22 Jul 2022


Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Offenders

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Incarceration accounts for the most preferable method of punishing offenders for felonies. It also focuses on various categories of offences. Currently, prison populations attributable to the United States assume the highest rank globally in addition to its per capita rate. For every 100,000 individuals, the system holds an estimated 655 people as of 2016 with a total of 2.2 million in various prisons. The number varies extensively for the 1719 correctional institutions affiliated with different states and 102 prisons under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. It also integrates the numbers held in 1852 facilities for juveniles and 3163 jails operating locally (Wagner & Sawyer, 2018) . The system also encompasses military prisons as well as institutions that deal with immigration detention. The 1970s heralded the adoption of rehabilitation policies for American prisons. The system provided some encouragement for inmates to acquire occupational skills while seeking methods to resolve various psychological challenges. The approaches not only decongest the facilities, but also provide an impetus for inmates to improve their lives. The current paper aims at evaluating new rehabilitation approaches and conducting an analysis of the prevalent treatment service innovations. 

An Analysis of New Rehabilitation Approaches and Treatment Service Innovations 

Criminal rehabilitation highlights the positive nature of human beings. It also underscores the input of environmental influences in contributing to wrong decisions. Nurturing feeds the prevalence of criminal tendencies owing to the factors involved. For example, 80% of the offenders incarcerated reported some reliance on alcohol as well as drugs in the course of serving their sentence and prior to facing the accruing jail terms. In New York, 78% of drug inmates had faced convictions with regards to violent felonies in previous cases (Aborn et al , n.d). Poverty and bad parenting facilitate some of the wrong choices attributable to offenders. Through rehabilitation, contributing factors receive some adequate focus with a purpose of enabling offenders to live without committing crimes upon release. Currently, the US seeks to model it's systems after Norway which considers normality, rehabilitation as well as humanity among its core values. Directors responsible for prisons in North Dakota and lawmakers travel to the nation in 2015 with an aim of understanding the implemented system (Wvlt.tv, 2018) . The initiative aimed at fostering unique approaches for rehabilitation to improve prevalent situations. 

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Educational Rehabilitation 

Education programs facilitate the reforms aimed at improving the lifestyle of prisoners. Statistics report that about 41% of the individuals subjected to incarceration chanced upon limited opportunities for the acquisition of diplomas from respective high schools in comparison to 18% of the America's population. Moreover, post-secondary as well as College education is evident among American residence at a rate of 48% where is individuals held in various federal prisons attract a margin of 24% (Bender, 2018) .The Vera Institute of Justice compiled a report indicating that state prisons offered courses applicable to college levels at a rate of 35% in 2016. However, the program indicated suitability only for 6% individuals in various penile institutions nationally. Even so, the implementation of the Second Chance Pell Pilot program aimed at providing opportunities for 12000 students under incarceration after a review of their qualifications to partake in courses applicable to college levels while serving sentences as from 2015. The government in New York provided over $7million in 2017 to respective colleges for their participation in providing tutorials to prisoners.  Cornell University as well as the New York University benefited from the scheme. 

Source: Michon (2016) 

The graph above indicates literacy levels applicable to jailed offenders. It provides an illustration that inmates earn a higher representation of 13-24% with regards to illiteracy as opposed to individuals living freely without the constraints imposed by the system (Michon, 2016) . Disparities emanate from prose literacy at a small margin. Even so, quantitative literacy depicts the highest levels of variations with non-incarcerated individuals. 

Statistics indicate that 43% of inmates indicated a reduced propensity to engage in offensive acts (Bender, 2018) . Individuals who opt out of the program depict a higher likelihood of returning into the system after 3 years. The studies conducted underscoring the importance of education for inmates facilitated the revolutions made in respect to the educational offerings available. It ensures that they benefit their respective local economies through engaging in meaningful work. The initiative also reduces the burden which accrues to taxpayers owing to the efforts made for the purpose of decongesting the current systems. Most correctional facilities feature training programs with a focus on computer use as it is among the most important prerequisites of rejoining the workforce. 

The college programs available in institutions for incarceration foster a reduction in the levels of violence evidence among prisoners. As a result, the environment becomes safer for various parties including prison staff. Moreover, education provides an impetus for an increment of the income attributable to an individual while combating the instances of unemployment (Tofig, 2017) . People under various systems of incarceration depicted the propensity to acquire incomes reduce by 11% as opposed to those without criminal records accomplishing similar tasks. Moreover, an affiliation with justice systems for the crimes committed culminates in a 15- 30% likelihood of individual facing unprecedented difficulties in chancing upon employment opportunities. Education paves the way for higher levels of political engagement in addition to volunteerism for inmates. An informed population serves to uphold desirable health outcomes even for individuals subjected to various incarceration systems. 

