16 Aug 2022


Rohypnol: The Dangers and Risks of This Drug

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Academic level: College

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Words: 513

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Though Rohypnol is an illegal drug in the United States and Canada, it can be accessed easily in the black market. It is classified as a Schedule IV drug, which means that it has lower abuse likelihood that can contribute to psychological and physical dependence. Nonetheless, the penalties for distributing, possessing, or trafficking more than 1gram of the drug are equivalent to those of schedule I drugs Such as cocaine and heroin. Rohypnol is popularly known as a date rape drug because it induces amnesia. The individual is unable to recall some events while under the influence of the drug. The amnesia induced by Rohypnol is dangerous when used illegally to help in launching sexual assaults. The victims may experience challenges remembering the assailant or the events surrounding the attack. 

Rohypnol can be consumed as a full table or crushed and inhaled in powder form. It can also be dissolved in liquids before drinking. Although Rohypnol is popularly known as a date rape drug, it can be consumed for other purposes. The drug is commonly abused by high school and college students, rave party goers, street gangsters, and cocaine and heroin users to induce intense intoxication. It is known to increase the high produced by heroin and moderate the effects of cocaine. The primary users of the drug are males aged between 13c and 30 years. The effects of Rohypnol can last up to 12 hours and include dizziness, drowsiness, sleep, and diminished reaction time, lack of coordination, impaired judgment, excitability, aggression, and slurred speech. Other effects include confusion, problems recalling events, and respiratory depression when consumed in high doses. 

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Although Rohypnol does not cause immediate addiction, chronic use may lead to physical dependence and the manifestation of withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not consumed. It weakens psychomotor and cognitive ability, which diminish reaction time and driving expertise. Rohypnol is commonly abused with alcohol, which causes significant concern since both substances are depressants; meaning that they enhance their toxicities. 

Before embarking on this research paper, I considered Rohypnol as just another party drug commonly abused by party goers. However, my opinion of the drug has changed significantly after conducting extensive research. Despite its uses as a sedative, its popularity as a date rape drug makes it a dangerous substance. Rohypnol simplifies sexual assaults because it induces amnesia that may last up to 12 hours. Furthermore, the loss of memory complicates investigations to these attacks because the victims cannot recall the circumstances surrounding the attack. Prosecuting these cases is difficult, which makes it attractive to would-be attackers. Individuals can easily be victims of sexual attack since the drug can be introduced to their drinks without their knowledge. The ease of access also makes the drug extremely dangerous since it costs about $3; thus teenagers and young adults can easily acquire the drug. Therefore, the real danger of the drug is being exposed to sexual assault, which may have far-reaching physical and psychological health consequences. Other than the physical injuries sustained during attacks, the psychological scars of rape are hard to heal and can cause other mental illness such as depression. Since the drug can be detected in the blood and urine, victims of rape should be tested for the drug especially if they cannot recall the surrounding events. I believe that individuals convicted of distributing Rohypnol with the intention of causing unconscious to commit sexual assault should face a mandatory minimum jail term to act as a deterrent. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Rohypnol: The Dangers and Risks of This Drug.


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