“Ponyo” is an animation film that comes as a result of the adaptation of the fairy tale known as the “Little Mermaid.” The two stories have great similarities given that both revolve around the sea life and mermaids. “Ponyo” follows a similar fashion as the “Little Mermaid” where a young girl escapes the grasp of her overprotective father not only to explore the world but also experience first love for the first time. The story seems to be revolving around the mermaid whose role is to represent a sense of harmony between nature and humans (Ross, 2014). The story belongs to the mermaid as opposed to the boy for several reasons.
First, the climax of the story involves the powerful nature of the mermaid which allows it to change from a fish to a human form. As such, this goes in tandem with the adaptations of the fairy tale presented in the “Little Mermaid” where a similar scenario occurs. As the film begins, the viewers are introduced to Ponyo, a mermaid hell-bent to become a boy. However, just like in “Little Mermaid” in the case of the character Ariel, her dad becomes coy of the demand and refuses their wish. However, in the long run, their respective fathers accept the wishes of both Ponyo and Ariel.
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Overall, it would be critical to note that the story belongs to the mermaid because many of the events revolve in their fish-like creatures in the sea. Although Ponyo eventually becomes a boy, the storyline focuses on her mermaid form and how she struggles to attain human-like characteristics. In conclusion, it would be vital to assert that "Ponyo" is an adaptation of the "Little Mermaid" since the life of the main characters; (Ponyo and Ariel) follow a similar path with much emphasis put on the mermaid rather than their human forms.
Ross, D. (2014). Miyazaki's Little Mermaid: A Goldfish Out of Water. Journal of Film and Video, 66(3), 18-30.