concluding section of this study that entail a summary of the overall findings of the paper and subsequently based on the findings outline recommendations on the future frameworks of scholarly research. 

Literature Review 

How is social medial and digital based communications affecting the media market in Kuwait?

The uptake of social media and digital based communication medial has, in the opinion of multiple theorists, overhauled the traditional media channels such as TV and print media Kuwait (Al-Enezi, Al Shaikhli, and AlDabbagh, 2018; Bashir and Aldaihani, 2017). Accordingly, the new media spectrum- social media and digital-based communication channels, is on a rapidly rising trajectory that is indeed causing multiple shifts in the market. To begin with, as Bashir and Aldaihani, (2017) notes most companies are now investing more in the social media and digital based platforms to promote their products as opposed to earlier times when the traditional markets such as TV dominated the market. Per se, most companies in multiple sectors including health, electronics, telecommunications and manufacturing now concentrate more on these platforms as opposed to the traditional media frameworks. For them, there is a wider range of consumer outreach in the new media than the traditional media platforms (Bashir and Aldaihani, 2017). So what does this mean to the future patterns of the market? While it is not accurate to hypothesize that traditional media will be completely faced out in the foreseeable future in Kuwait, it will wrong to make assumptions that social media and digital-based communication channels will not have a greater role to play in the media market in Kuwait in future. Kuwait as one of the leading internet connected countries in the Middle East region have the highest level of consumer networks that rely on new media platforms to evaluate products and consume information (Ersoy and Kwaitek, 2017). Notably, the impact in the market is that these new shift have also precipitated in a new transformation of the media networks. Most of the companies operating in the sector now run very active social media pages and digital communication channels to reach out to their audience. On this front, it is arguably evident that the social media wave is not just a passing phenomenon but one that towards the future will dominate the media market in Kuwait. 

At this point, it is of great importance to note that the digitization agenda in the Kuwait’s Vision 2035, as observed by Saxena and Al-Tamimi, 2018 have played a very important role towards realization this new transformation. The current flow of information through internet based mediums is very high; which may explain the aforementioned changes in the media market segments. Another key event that is notable is the way that the communication in the media market is being conducted. The market is now collecting and sharing information about products for example being launched real time. More so, there is an increased role of the customer feedback that has completely changed the whole marketing and product development approach (Saxena and Al-Tamimi, 2018). As a result of the adoption of social media and digital media platforms, the advertising platform in Kuwait has now become very broad and extensively helpful to consumers. In more precise terms, the new media paradigm in Kuwait has helped to connect the consumer to the producers in a way that the media market not is just an avenue of advertising product but rather also a medium where the consumer can share their views on the products. Argumentatively, it accurate to hypothesize that the social media and digital based communication models has completely transformed the media market towards a whole new level as the evidence above suggests; the more reason why this study is important. 

How does Kuwait’s social media and digitalization frameworks transformation compare with other regional media markets in Kuwait in the Middle East? 

Kuwait, according to various research activities has a very high internet connection compared to other regional markets in the region. One of the key reasons that explain this phenomenon is that it is strategically located thus is considered as a commercial hub in the region; thus the internet connection of the region with the globe is a priority investment for the country. Therefore, one of the trickle effects of high internet connection in the country is that social media technology and digital based communication frameworks have been rapidly absorbed in the country (Saxena and Al-Tamimi, 2018). In comparison to other countries in the region such Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait has a very high internet infrastructure that is superior to all the other countries. Indeed Kuwait is a leading country in the region where the uptake of social media and digital forms of communication is very high. In line with these findings, the level with which consumers rely on the social media framework is higher compared to other countries. A research conducted by the University of Al-Qassim confirmed that Kuwait’s media market is currently dominated by both Social Media platforms and Digital media platforms. 

Compared to traditional media markets, how does the adoption of social media and digital-based communication models perform? 

Bashir and Aldaihani (2017) theorizes that, in comparison to the traditional media markets, new media such as Social Media and Digital Based communication performs relative better in Kuwait. Most of the young market and the middle aged person who owns smart phones agree that they use these mediums more to acquire information not just about products but also societal matters (Ersoy and Kwaitek, 2017). In fact, social media and digital based platforms provide more information in a very quick and efficient way than traditional media. One of the key reasons for this is that the process of collecting and sharing ids quicker, faster and cheaper. 

With just a smart phone or a laptop, a blogger is able to publish and distribute a lot of information to millions of audience as compared to the traditional media platforms. Gadgets of traditional media are not mobile; something that the new media channels have greatly addressed by using hand held smart phones as the avenues through which they share their information (Kononova and Alhabash, 2014). More so, the production and transmission of content is very quick and real time. So, how exactly does social media and digital based platforms of communication in Kuwait compare to the traditional means of means of communication.

