19 Dec 2022


Safe Nurse Staffing for Patient Safety and Quality Care Act 1357

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 399

Pages: 1

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The purpose of Safe Nurse Staffing for Patient Safety and Quality Care Act 1357 is to ensure that there is adequate staffing in all health care facilities ("S. 1357", 2019). The Bill depicts that the federal government has an interest in improving the quality of healthcare services provided to patients. Also, improving healthcare services will minimize errors caused by a nurse. Adequate staffing will help the healthcare system to attend to the issue of shortage of registered nurses. The Bill illustrates that a health facility shall have a staffing plan, and the program shall be made effective on the dates decided by the secretary in charge of the health issues in the country. 

Question Three 


Positive Impact 


Negative Impact 



Proper staffing of nurses reduces patient mortality since nurses are performing their duties effectively. Fewer patients will get sick, many will recover, and few will suffer from post-treatment problems. 

(Votroubek, 2020) 

Patients will have to wait for long hours to get the treatment they require since the patient-nurse ration limits the number of patients a nurse is supposed to treat. 

(Votroubek, 2020) 


Adequate nurse staffing reduces work-related stress and burn out; this promotes safety, therefore, creating job satisfaction. 

(Votroubek, 2020) 

Nurses who are willing to go the extra mile to help patients will be hindered by the ratios created for them. 

(Votroubek, 2020) 


Staffing promotes efficiency in a health care facility, thus creating an excellent reputation for the hospital and client satisfaction. 

(Votroubek, 2020) 

A hospital will have to incur huge costs in the staffing process since they need to hire more nurses and increase their salaries. 

(Votroubek, 2020) 


Society will feel safe in an atmosphere where patients are taken care of diligently, and the effectiveness of the nurses will make them feel that their needs are taken seriously. 

(Votroubek, 2020) 

There will be inequity in the provision of healthcare since nurses are allowed to attend to a specific number of patients. 

(Heath, 2018) 

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Question four 

The nursing act is beneficial in a health care facility for it looks at the needs of both the patients and the nurse as well (Carlson, 2017). A nurse who is exhausted cannot fulfill their duties as stipulated by the job requirements.  Allnurse's  article states that people should accept the Bill since there has been maltreatment of nurses in the healthcare facilities, which has resulted in high turnover (Safetynurse 1968, 2020). The turnover is costing hospitals large amounts of money.  


Carlson, K. (2017).  Nurse-Patient Ratios and Safe Staffing: 10 Ways Nurses Can Lead The Change. . Nurse.org. Retrieved 11 March 2020, from https://nurse.org/articles/nurse-patient-ratios-and-safe-staffing/. 

Heath, S. (2018).  How Nurse Staffing Ratios Impact Patient Safety, Access to Care . PatientEngagementHIT. Retrieved 11 March 2020, from https://patientengagementhit.com/news/how-nurse-staffing-ratios-impact-patient-safety-access-to-care 

S. 1357. (2019), 1-42. Retrieved 11 March 2020, from. 

SafetyNurse1968. (2020).  Just Say “YES” to Nurse Staffing Laws . allnurses. Retrieved 11 March 2020, from https://allnurses.com/just-say-yes-nurse-staffing-t712681/. 

Votroubek, W. (2020).  The Pros and Cons of Required Minimum Nurse-to-Patient Ratios . Integrity Legal Nurse Consulting PDX. Retrieved 11 March 2020, from https://www.legalnursepdx.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-required-minimum-nurse-to-patient-ratios/. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Safe Nurse Staffing for Patient Safety and Quality Care Act 1357.


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