14 Sep 2022


The 1800 Election and the 12th Amendment

Format: Other

Academic level: University

Paper type: Movie Review

Words: 773

Pages: 3

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The subject of the documentary is the look into the life of John Adams, a diplomat, American statesman, first vice president, and second president of America. John Adams was one of the crucial and influential leaders who led to the independence of America from Great Britain in the 18th century. The documentary looks into John Adams's time as the first vice president and the difficulties and challenges he faced as a virtually powerless individual within American politics. In addition to helping gain independence and serving as the first vice president, the documentary indicates Mr. Adams's initial efforts towards developing a federal government under the president of the country. The president of the country according to him was to have supreme and absolute power and therefore be able to make significant decisions and rule over the country. 

However, his efforts to convince Congress to adopt a single individual as a president were short-lived given the highly divided congress with leaders more interested in power against those interested in enhancing the lives of Americans. As the Advisor of the president, John Adams did not have much freedom or authority to talk or provide his thoughts in the council meetings made up of chiefly among others the president at the time George Washington, the secretary of state Thomas Jefferson, and the secretary of the treasury Mr. Hamilton. According to the documentary the two secretaries presented the president with contradictory opinions regarding how to advance as a country independent from the European rule and influence of the French and the British. This is despite being tied to both sides by treaties that enhanced collaboration. 

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John Adams is crucial to the country at the time because he advises the president to maintain a neutral position during the French revolution, where both of the country's allies (France and Britain) were at war with one another. This is despite divided opinions between Hamilton and Jefferson two of the presidents' key advisors. Hamilton suggests that the United States should remain impartial to the revolution and only focus on enhancing its financial position within the global economy. Jefferson on the other hand had been in France for a significant period and understood the value of love and togetherness among the people. He advised that the United States contribute towards ending the war. Eventually, John Adams presents a middle ground between the two secretaries, enabling the United States to stay impartial to the war but contribute towards helping solve any problems between the two countries. 

1800 Election and the 12th Amendment 

John Adams went on to become the president in the election of 1800. He made history and set a precedent for the Democratic-republican leadership of the United States by peacefully giving power to the elected president at the time, Thomas Jefferson (Arthur, 2003). At the time of the election in 1800, the 12th Amendment of the constitution was amended again to avoid an electoral crisis. Voters would now vote separately for the president and the vice president. Through John Adam's time as the vice president and with the tutelage of Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson as highlighted within the documentary, the American political system was developed and divided into two major parties in the democrats and the Republicans. While the Democrats were nationalists whose ideas and values were more towards the preservation of the country, the republicans were more oriented towards advocating for the citizens and the individual rights of the American citizens. This two-party system is still prominent even in the current American Political system and still exhibits similar traits in the contemporary world. 

Louisiana Purchase 

The Louisiana Purchase according to Britannica (2021) alludes to about 2.1 million square Kilometers of land acquired from the French in 1803 by John Adams for a price of fifteen million dollars to be able to extend the United States' operations towards economic growth. The purchase served to significantly extend the sovereignty of the US across the Mississippi River thereby helping double the nominal size of the country and afford it significant assets that would contribute to the country’s current economy. Britannica (2021) further highlights that the purchase greatly strengthened the United States strategically and materially, providing a powerful impetus enhance the westward expansion of the country. The purchase also served to effectively confirm the doctrine of the implied power of the federal constitution and government that was initially suggested by Adams during this time as the vice president as highlighted within the documentary. 


John Adams was indeed a significant figure of American politics and had a significant impact on the current American political system. Some of his major impacts include conceptualizing, developing, pushing for, and establishing the federal government when he became president, a political system that is still effectively in use and handles much of the country's international relations in contemporary times. Adams also with the mind of impartiality while advising the first president George Washington led to the development of the two-party system in the democrats and Republicans. 


Britanicca. (2021). Louisiana Purchase | Definition, Date, Cost, History, Map, States, Significance, & Facts. Retrieved 8 April 2021, from www.britannica.com/event/Louisiana-Purchase 

Schlesinger, Arthur M. S. (2003). The Election of 1800 and the Administration of Thomas Jefferson . Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The 1800 Election and the 12th Amendment .


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