Definitely, they perform better and as the above evidence suggest, it is more reliable and fast. The paradigm shift of the use of internet technology as a means of communication and information sharing have also create an element of connection that has made the media market more inclusive of the consumer perspectives about the adverts and products. Per se, consumers view this new innovative approach as being more efficient and by capturing their views more inclusive (Al-Enezi, Al Shaikhli, and AlDabbagh, 2018). Simply put, the paradigm of new media, as an integral part of the media market spectrum in Kuwait has achieved better performance through clarity of product information and consumer connections. 


The study proposes to apply a qualitative methodological approach to collect information about the variable. The qualitative process will include a peer reviewed approach of pre-existing literature that will help to identify the theoretical frameworks of how the IV and DV relate; that is, how social media and digital based communication channels (IVs) impact the media market spectrum (DV). Also, the research proposes to incorporate an online based survey questionnaire methodological approach that will help to identify the various ways that social media and digital based communication models have transformed the media market landscape. 

The interview questionnaire will be distributed to three categories of respondents, namely; Media Executives, Marketing Firms Executives and active social media influencers. 30 respondents will randomly be selected online through a survey process from a pool of at 100 hundred interested candidates who occupy the aforementioned positions. This will help to collect a wide pool of information that will be very fundamental towards ensuring a high accuracy level of information collected and the theories developed therein about the subject of study. More importantly, through the comparison of the findings of both the literature review and interview questionnaires, make a correct hypothetical conclusion that wholly answers the research questions. 


Going by the findings of the preliminary research conducted on the topic, “ Impact of Social Media and Digitalization on the Kuwait (Journalism, Mass Media) Market with Comparison to Other Middle East Countries” , it is accurate to report that contrary to my previous assumptions of how the social media and digital based communication models has impacted the media market, indeed embracing these new technological has been of great benefit to the media market spectrum. Despite the existence information vacuum on the topic, it evident that it has stimulated such shifts that not only makes the communication avenues of Kuwait more reliable and efficient, it has also positioned the country as a model country in the region- Middle East. The performance, as the evidence in the literature review suggests is immaculate, better and more dependable by the consumer audience than traditional media. While the latter still remains active in the country, its relevance has in the recent years greatly diminished. Thus, it only accurate that the evidence points to a new approach that has revolutionized the media market in Kuwait propelled the country to a regional giant in Media communication and more importantly significantly improved the performance of the field in the domestic arena. 

Analysis/ Discussion

In all fairness, the media market of Kuwait, as the evidence and findings indicate, in responsible for the exponential growth witnessed in recent years in the country. More so, the new media segment, albeit being not extensively covered in scholarly studies offers immense opportunities for the industry players in the country. For the academic spheres, the adoption of these new technology in communication offers invaluable information on the evolution process of modern forms of communication in their role not just to promote products but also link producers to their customers; the more reason why this study of great significance to the Kuwait and by extension the Middle East region. 


To conclude, the undertaking of this study, is not only a noble endeavor that will shine light on the new media in Kuwait, but also plays an important role in generating new information that helps both scholars in media field and industry players in the sector further understand the patterns and their impacts on the market. As the findings postulate, clearly, social media and the digital framework phenomena is doing than positively impacting the media market, it is, in principle, stimulating an evolution process of its key elements that is making it more efficient, reliable and extensively helping it to reach a wider audience in the country. 

References List

Kononova, A. and Alhabash, S., 2012. When one medium is not enough: Media use and media multitasking among college students in Kuwait. Journal of Middle East Media, 8(1).

Kaposi, I. (2014). The culture and politics of Internet use among young people in Kuwait. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 8(3).

Kononova, A. and Akbar, M., 2015. Interpersonal Communication, Media Exposure, Opinion Leadership, and Perceived Credibility of News and Advertising During December 2012 Parliamentary Election in Kuwait. International Journal of Communication, 9, p.23.

Wheeler, D.L., 2017. You’ve Come A Long Way Baby: Women’s New Media Practices, Empowerment, and Everyday Life in Kuwait and the Middle East. In Media in the Middle East (pp. 45-67). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Al-Enezi, K.A., Al Shaikhli, I.F.T. and AlDabbagh, S.S.M., 2018. The Influence of Internet and Social Media on Purchasing Decisions in Kuwait. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), 10(2), pp.792-797.

Bashir, M. and Aldaihani, A., 2017. Public relations in an online environment: Discourse description of social media in Kuwaiti organizations. Public relations review, 43(4), pp.777-787.

Alhaimer, R., 2019. Adopting Social Media and Identifying Return on Investment from Using Social Media as Marketing Tool Amongst Kuwaiti Smes. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal.


Saxena, S. and Al-Tamimi, T.A.S.M., 2018. Visioning “smart city” across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. foresight.

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