14 Jun 2022


Red Meat and Colon Cancer

Format: Other

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 308

Pages: 1

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Despite the two articles being different, they share a common subject topic, which is linking red meat to colorectal cancer. Fundamentally, the difference between the two articles is on the quantity and quality of information presented in each source. The media article bases its inferences on studies conducted on the subject matter, while the peer-reviewed article information is based on primary data and findings during actual research ( Bradbury et al., 2020 ). The peer-reviewed article is based on methodical research that was appraised by other scholars for consistency and accuracy. The reviewing process helps ensure that the study accurately answers the research question and draw correct conclusions founded on professionally performed experimentation. Thus, reviewing research work aids in refining its quality by encouraging authors to satisfy the set standards of discipline, including controlling the dissemination of research findings. Since the research article was published in a renowned journal after a rigorous peer-review process, its quality is thus topnotch. Although the media article references different sources of information that can be deemed credible, it is prone to reporting bias ( Boseley, 2019 ). The quality of information can be affected by reporting bias regardless of the sources used to develop the article. 

Similarly, the amount of information in the peer-reviewed article is more than that of the media article. Besides information from the actual research, the scientific article relies on several other scientific and peer-reviewed sources. From a research perspective, the research article is credible because the researchers examined incidences of colorectal cancer not only from red meat but from other types of meat. Also, the distribution of data across the participants' group was balanced. Last, each intake was re-measured to ensure that the data collected was accurate, thus credible ( Bradbury et al., 2020 ). Summarily, though the two articles share a common thematic issue, the peer-reviewed article’s information has more quality and quantity compared to media one. Thus, the scholarly article is more credible than the media publication. 

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Boseley, S. (2019).  Even Moderate Intake of Red Meat Raises Cancer Risk, Study Finds . The Guardian. Retrieved 2 July 2020, from www.theguardian.com/society/2019/apr/17/even-moderate-intake-of-red-meat-raises-cancer-risk-study-finds. 

Bradbury, K. E., Murphy, N., & Key, T. J. (2020). Diet and Colorectal Cancer in UK Biobank: A Prospective Study.  International Journal of Epidemiology 49 (1), 246-258. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Red Meat and Colon Cancer.


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