26 May 2022


Relevance of Theory X and Theory Y in Today’s Organizational Environment

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Academic level: College

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Words: 319

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In the organizational environment, there are a variety of assumptions and theories postulated to explain trends and observations. Theory X and Theory Y are such two assumptions postulated by Douglas McGregor in 1957 (Islam & Eva, 2017). Before the emergence of these theories, there were classical schools of thought and human relations schools that were insufficient for the workplace realities. McGregor’s assumptions aimed at meeting the management needs of every workplace thus are relevant in today’s organizational environment as they allow for effective management of the workforce.

Today’s organizational environment is filled with a mix of individuals who take their work seriously and those that do not. Some of the individuals who are not serious at work will exhibit intolerable behaviors like lateness and insubordination (Islam & Eva, 2017). Of these are some individuals who are ready to change for the better, depending on how their organization will handle their behavior. Theory X enlightens management on the importance of gauging their workforce to understand the type of people they are and what motivates them (Islam & Eva, 2017). If the staff needs constant supervision, management will use the assumptions of theory X. However, if the management finds its workforce to be self-disciplined and not resist the organizational needs, they can implement the assumptions of theory Y (Islam & Eva, 2017). They will have to arrange administrative settings and methods of operation so that people can attain their goals and the organization’s objective.

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McGregor’s theories are relevant in today’s organizational environment. This is essential because the assumptions allow for effective management of the workforce. Organizations must evaluate their workforce to find out which theory they need to apply to their workers to gain the most advantage in terms of realizing their organizational success and motivating their employees to meet their individual goals. However, I cannot help but wonder if the assumptions of theory Y are intended to dupe employees in working harder for the same pay, especially for those who are not given a share of the received economic benefits.


Islam, M. A., & Eva, S. A. (2017). Application of McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y: Perception of management towards the employees in the banking industry of Bangladesh. The International Journal of Business & Management . https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327645794_Application_of_Mcgregor's_Theory_X_and_Theory_Y_Perception_of_Management_toward_the_Employees_in_the_Banking_Industry_of_Bangladesh 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Relevance of Theory X and Theory Y in Today’s Organizational Environment.


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