The Implementation of Work Programs for Inmates 

Work programs designed for prisoners endeavor to increase their available opportunities upon release. It fosters the creation of an appropriate cycle aimed at increasing individual productivity (Connectnetwork.com, 2016) . Initiatives designed to offer some work for inmates achieve financial as well as mental benefits for the respective parties. It also instills discipline which aligns with various career options while increasing employment prospects upon release. 

Correctional facilities aim at securing some contribution from inmates for traditional industries. The jobs include manufacturing mattresses, bookcases as well as shelves. The products obtain markets in various States or even counties. Moreover, municipal offices operating in school districts as well as non-profit organizations purchase some of the items produced by prisoners. Such efforts enhance the specific skills which accrue to inmates. The Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program came into effect in 1979 as a result of the directives issued by America's Congress. As a result, inmates acquired opportunities to obtain employment in respective private companies for paid work. Currently, an estimated 88% of America's correctional facilities implement various categories of work programs. It mandates the assumption of numerous responsibilities under the OTW category which delegates dish cleaning and laundry duties. 

The initiatives prepare prisoners for responsibilities outside their respective jails. It instills life skills which incorporate practicality and functionality fostering and acquisition of technical knowledge. Statistics indicate that the inmates engaged in various PIE roles do not exceed a rate of 5%. However, the system incorporates pay increments in addition to opportunities for acquiring bonuses. In Colorado, the programs acquire a monthly revenue of $400 albeit $0.25 remuneration for every hour worked nationally. It also eliminates in the acquisition of soft skills which guarantee positive outcomes upon the release of an inmate. 

The records attributable to inmates before to incarceration, indicates poor histories with regards to the acquisition of employment opportunities. In 1997, an estimated 31% of convicts underscored their unemployment for a duration of 1 month prior to arrest (Treatmentadvocacycenter.org, 2016) . In comparison, the rates evident nationally indicate a margin of 4.9% with regards to that specific year. Moreover, the survey conducted by BJS highlighted that 5% of the convicts under state jurisdiction failed to acquire job opportunities albeit the numerous attempts made. 

The National Institute of Justice conducted our research in 2007 to establish the positive implications of work programs over the long term for ex-offenders. It primarily evaluated the effect of PIE, OTW as well as TI initiatives. PIE participants chanced upon employment opportunities at a rate of 55%. Moreover, their capacity to retain employment for a year underscored a rate of 49%. Persistent employment highlighted an extensive likelihood at a margin of 14% for PIE participants while those involved in TI as well as OTW programs attracted a rate of 10.3% (Connectnetwork.com, 2016) .The initiatives also portended positive societal implications. Within a year, an estimated 82% of the individuals engaged in PIE programs refrained from situations that culminated in the arrest as opposed to 77% of the individuals affiliated with TI programs. On the other hand, a margin of 76% applied to OTW participants. Moreover, evaluations conducted within a span of three years highlighted a rate of 60% with regards to the capacity of PIE to enjoy an arrest free status. 

Source: Moses & Smith (n.d.) 

Work programs herald numerous benefits for the inmates as well as their respective facilities. The revenue acquired caters for expenses emanating from room and an individual's board. PIECP initiatives highlight the requirement for saving attained wages. As a result, offenders receive the amount upon release which facilitates their fresh start (Visher et al, 2017) .  In some instances, the wages make it possible for the settlement of child support. It also comprises the sum utilized to compensate victims of criminal acts. 

Prisoner Counseling For Rehabilitation Purposes 

Offenders generally indicate a higher prevalence of different forms of disorders in comparison the general population. They fall under psychological, substance abuse in addition to psychological disorders. Moreover, the corrections system utilized in America has culminated in the prevalence of various mental illnesses at worrying levels. For example, the Los Angeles County as well as Chicago's Cook County prisons facilitate the incarceration of many inmates with mental-related problems in comparison to operational psychiatric facilities available in the United States. Estimates indicate that prisoners in various jails indicate the prevalence of serious conditions at a rate of 20% whereas a margin of 15% applies to state prisons (Treatmentadvocacycenter.org, 2016) . The ailments include schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar and anxiety-related disorders. State inmates also indicate symptoms affiliated with dysthymia in addition to post-traumatic stress in accordance to the National Commission on Correctional Health Care’s findings. Such conditions mandate the implementation of appropriate systems to improve the well-being of inmates thus facilitating corrective measures. 

