VALIDITY (50 points)
A r e the r e sults of the s tu d y v a lid? |
Yes |
No |
Unknown |
Rationale |
Study participants in the comparison groups are similar? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
There were no group differences in the demographic or outcome variables or the factors related to the risk of the poor recovery. |
The interventions are clearly identified. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
The interventions are clearly identified with each group having five eight intervention members. |
There is a control group. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Yes, there is a control group. The first group is the in-person class time and the second pone is booster telephone classes. |
Participants in the comparison group(s) received a reasonable treatment/care to the exposure or intervention of interest |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Each group was led by trained facilitators with mental health backgrounds. |
Follow-up between groups is adequately described and analysed. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
No, there is no adequate description of the follow-up between groups. |
Appropriate statistical analysis was used for the data gathered. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Yes, it is true that appropriate statistical analysis was used for the data gathered. Primarily, analysis was done using SPSS version 21. Researchers performed descriptive results, paired t tests, and regression analyses. |
Measurement of the outcome was obtained pre and post the intervention. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
It is true that the outcome was obtained pre and post the intervention, with post-intervention taking place after eight weeks. |
The outcomes are the same across both groups were measured with the same instrument |
1 |
2 |
3 |
The same instrument, The Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D) was used to measure outcomes in both groups. |
Outcomes were measured with valid and reliable instruments |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Yes, the instrument used (The Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D)), is valid and reliable. |
RELIABILITY (50 points) 2.W h a t a r e the r e sult s ? Table of the article provides vital information for the study. The table presents the pre-intervention mean, and the eight-week post-intervention mean. Furthermore, the table provides the t-statistic and the significance level. The statistical significance level indicates that the outcome of the intervention occurred because of the study intervention and not by chance. The two groups had almost the same size or population. The magnitude of the results is further enhanced through the t-statistic values in table 1 of the article. The groups were different based on the parameters used to determine wellness. |
Hints: See magnitude of results in Melnyk text on page 136-139 Consider the information given in Table 1 in the article. Consider the size of the differences between the 2 groups and the effect size. Consider the p-value and/or the means to show the magnitude based on your biostats text or any stats text. |
What was the precision of the results/measurement of effect?? In this case, the study precision refers to the level to which the future measurements or calculations can result in the same outcome. It largely relies on the random errors. It does not give indication of how close the results are to the true value. Table one indicates the standard deviation of various figures before and after the intervention program. Approximately 95% of the values are within the two standard deviations of the mean. |
Hints: See Precision of results in Melnyk text page 143 Consider standard deviations and p values based on biostats class! Go back to class text or any stats text. |
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W ould the re sults help m e in c a ri n g f o r patients with TBIs
If I was caring for patients who were were similar to the study patients, will the the results lead directly to selecting or avoiding therapy |
1 | 2 | 3 | Yes, the study will lead directly to selecting or avoiding therapy because it outlines the effects of TBI measures and the significance. |
A r e the r e sults use f ul for r e a ssuri n g or c oun s e ling p a ti e nts? | 1 | 2 | 3 | The results are useful for reassuring patients. The intervention can be used as a rehabilitation program for patients |
Wo u l d you use the s tu d y res u l t s i n yo u r pr a c t ice to make a d i ffe r ence in p a t i ent o u tc o mes if caring for a pt with TBI/traumatic brain injury?
Yes, I would use the study results in my practice to make a difference in patient outcomes if caring for a patient with TBI by providing this emerging mindfulness intervention to various families and injured people. In particular, this study approach is appropriate, acceptable and feasible in the setting of TBI population. More cases of mindfulness in daily living or dispositional mindfulness are linked to the increased wellness.
I f y es, ho w ?
I f y es, w h y ?
I f no, w hy no t ?
Comment on r eco m mend a t i on f o r a r t i c l e u se w i thin a bo d y o f e viden c e (group of studies, see Page 750, Melnyk text) for consideration of treatments for patients post TBI.
The primary aim of post-acute TBI rehabilitation is to help patients achieve an autonomous functioning level. It is recommended to ensure that the patients have achieved independent communication after the TBI process.
Bay, E., & Chan, R. R. (2019). Mindfulness-based versus health promotion group therapy after traumatic brain injury. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 57(1), 26-33.