14 Jul 2022


Research Methods in Criminal Justice

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 921

Pages: 4

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From the perspective of research methodology, what is wrong with the newspaper reporter’s title? Explain your answer 

The Newspaper headline read “Raising a child with both parents will do wonders for your child's future career success!” This title is wrong as it is quite biased towards every reader's mind. The assumption of the writer of the article is that there is a perfect assumption of the writer that there is 100% chance that every kid who is brought up by both parents will have a perfect life. 

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According to the rules of methodology research title, the title should be specific and direct to the requirements of the readers’ minds. The need for the title has been more open to the need for the readers to find an alternative room for an alternative result to this research. 

The title of the newspaper is also discriminative against single the parents that are wholly condemned to failure for lack of both parents. The writer should have found an alternative title, more accommodative to both children of various upbringings who also have chances of success in life. If in any case, not all children brought up by both parents are successful in life. At the same time, not all children with single parents are failures. The title would discourage single parents from reading the newspaper. 

Critique the methodology the researcher used to collect data. In doing so, describe both strengths and weaknesses. In providing you response, be sure to touch on concepts covered in this course, including external validity, prediction, and the randomness of the sample , causal links, and biases of self-reporting. 

The methodology that the researcher employed is not entirely reliable. The researcher exposes himself to fraudsters as part of his respondent. Some respondents who would be more interested in getting the money would freely volunteer to give information, not entirely because they believe in the importance of their information. Also, then method he used in collecting data by putting the advert in local website automatically locked out some possible participants from outside his local residence. He automatically limited the scope of his study to local respondents thus reducing the reliability of his results in this research. 

The fact that he put the advert online, this meant that the huge chunk of his respondents would be literate successfully exposed people, and as such he would determine the success rate of children either brought up by one or both parents. However, this method would limit him to the chance to interact with the illiterate, unexposed and unsuccessful respondents who would have been equally important to his research. As such, he would have best explored the use of other methods such as questionnaires and oral interviews with his respondents. It is easy to predict the outcome of this research from this methodology as is will only give the biased side of the successful persons as opposed to the unsuccessful children who would have been equally important in this research. 

Let’s say the researcher identifies 600 people who express interest in participating in the study. He determines that having a sample of 300 participants is adequate to give him valid results so that he can winnow down the number of participants. What criteria should he establish in identifying who should be included in the study? 

When there is an overlap in the scope of data, it is very important to trim this in a careful way. One of such ways is by limiting the respondent's age. The researcher should limit the age of respondents to at least 20 years. In this age, it is easy to determine the life success rate, as opposed to interviewing younger people who would still have the chance for growth. The younger respondents are driven by the prospect of getting free money for participating in a free voluntary interview. The lure of money could lead to wrong participants who at the end of it give wrong results. 

The other way of determining the number of participants is by placing employment status as one of the key factors that determine participation. Once, you limit the number of precipitants by their occupation or education level; you are certain to ensure that your respondents will either be successful, unsuccessful or in the line of attaining success. The key investigative element in this research would be to find out the number of the successful rate in children brought up by both parents. Employment is one of the key indicators of success in any generation and region. 

Propose a hypothetical longitudinal cohort study (p. 66 of text) to properly test the question: “Does being raised by two parents cause career success?” Would a researcher be able to conduct this study? Why or why not? 

Being raised by two parents is a contributor t the success rate of any child in any given society. It is important to note that, it is better to learn from two rightful teachers as opposed to one. At the same time much value to the lives we cannot ignore that fact that there could be irresponsible parents who would not add value to their children lives. It is worth noting that the aspect of morally and successful parents would impact more in their children’s life as opposed to morally incorrect and unsuccessful parents, whether single or not. 

The most advisable cohort of respondents ripe for this study would be the graduate group from within the same company or working environment. This cohort of respondents would easily trace back to their childhood days and the impact their parents had in their lives as they still learned of the fundamental life principles such as religious uprightness and the academic focus. It is best to compare people who have had an upbringing in as far as the success rate is concerned. The unsuccessful parents ought to provide fodder for comparison repeatedly, and the need for future reference is concerned . A repeated survey is important to improve the accuracy of the research question as it exposes the researcher to a multitude of real chance of success. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Research Methods in Criminal Justice.


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