1 Sep 2022


Role of Technology in Healthcare Environment

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

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Technology has been an enabler of various transformations in healthcare. The use of 3D printing in healthcare, application of remote monitoring technology, the possibilities of artificial intelligence in medicine, data storage using electronic medical records are among the contribution of technology in healthcare and use of telehealth in communication and coordination of healthcare services. 

3D printing technology has diverse applications in surgery, customized implants, the design of anatomical models, and human organ transplants are critical in the healthcare environment (Nawrat, 2018). The role of remote monitoring technology in healthcare is invaluable. Healthcare professionals can attend to patients from remote locations but in a timely and convenient manner. Remote monitoring technology has reduced cost and time of healthcare provision. It has further improved communication between healthcare professionals and patients (Zanjal & Talmale, 2016). Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is attributable to diverse progress in the field. According to Tran et al. (2019), AI has attributed to critical improvements in healthcare. Application of electronic health records has enabled secure and fast sharing of patients’ health information through a single integrated platform. Test results, diagnoses, and other critical health information are easily retrieved through an integrated system. The application of telehealth and telemedicine is beneficial to the coordination of healthcare services. It has eliminated the need for face-to-face interactions between patients and healthcare professionals. It has also been applied in training and consultation between healthcare professionals. 

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As the recipient of an e-mail I consider inappropriate, I will make an appointment with the co-worker who sent it. An appointment can be made by a replying e-mail, a phone, or visiting the co-workers at the desk from where he or she operates at the office. During the meeting, I will highlight the reasons I consider the e-mail offensive and remind the co-worker of the policies on workplace communication. Telling the co-worker about the applicable policies would help to prevent any further violations. 


Nawrat, A. (2018). 3D Printing in the Medical Field: Four Major Applications Revolutionising The industry. Retrieved from https://www.medicaldevice-network.com/features/3d-printing-in-the-medical-field-applications/ 

Tran, B. X., Vu, G. T., Ha, G. H., Vuong, Q. H., Ho, M. T., Vuong, T. T., Ho, R. (2019). Global Evolution of Research in Artificial Intelligence in Health and Medicine: A Bibliometric Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8 (3), 360. doi:10.3390/Jcm8030360 

Zanjal, S. V., & Talmale, G. R. (2016). Medicine reminder and monitoring system for secure health using IOT. Procedia Computer Science , 78, 471-476. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Role of Technology in Healthcare Environment.


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