24 Nov 2022


Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 259

Pages: 1

Downloads: 3

A desirable ecological balance is one in which the factors that make the given environment what it is desirable. The Chesapeake Bay is one of those ecosystems which has lost the desirable balance and hence, has notably changed from what it was in the 1600s. Since the monitoring of this bay started, its score has been poor, being between 35 and 57 due to the presence of dissolved nitrogen as well as phosphorus. This mean grade of C- has worsened over time. The significance of Chesapeake Bay cannot be underestimated. It provides a significant amount of seafood to the individuals that live nearby. It has, however, been rendered less productive by influencing factors such as diseases, overharvesting as well as the reduction in ecosystem productivity. The outcomes do not only threaten the ecosystem itself but also the lives of the human beings who depend on it. Excessive nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus from the nearby farms and waste from the nearby suburbs, are the leading causes of the excess nutrients. Other contributory factors are air pollution from cars and emissions by factories and power plants. The amounts are detrimental not only to sea life but also to human beings who interact with this system. An excess of these nutrients favours the growth of algae, which in turn blocks the penetration of light into the bottom of the sea as well as hinders the flow of oxygen. This results in the death of fish, crabs, and oysters. Although the conditions have been bad for a very long time, progress has been slowly realized since the intervention of EPE in 2010. The enforcement of the clean water act, it aims at reducing Nitrogen levels by 25 and Phosphorus by 24. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay.


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