Prison counselors assume an essential role in facilitating inmate rehabilitation. The professionals offer the guidance mandated by offenders as they complete their respective sentences. 

Counseling services focus on various aspects of a vocational, personal, academic as well as social nature (Connectnetwork.com, 2016) . They foster a realization of new insights for offenders which align with set goals and inherent motivations. It deals with issues such as depression, substance abuse as well as stress. The service is commonly relies on the involvement of non-profit organizations. San Quentin received some input from Counseling & Training Consultants catering for the psychological needs prevalent among prisoners. The corporation extends its services to correction of staff with an aim of improving the strategies they used for communication. The Lion Heart Foundation offers inmates the support required to review their life experiences which catapulted their criminal tendencies. Such evaluations foster an understanding of harmful patterns which supports criminal behaviour. 

Canadian researchers highlighted the importance of resolving “ criminogenic needs ” evident among offenders to facilitate the effectiveness of implemented programs. The initiatives target the prevalence of criminal thoughts to aid the formulation of programs essential for triggering cognitive treatment (Bush, 2016) . The considerations foster recidivism reduction by a margin of 25- 30%. It increases the safety attributable to communities while upholding Family Values. The processes involved increase population productivity as more individuals engage in available employment positions. 

Counseling efforts focus on characterological changes evident particularly where inmates participate in the design programs for a prolonged duration. The sessions sometimes incorporate group therapy which stipulates the participation of a minimum number of members. For example, San Quentin formulated groups comprising of 20 men (Frisch & Emery, n.d.) . The inmates had attracted convictions for drug trafficking, murder as well as assault.  The sentences which accrued to other participants emanated from the involvement in armed robbery. Their ages ranged from 17- 50 years. As a result of their involvement, they indicated better response to responsibility under cultural shift which extensively integrated consciousness and averting instances which culminated in violence. 

Tackling jointly manifesting issues relating to an individual's mental illness coupled with the risk to engage in criminality leads to a 30-50% reduction with regards to recidivism (Richmond, 2018) . For instance, a program implemented in Texas focusing on 248 prisoners culminated in a decrease by 50% of the rates pertaining to re-arrest. However, grave circumstances became evident for inmates without access to available treatment. 

Wellness Initiatives for Inmates 

Wellness programs enable the acquisition of positive outcomes for prisoners by developing better habits. The respective facilities determine the offerings accessible to inmates. For example, they might choose to participate in yoga or even meditation. Such engagements offer prolonged benefits for the participants mentally and physically. It helps in combating stress in addition to managing anger. Some prisons provide initiatives aimed at cultivating positivity among inmates. For instance, interested individuals access opportunities to participate in gardening as well as culinary classes. The acquisition of various skills under awareness programs makes it possible for inmates to herald some measurable differences. 

Inmates’ Community Rehabilitation 

The release of ex-offenders into the respective communities occurs through the reliance on various mechanisms. In some cases, convicts serve set probation terms as opposed to fulfilling their sentence in a correctional facility. Such terms only become applicable where the crimes committed do not warrant imprisonment.  Even so, some predetermined conditions mandate adequate appearance in addition to regular check-ins by those convicted. However, the process incorporates extensive supervision. Other instances commonly incorporate a period of incarceration and a parole related release to aid sentence completion. Parole enables an individual to re-enter their community under the jurisdiction of conditional supervision indicating some variation depending on the case under scrutiny. 

Source: James (2015) 

The graph indicates annual rates at which parolees re-enter their respective communities albeit their extensive period which facilitates their incarceration. It juxtaposes convicts under probation and individuals to whom parole conditions. 

Rehabilitation processes throughout the life of an inmate even after exiting the system. Freedom following incarceration encompasses numerous variables. However, appropriate support systems reduce the propensity of an ex-offender to re-enter into respective correctional facilities (Connectnetwork.com, 2016) . Opportunities enabling community involvement paves the way for an individual accountability. It often leads to the delegation of different communal obligations. As a result of such contributions, ex-convicts feel that they belong in their societies. It cultivates positive relations while eliminating recidivism. 

