14 May 2022


Respond to FCC and Net Neutrality

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Academic level: College

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Words: 287

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Personally, I refute the idea that net neutrality hurts investment priorities for today’s internet. The Internet is extremely important. Broadband networks can even define the 21st century; and the connection between people will define people in a commercial and cultural sense. If the door to the network is completely controlled by the four major operators, American business and culture will face a potential problem. I am very worried about this. It will significantly hinder competition and innovation because most of the innovative ventures relies heavily on data connection. 

The principle of network neutrality will ensure that major Internet giants such as Google, and Microsoft offer affordable services to thousands of consumers. That is why various groups representing the interests of Internet users and small and medium-sized enterprises have lobbied the FCC and demanded a legislative model for reclassification (Brandom, 2015). Sprint, the fourth-largest operator in the United States, agrees with the net neutrality approach and believes that the corresponding legislation should apply equally to both wired and wireless networks. Netflix as a representative of the content provider clearly expressed support for reclassification. 

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The mainstream network operators such as T-Mobile, Comcast, AT&T and Verizon are strongly opposed to net neutrality, which is believed to result in cost regulation and other regulations applied to traditional telecommunication networks for ISPs. 

Many firms will benefit from net neutrality (CNET 2016). The key firms that will benefit include firms related to cutting-edge technologies. If few operators are allowed to control the network, it will not only affect people's access to the network fairly, but also the development of cutting-edge technologies (Trenholm, 2015). Cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things rely heavily on data connections, the lack of network neutrality can be a concern for the development of these technologies.


Brandom, R. (2015). Following net neutrality from FDR to Obama. The Verge . Retrieved From: https://www.theverge.com/2015/2/27/8118279/net-neutrality-history-fdr-to-obama-title-ii

CNET (2016). Net neutrality in the US is safe, for now (CNET Update). YouTube . Retrieved From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCZuXuqoP_M&feature=youtu.be

Trenholm, R. (2015). Nokia knocks Net neutrality: Self-driving cars 'won't get the service you need'. CNET. Retrieved from: https://www.cnet.com/uk/news/nokia-knocks-net-neutrality-self-driving-cars-wont-get-the-service-you-need/

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Respond to FCC and Net Neutrality.


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