13 Aug 2022


Social Issues Facing Thailand

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Academic level: College

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Words: 605

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Thailand is a county in Southeast Asia that dwells on agriculture. The nation elicits mixed feelings depending on the topic in question. The country is considered one of the stable nations in the region politically although it has had its share of problems in the past. Thanks to globalization, Thailand has emerged in the global scene as one of the most fancied tourist destinations in the world receiving hundreds of thousands of visitors per year ( Kulkolkarn & Potipiti, 2007) . As a result, the country’s economy is growing at a higher rate than those of the neighboring nations. On the same note, Thailand has emerged as a possible destination for western businesses because of its economic growth. However, the economic growth has not been felt by people in the lower classes and youths as the nation continues to face social problems ( Jantacumma, Powwattana, Lagampan, & Chansatitporn, 2018)

One of the social issues that the nation faces is unemployment amongst the youths. This has been fueled by the high rate of corruption in the country with little being done towards the betterment of the youths ( Imran, Mughal, Salman, & Makarevic, 2015) . There are few job opportunities in the country for the youth majority of who do not have formal education to help them excel in the country. The high rates of crime in the country are an indication of the looming societal problem that is caused by unemployment ( Kulkolkarn & Potipiti, 2007) . On the same note, Thailand has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies, which means that its young children are taking part in illicit sexual behaviors before they can even take care of themselves ( Jantacumma, Powwattana, Lagampan, & Chansatitporn, 2018)

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To solve the social issue, the country has to make sure that the young people are educated on how to create jobs for themselves instead of relying on employment from the public and the private sectors ( Kulkolkarn & Potipiti, 2007) . The government should organize entrepreneurial programs that teach people on various opportunities lying in the country ( Imran, Mughal, Salman, & Makarevic, 2015) . For example, the government should focus on the internet as a source of income as its used increases in Thailand. The country should also seek to increase the number of young people getting educated in the country ( The Jakarta Post, 2013) . This is ideal, as it would increase the number of opportunities that Thai youth have, as they would be able to seek employment in other countries thanks to globalization ( Jantacumma, Powwattana, Lagampan, & Chansatitporn, 2018) . Consequently, there is a need for awareness of the role that parents must play in ensuring that their children avoid teenage pregnancies, which is a looming social problem in the country. 

This solution is the right one as it invests not only in the current situation but also in the future. Having an educated workforce ensures that the country will have skilled personnel to drive the economy forward ( Kulkolkarn & Potipiti, 2007) . Solving the problem of unwanted pregnancies today will mean that the country has created a foundation that is strong enough to deal with it in the future. Educating the youth will also mean reduction in the number of crimes in the country. 

Overall, Thailand as one of the fastest growing nations in the region has many social issues that have to be addressed for the majority of the country to feel the effects of the growth. A considerable part of the population still lives below the poverty line despite the growth of the nation economically ( Imran, Mughal, Salman, & Makarevic, 2015) . Such a problem can only be eradicated with government interventions that focus on the youths in the country majority of whom have no education or skills to start their jobs. An educated population will benefit from other job openings around the world and not only on the country’s job market. 


Imran, M., Mughal, K. S., Salman, A., & Makarevic, N. (2015). Unemployment and Economic Growth of Developing Asian Countries: A Panel Data Analysis.  European Journal of Economic Studies , (3), 147-160. 

Kulkolkarn, K., & Potipiti, T. (2007). Migration, wages, and unemployment in Thailand.  Southeast Asian Journal Of Economics 19 (1), 1-22. 

Jantacumma, N., Powwattana, A., Lagampan, S., & Chansatitporn, N. (2018). Predictive Model of Quality of Life among Thai Pregnant Teenagers.  Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research 22 (1). 

The Jakarta Post. (2013, July 11). Thai society faces serious social issues. Retrieved from http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/07/11/thai-society-faces-serious-social-issues.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Social Issues Facing Thailand.


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