3 Oct 2022


The Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy

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Termed as the greatest scientist in the world, Archimedes was a physicist, engineer, mathematician, inventor, astronomer, and weapons designer during the classical age (Kam, 2017). Born on 287 BC in Sicily Island, which is within Syracuse Greek city-state, Archimedes was ahead of his time. His inventions were influenced by the surrounding Greek culture, his father’s work as an astronomer, and his relations with King of Syracuse, Hiero II. Archimedes is a renowned mathematical physicist with knowledge of advanced mathematics in the physical world. He was famous during the ancient world due to his brilliant mind accompanied with various inventions. 

Historical Context 

In the early days, the Greek culture, coupled up as the historical context that supported Archimedes's inventions. Real science originated from ancient Greeks, and since then, people pursue it as a discipline on its own. The scientific discoveries by Archimedes accompanied practical reasons and termed as one that echoes the blue skies scientific research of the ancient Greeks. Investigation of the sheer pleasure with study reflecting on the logic and beauty of geometry as well as atoms couple with tiny particles that collide and in constant motion with others and cannot be split as they are among the ancient Greek invention ( Rorres, 2017 ). 

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As a youth, Archimedes spent his time in Alexandria, an Egyptian city, where Ptolemy Lagides built the great world library. The serene environment at the library of Alexandria served as an ideal place for lecture halls as well as meeting rooms during the ancient world for various scholars. Archimedes had to use the opportunity at the library to attribute the scientific culture of ancient Greece with blossomed finest minds of the world. The Greek culture defined the historical context that hails Archimedes as the Einstein of his time. 

Archimedes Buoyancy Principle 

People accredit Archimedes to coming up with the principle of buoyancy in response to his historical context and part of his inventions. He worked and developed the principle, indicating that the buoyant force when an object is submerged equals the weight of the fluid displaced by the object ( Cavazzini, 2018 ). Archimedes came up with the principle after being tasked by the king to prove if his crown was made from pure gold. Using the buoyant principle, Archimedes used a lump of gold with the same weight to that of a gold crown with anticipation that, regardless of the shape, the amount of water displaced by the two objects should be the same. His invention through buoyant principle attributed that any addition such as metal or silver, which are cheaper, to the crown would lead to more water displacement. 

Archimedes used the buoyancy principle to prove wrong the goldsmith on his ill motive towards the king as far as the right amount of gold in the crown was concerned. Therefore, the principle remains one of the key foundations of the laws of physics in today's academics. The principle is paramount in modern-today as people use it during the designing of submarines and ships. Any big ship floats on water based on the Archimedes principle since sinking ability has less weight than the weight of the water it displaces. Additionally, the density of the ship or submarines is lesser than the water density to enable movement and floating ability. 


Archimedes' invention plays a vital role in the academic world whose scientific work has benefits in today's modern world. The buoyancy principle serves an example of the greatest scientific work of Archimedes that modern world tap to design ships and submarines with the ability to float on water. His invention defines Archimedes as Einstein of his time. 


Cavazzini, G. (2018). A New Physical Interpretation of Archimedes’ Principle. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics , 6 (01), 215. 

Kam, M. (2017). Archimedes the Pragmatic Engineer. In Archimedes in the 21st Century (pp. 1-19). Birkhäuser, Cham. 

Rorres, C. (2017). Archimedes the Mathematician. In Archimedes in the 21st Century (pp. 63-76). Birkhäuser, Cham. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy.


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