28 Oct 2022


Sex Trafficking as a Form of Commerce and Organized Crime

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Academic level: College

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Words: 296

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Sexual trafficking is a type of human trafficking that is particularly degrading. It is recognized as a violent crime whereby women or girls are forced to engage in commercial sex through coercion, fraud or by force. It is a major and growing problem in the United States and across the globe. Sex trade is the fastest growing form of commerce globally, worth $32 each year. In fact, it is the fastest growing area of organized crime after arm sales and narcotics. In addition, it is the third largest income earner for organized crime. The uniqueness of this business is because girls and women are sold into sex trafficking for purposes of earning profits for traffickers and pimps for many years, compared to the profits obtained from narcotics and drugs that are sold and used only once. It affects individuals, their families, and the broader communities across generations. It has adverse impact on society including diminished social development, poor public health, disrupted communities, and degradation of human and women’s rights. The victims of sex trafficking acquire social disadvantages and psychological and physical health conditions ( Deshpande & Nour, 2013). Therefore, sex trafficking a serious health issue that has other social implications, which necessitate both legal and medical attention. 

Human trafficking is recognized as a process rather than a single offense. It involves recruitment or abduction, transportation, exploitation of the victim sexually. During the process of sex trafficking, the criminals usually perpetuate other crimes including smuggling of drugs or weapons, tax evasion, money laundering, intimidation or subversion of officials, and corruption of officials. Additionally, other crime can be committed in the course of sexual trafficking include rape or assault, forced prostitution, slavery-like practices, inhuman or degrading treatment, forced abortion, forced marriage, murder, causing bodily harm, unlawful confinement, kidnapping, torture, withholding of identity papers, and involuntary servitude among others. These other crimes are committed specifically for purposes such as protecting the trafficking operations, maintaining control, ensuring compliance of victims, and maximizing profits ( Deshpande & Nour, 2013). 

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Deshpande, N. A., & Nour, N. M. (2013). Sex trafficking of women and girls.  Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology 6 (1), e22. 

US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Refugee Resettlement, authors.  Anti-trafficking in persons. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Sex Trafficking as a Form of Commerce and Organized Crime.


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