2 Jun 2022


Role of Education in Nursing

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Academic level: College

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Words: 569

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Education is a vital tool in the modern world. In all cultures of the world, a huge emphasis is made on education, specifically the higher education. In the society, the more a person is educated, the more he or she becomes a better person. Graduate education has transformed the society people live. The developments that people are witnessing in the various parts of the world are attributed to the power of education. Education ensures that individuals gain useful knowledge and skills that are needed to transform the society. When people gain relevant skills and knowledge, they use them to change the society and make it a better place to live in. An example how education has transformed the society can by looking at how graduate education has prepared the nurses to meet societal needs. This essay thus seeks to explain the role of graduate education in preparing the nurses to meet the needs of the society. 

Role of Graduate Education in Preparing Nurses 

Many people tend to ask themselves the question of how graduate education has prepared nurses to meet societal needs. Graduate education has played a notable role in that aspect. According to Kleinman (2003), graduate education has a noteworthy impact on the competencies and the knowledge of nurses, as it also does to the other healthcare providers (Kleinman, 2003). Nurses with graduate education are better prepared to meet all the demands that they are expected to meet. Graduate education equips the nurses with various skills such as leadership, health promotion, communication, case management, and critical thinking skills. Nurses who lack those skills may not meet the needs of the society since patients come from diverse settings and it is vital to have these skills so as to meet their needs. Therefore, all the above skills are essential in meeting the demands of the society and nurses are highly appreciated for these skills. The graduate education has thus prepared the nurses to the practice setting. 

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Despite that graduate education has enhanced the professional development of nurses, it has provided them with a better understanding of political, social, economic, and cultural issues that often affect patients and also impact the delivery of healthcare. Graduate education can be said to have made a difference in that aspect. When nurses are knowledgeable about such issues, they apply their knowledge in the practicum setting hence meeting the needs of people in the society (Kleinman, 2003). 

Lastly, graduate education is very comprehensive, and it prepares the nurses on how to deal with patients (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 1999). Patients come from different ethnic and racial group, and nurses should understand how to cater for the needs of all patients. Nursing education therefore provides the nurses with knowledge on cultural competency that helps them deal with culturally diverse patients, and this is one way of meeting the societal needs 

With the rapid changes taking place in the healthcare sector, it is vital that graduate education and the practice settings focus on shaping the practice. The education provided to the nurses should be of high quality and one that prepares them to meet the needs of the society. Eventually nurses will only be ready for practice if the education provided to them is linked to what they will meet in the real world of practice. Although graduate education prepares the nurses for their practice, it is also important for schools to prepare the nurses with the relevant skills needed to negotiate with the political system and eradicate the obstacles that usually limit the profession’s capability to practice in the best concern of the society. 


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (1999). vision of baccalaureate and graduate nursing education: The next decade. Journal of Professional Nursing , 15 (1), 59-65. 

Kleinman, C. S. (2003). Leadership roles, competencies, and education: how prepared are our nurse managers? Journal of Nursing Administration , 33 (9), 451-455. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Role of Education in Nursing.


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