3 Aug 2022


Sociology Definition Responses

Format: Other

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 249

Pages: 1

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Responding to option 1 

I agree with you on the deduction that sociology is the study of contemporary society as well as how it functions. In essence, this study incorporates the evaluation of the impact of human behavior on the environment, both from a positive and negative rationale. I concur that factors like language inherence can indeed be widely facilitated by the place where someone was brought up. This understanding fetches insights from concepts like cultural practices, religious inclinations, and knowledge assimilation. From what you have stated, it is affirmative to state that sociology seeks to uncover the basic interaction between human beings and their environment and how this connection is viewed from a global perspective. Indeed, the study of society can enrich people as it is a facet of self-discovery and a mirror of viewing the identities of other people. In my opinion, the best way to learn diversity is by majoring in sociology. 

Responding to option 2 

It is true, as you have stated, that sociology is the study of various societies where people emanate. However, it is good to connect that with the phrase about the contribution of the environment in making these societies. Instead of using the word finance as a building figure that impacts society from a sociological understanding, it would have been better is you used social statutes or classes. It is also true that sociology helps us to realize the diverseness that comes along with variations in skin color, beliefs, and culture. In connection to that, it is practical to state that this fathoming helps to create respect and appreciation from the notable differences from a sociological spectrum and learning perspective. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Sociology Definition Responses.


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