7 Oct 2022


The GROW Coaching Model: How to Use It

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 556

Pages: 2

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The current world is becoming incessantly competitive, and therefore, it is important to provide effective leadership to help an organization achieve set goals and to remain at par with others. For-profit organizations are always trying to dominate their industries, but this dominance is also associated with leadership strategies. For instance, in the technology industry, companies such as Google and Facebook are known for some form of liberal leadership styles, where employees have freedom amid the high demands. While many organizations use leadership styles that give employees ultimatums to deliver, some organizations have discovered the importance of coaching leadership, especially using the GROW model. The GROW model depicts the leader as the mentor, and has positive implications for organizations in the sense that it promotes team and collaboration, and creates loyal employees because of the care they are shown. 

In the GROW model, the leader emerges as the mentor. The responsibility of the leader is not just to compel employees to deliver assigned tasks within the provided deadlines, but also to develop them to realize their potential ( Goleman, 2000 ). The leader inspires the subordinates to work towards maximizing their efforts, skills, and talent. Quite often, most leaders use employees as means to an end; they are tools to be manipulated for the benefit of the organization. However, the GROW model of coaching helps leaders to see employees as individuals who need to be trained and encouraged to grow their careers and become better people. 

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The first implication of the GROW model of coaching is that it develops teamwork and collaboration among members of the organization. According to Coaching GROW Model (n.d), the options phase of the GROW model provides the person being coached with the opportunity of suggesting possible courses of action. These options are evaluated together with those suggested with the coach, who in this case is the leader, and the best choice is picked. The coach works together with the subordinate, and therefore, can collaborate to solve complex tasks. Coaching is not teaching; rather, it is a tool that helps employees expand their cone of vision and see numerous possibilities. Evidently, GROW model inculcates the culture of team spirit and collaboration, particularly when the leader and the subordinates work together to attain organizational goals. 

Using the GROW model of coaching creates loyal and dedicated employees because of the care they are shown by the leaders. According to GROW Model Guide (n.d), coaching unlocks people’s potential and helps them to learn. In essence, employees will be aware of the time created by their leaders specifically to ensure that they grow and advance in their careers. A leader who inspires employees definitely makes employees to develop a positive outlook on their careers and their relationship with the company. The close relationship developed through the use of GROW model helps employees to be creative and innovative because they will always be corrected or guided by their leaders if they make mistakes. 

To conclude, the GROW model of coaching helps leaders to use a systematic approach to inspire subordinates to deliver specified goals. Although it is vital for leaders to focus on the ultimate goals of the organization, leaders also reckon that the best way of achieving these goals is to ensure that employees are inspired to deliver to their optimum. The leader discusses the goals with the subordinates, identifies the reality, evaluates the options with the employees, and together, they find the best strategies of implementing the goals. The GROW model of coaching portrays the leader as a mentor of the subordinates, promotes teamwork and collaboration, and creates loyal employees because of the care they are shown by the leader. 


Coaching GROW Model . (n.d). University of Otago. Retrieved August, 25, 2020, from https://www.otago.ac.nz/humanresources/otago613477.pdf 

Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership that Gets Results. Harvard Business Review , 78 (2), 78-90. 

GROW Model Guide. (n.d). Growing people, performance and purpose . https://www.performanceconsultants.com/wp-content/uploads/GROW-Model-Guide.pdf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The GROW Coaching Model: How to Use It.


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