8 Aug 2022


Resistance to Civil Government: is it our duty as Americans?

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Academic level: University

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Words: 392

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Democracy calls for the need to respect the say of the majority, thus leading to the formation of governments which are the elite leadership bodies in countries or states. These governments are sometimes led by people with corrupted moral attributes, leading to the abuse of the offices which are supposed to uphold the rule of law. This calls for interventions from the society and its people, to always keep the government of the day in check, as observed by Thoreau (2017) in the statement, “ There will never be a really free and enlightened state, until the state comes to recognize the individual or a higher and independent power, from which all its power and authority, and treats him accordingly”. Disrespect and oppression to the people can prompt a rise in civil resistance, which implies the use of non-violent means to ensure the just needs of the people are addressed by the government. 

As Americans, it is our right and duty to defy unjust laws which are oppressive and discriminatory. This will help protect the rights of the vulnerable members of the society, while securing our personal interests of a safe and just government system that serves its citizens appropriately. Ignoring of unjust law leads to deterioration of society moral standards and can act as a trigger of an uprising, once the people feel they can no longer withstand the oppression. The size or ethnicity of founders never matters ideally, provided they remain focussed on overcoming the use of unjust and oppressive laws in the society. 

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Civil resistance will always meet counter forces from the government; hence, its proponents must always be ready to pay the ultimate price, which may include imprisonment and even executions. Thus, there is need to always undertake a carefully planned uprising that should target to use peaceful means to achieve its target, as this helps mitigate the possibility of casualties in violent confrontations (Thoreau, 2017) . The American people should rise and defy the unjust laws, when they consider them oppressive to any members of the society. 

A government needs the support and cooperation from its citizenry to function properly. If the American people collaborate with their government in the formulation of laws, through initiatives such as public participation, unjust laws cannot creep in. The people can easily have the rights and concerns addressed in the implementation of laws, such that no part of the society feels oppressed or discriminated against. However, the when prompted, power of civil resistance can make governments give in and address the grievances being addressed citizens when unjust laws govern. 


Thoreau, H. (2017). Resistance to Civil Government. (J. Reidhead, Ed.) The Nortons Anthology of Amercan Literature, 1 , 900-918. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Resistance to Civil Government: is it our duty as Americans?.


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