The Implementation of Systems to Reduce Recidivism 

The approaches relied on for the rehabilitation of inmates transfer numerous skills which improve their lives upon release. It acclimatizes them two appropriate methods of dealing with anger and dealing with various societal issues forging appropriate behavior. However, the initiatives rely on funds availability in addition to appropriate programs that offer desirable incentives. For example, Colorado implemented STAR to initiate parole for ex-convicts. 

Regardless of the systems put in place, the adoption of additional measures is necessary to combat the possibility of ex-offenders re-entry into the system. The U.S Sentencing Commission produced a report which highlighted the propensity of 50% of the released individuals from respective federal prisons to undergo some subsequent arrest. Moreover, the duration highlighted for such occurrences was 8 years (Bender, 2018) .  Dire results primarily apply to those under 21 years who indicate a higher prevalence of going back to jail as opposed to other age groups. Furthermore, High School dropouts highlighted extensive rates at 60% and those who had acquired college degrees indicated a 19.1% margin. Hence, such occurrences majorly afflict young adults as well as school-aged minors. 


Rehabilitation initiatives mold offenders to foster appropriate behaviour acceptable by law. The paper discusses different strategies relied on by correctional facilities in the United States. It includes the provision of education and programs which cultivates skills that enhance an individual's employability. The system also offers counseling services in addition to formulating initiatives endeavored to boost convict welfare. Communities play an integral role with regards to enabling inmate re-entry into their societies. Parole and probation ease the conditions for ex-convicts providing enabling factors for the transition process. Albeit the success evident, some ex-offenders indicate tendencies of recidivism. Appropriate resources curb such prevalences with the help of qualified personnel. 


Aborn, J., Toorn, A. V., Hockin, J., Jordan, S., Nayvelt, M., & Finkelstein, M. (n.d.). The California Prison and Rehabilitation System . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://web.stanford.edu/class/e297c/poverty_prejudice/citypoverty/california.htm 

Visher, C. A., Lattimore, P. K., Barrick, K., & Tueller, S. (2017). Evaluating the long-term effects of prisoner reentry services on recidivism: What types of services matter?  Justice Quarterly 34 (1), 136-165. 

Moses, M. C., & Smith, C. J. (n.d.). Factories Behind Fences: Do Prison Real Work Programs Work? NIJ Journal Issue No. 257 . Retrieved from https://www.nij.gov/journals/257/pages/real-work-programs.aspx 

Frisch, P., & Emery, A. (n.d.). Inmate Counseling and Therapy . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://orgonomictherapy.com/inmate-counseling-therapy/ 

James, N. (2015, January). Offender reentry: Correctional statistics, reintegration into the community, and recidivism . Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. 

Michon, C. (2016, April 1). Uncovering Mass Incarceration’s Literacy Disparity. Prison Policy Initiative . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2016/04/01/literacy/ 

Bush, J. (2016, June 26). Behavioral therapy reduces recidivism in prisoners: Shots. Health News: NPR . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/06/26/483091741/to-help-a-criminal-go-straight-help-him-change-how-he-thinks 

Connectnetwork.com. (2016, July 5). How do prison work programs really benefit inmates ? Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://web.connectnetwork.com/prison-work-programs/ 

Treatmentadvocacycenter.org. (2016, September). Serious Mental Illness Prevalence in Jails and Prisons . Treatment Advocacy Center . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/evidence-and-research/learn-more-about/3695 

Connectnetwork.com. (2016, September 27). 5 rewarding types of rehabilitation for inmates . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://web.connectnetwork.com/rehabilitation-for-inmates/ 

Tofig, D. (2017, January 11). Education and training opportunities in America’s prisons. NCES Blog . Retrieved from https://nces.ed.gov/blogs/nces/post/education-and-training-opportunities-in-america-s-prisons 

Bender, K. (2018, March 2). Education opportunities in prison are key to reducing crime. Center for American Progress . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/education-k-12/news/2018/03/02/447321/education-opportunities-prison-key-reducing-crime/ 

Wvlt.tv. (2018, March 9). Heated floors and pillow-top mattresses in prison . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://www.wvlt.tv/content/news/Heated-floors-and-pillow-top-mattressesin-prison-476364133.html 

Wagner, P., & Sawyer, W. (2018, March 14). Mass Incarceration: The whole pie 2018. Prison Policy Initiative . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2018.html 

Richmond, L. M. (2018, June 7). Stewart urges improved MH services in prisons, jails. Psychiatric News . Retrieved on 29 March 2019, from https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.pn.2018.6b30 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Offenders.


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