12 Sep 2022


Social Problems: The Disregard of the Benefits of Solitude in the Digital Era

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 349

Pages: 1

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Considering social conditions that I personally see as highly problematic, but very few other people seem to define as such, I would like to make mention of the prevailing tendency to disregard the benefits of solitude in the digital era. The focus here lies in arguing that the majority of people come to skip with the significance of taking time off from social networks, which contributes to being unable to become a self-reliant person, respectively. In other words, the more an average individual takes an advantage of browsing in Internet, the more it predisposes him/her to depend on others within the society. Arguably, the unwillingness to draw particular attention to teaching ourselves how to live without an Internet connection increases the likelihood of being lonely throughout life. Surely, I vividly see a dire need for the reconsideration of general views on Internet’s long-term impact; such an approach to addressing the culture of digital technology is likely to reveal dangers involved with unmanaged Internet access. In my opinion, not many share my views, since the overwhelming dependence on digital technologies is hard to exaggerate, and the bulk of people simply do not take a negative stance towards Internet seriously. 

As for social conditions that many other people seem to define as problematic, and I do not actually see as much as a problem at all, it is important to take a notice of homelessness within the U.S. society. Obviously, the number of homeless people has increased dramatically throughout the last decade; yet, it is high time to eliminate the prevalence of a common misinterpretation about why people become homeless. In particular, one should be conscious that it is not about societal disadvantages that may potentially lead to homelessness, but personal failings that increase the odds of joining the ranks of homeless. Apparently, many advance an argument that the authorities do not adequately respond to a sharp increase in a number of homeless; and the given assertion definitely makes sense. For all that, I am still of the opinion that homelessness should predominantly be identified as a result of personal frailties and the lack of self-discipline; and, of course, the shortage of affordable housing does not lead to a sharp rise in homelessness. Consequently, the issues of homelessness do not seem to me as highly problematic, since tackling it only requires grasping new life concepts. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Social Problems: The Disregard of the Benefits of Solitude in the Digital Era.


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