27 Jul 2022


Sociology: Social Science Degree & Careers | All About Sociology

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In my capacity, I would support movements engaged in the emancipation of women, which is only successful on paper. There is still a significant lack of acceptance of the reality that empowered women can shape the economy. Mobilization of groups and personnel to contribute capital, knowledge, and human recourse towards the cause will foster its realization. 

Cultural identity and uniqueness exceed social changes to make it a free commodity. In contrast, the free cultural movement opposes the maintenance of cultural identity. It advocates for the free use of cultural materials through appropriation. This would result in the loss of important cultural aspects, mingling, corruption, and eventual extinction of specific cultural identity. Therefore, the status quo prohibiting and exacting requirements should hold. 

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Capitalism and industrialization govern a great portion of human life today. Capitalism insists on the individual's right to own, use, enjoy, or exchange property ownership. However, government laws and the moral fabrics of society regulate the practice, especially on property misuse. Under capitalism, individuals can merge to form corporations and their industries and produce goods without harming society. For example, an industry producing toxic wastes must establish a safe way of disposing of the wastes without harming its workers and the community around. 

The environment is a part of sociology. First, environmental destructions come from human activities. Secondly, destroyed environment have an impact on human life, which again is a discipline of sociology just as solutions to the environmental problems depend on political and social principles. The efforts to improve the environment often call for the input of social movements. The environment has effects such as the ability to cause development and influence political and social development and policies. 

Social change can be influenced by first identifying a social problem to be addressed. The problem will create the need for solutions when presented to society. This will require lobbying and support from other groups that create awareness in the community. Finally, society is led to adopt the changes. 

The cyclic theory and Herbert Spencer's Theory of social change differ in the period they cover. Cyclic theory addresses own societies while Herbert Spencer's theory explains the social change as it occurs throughout human history. However, both agree on the point that change begins through political unrest. Herbert Spencer's theory resonates well with me: its explanation of change as occurring on a global scale explains the uprisings and changes that occur presently as having a global unification point. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Sociology: Social Science Degree & Careers | All About Sociology.


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