11 May 2022


Role of Correctional staff with Inmates who are Dying

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 350

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Dying inmates dread the loneliness and the agony they have to go through alone. They desire company and affection from those around them. They are not only separated from the outside world but also from their loved ones as well. Despite this, there are people who have devoted their lives to taking care for such people. They feel satisfied when they help the inmates and by being involved in their lives (Neumann, 2016). The correctional staff plays a key role in the lives of dying inmates. They are the families and companions that they have during their last moments.

Dying inmates need care, compassion and attention in order to enjoy their last moments in life. Terminal patients need companionship, human contact and an opportunity to talk about their lives and what they make of it. They correctional staff have been trained to be patient and gentle when dealing with the inmates. They are good listeners and empathizers. The chance given to the patients to share and talk is beneficial to them as they get to relive memorable and significant moments of their lives. 

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The correctional staff bathe and feed the dying inmates. They even attend to their personal needs such as the urge to use the restrooms. Correctional staff have to ensure that the inmates are clean and are well fed. These tasks are also done by their peers in prison. The correctional staff can appoint other peers to help with the caring of these individuals so that at each particular moment there is someone attending to them. 

Siegel and Bartollas (2016) stated in their book that the greatest problem that correctional officers face is the duality of their roles in correctional facilities. They are have to maintain law and order in prison and are also responsible for the rehabilitation and treatment of the inmates. The role of treatment is necessary even to the death of the inmates because they have to wash them and write a report about them. 

Correctional staff have a lot of responsibilities in correctional facilities as such they should be supported and encouraged emotionally, psychological and physically as they work.


Neumann, A., (2016). What Dying Looks Like in America’s Prisons. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com

Siegel, L., and Bartollas, C., (2016). Corrections Today, Fourth Edition. Nelson Education, United States of America 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Role of Correctional staff with Inmates who are Dying.


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