11 Nov 2022


Site Development Services - Web Design & Development

Format: Harvard

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 710

Pages: 2

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The fact that the land neighbors Bond University and this means all sorts of business operations designed for using the land would have adverse effects on the learning process. The transformation from mixed-use to medium density residential homes would be a viable option. Ideally, the key planning considerations that are quite relevant with regards to the context of the Gold Coast city council plan dwells on the establishment of quality design and implementations of effective planning policies. The creation of quality design, especially setting up a residential home since the land is next to a learning institution, outlines the guidelines Rezoning guidelines for a highly disputed land. 

Another key city planning scheme requirement or consideration that conceptualizes the viability of rezoning the subject land is entirely based on the most relevant planning policies that guide the protection and productivity of legally disputed resources. In this context, the planning policies entail the principles to support community solutions to an impending phenomenon. For instance, the fact that the land is productive enough for commercial purposes means that rezoning the land for residential use suits the interests of the community in supporting quality learning in a quiet environment. On the same note, the consideration of income inequality outlines the essentiality of planning policies as a modality of embracing the concept of shared prosperity within a communal setting. 

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The objective of gaining the approval of all relevant parties and authorities plays an essential role outlining the perspective of interactive mapping layers and property report guidelines in assessing the viability and the resourcefulness of the land. The value of protecting the land should focus on meeting both the economic and social expectations of the community. For instance, given the context of Gold Coast City plan, it is quite imperative to note rezoning a resource; a land, in this case, calls for an exclusive comparison both the benefits and short comes. Besides, given a circumstance where the land could prove highly productive for commercial activities, relocating the institution to another geographical region be an affirmative decision. However, in numerous cases, such land would be reserved for purposes of the establishment of a homestead. 

The technique of hiring highly skilled professionals who understand matters pertaining to land rezoning comes out as another significant platform for understanding site development opportunities arising from the specifications of the zone code. Fundamentally, redefining the value of a disputed resource demystifies the concept of site planning constraints, especially in the context of the viability of the land. The use of overlays mapping codes designates the suitability of the land as either a commercial property or a residential home. 

Given the guidelines of the city plan, transforming the zoning from mixed-use to medium density residential homes requires the expertise of highly trained land officers and the support of the legal counsel in a bid to determine and address the concern of the community that neighbors the disputed resource. Ideally, the statutory requirement for the development of geographical sites calls for the attention of the experts for reasons of ascertaining the benefits and shortcomings of the disputed land. The city planning scheme procedures highly disregard the establishment of commercial projects near schools and hospitals. Hence, in spite of the value of the land, the decision is always implied to focus the safety of the students and the serenity of the learning environment. 

Planning Constraints 

The site planning constraints that dwells on the specifications of overlay maps and codes, especially for such a disputed land that borders a leaning institution entails the authority the authority of the city council to determine the viability of the land as either a commercial resource or rather a personal property. Another site planning constraint the is the expectation of the community that borders the resource. In this context, the fact that land borders Bond University, it is unfit to allocate the land for commercial use based on the concern of disrupting the learning environment. 

In conclusion, it is quite imperative to note that the consideration of effective planning considerations prior to the assessment of the value and the viability of a resource proves quite significant with regards to the protection of the interest of the community. The fact that Bond University neighbors the disputed land means that the instruction has every legal mandate to dispute the establishment of a commercial project in the land. Ultimately, the decision to change the zoning from mixed-use to medium density residential zone would not only conform to the statutory requirement for the city council plan but also respect and protect the expectations of the community that surrounds the land. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Site Development Services - Web Design & Development.


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