31 Oct 2022


Social Marketing: The Versatile Tool for Businesses

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 303

Pages: 1

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Indeed, social marketing is a versatile tool whose use transcends different professional realms, including healthcare. A critical area that can benefit from the resourcefulness of social marketing is championing campaigns that advocate for better health behaviors and consumer perception of healthcare. According to Firestone, Rowe, Modi, and Sievers (2017, through the concepts of social marketing, experts in the health sector, can use it to inspire lifestyles that can benefit individuals and societies. The assertion by Firestone et al. agrees with your position that social marketing tools can be used to better aspects such as patient care, education, and treatment outcomes. Also, the technological revolution currently being witnessed worldwide, characterized by the production of smart devices, informs the increased use of social marketing in the health sector. Mobile applications and other online platforms such as social media are increasingly being used by medical experts to reach their clients. 

It is true that healthcare facilities are using social marketing to communicate with their clients, which effectively helps them achieve enhanced visibility. Today, it is a progressive practice by these institutions to have a presence in social media platforms, which are operated by teams of highly dynamic marketing experts. Social marketing enables health providers to position their products and services in the minds of their target market by making their offerings appealing and affordable (Firestone et al., 2017). Fundamentally, social marketing primarily sells behaviors. For instance, one will often find healthcare providers selling products that encourage behaviors by making them affordable and availing them at outlets. However, the primary intention of promoting such behaviors is to promote the practice of the subject behavior. A key reason why social marketing is useful, as you have noted, is that it has a wide reach. For example, if one wants to contribute towards efforts against obesity, they can create a social media campaign for the dangers of junk foods. Nevertheless, the probability of misinformation is high on these internet platforms, which require one to conduct enough research and seek expert opinion. 

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Firestone, R., Rowe, C. J., Modi, S. N., & Sievers, D. (2017). The effectiveness of social marketing in global health: A systematic review.  Health policy and planning 32 (1), 110-124. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Social Marketing: The Versatile Tool for Businesses.


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