11 Jul 2022


The Art of Motivating People: How to Be a Leader

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 292

Pages: 1

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Leadership can be described as the art of motivating people to perform towards achieving a particular goal. On many occasions, management is usually confused with leadership. However, the two are differentiated with the fact that a leader inspires while it is not a must that a manager inspires the people under them. An individual's qualities to be well suited for leadership are empathy, gratitude, influence, ability to delegate, integrity and self-awareness. There are also personal weaknesses that can affect individuals' abilities to lead, which must be eliminated to become a proper leader ( Thompson, 2017 ). On that note, this paper intends to explain the strengths that make me well suited for a leadership position. I will also discuss my weaknesses and improvement techniques to limit them while capitalizing on strengths. 

I can be described as a goal setter, always happy individual, and an excellent motivator for my strengths that make me well suited for leadership. In terms of weaknesses, I am always fond of micromanaging people. The goal-setting quality enables me to come up with realistic and practical targets. I am always happy, which spreads to the people around me, promoting relaxation and less work pressure, enabling more output from the people. As an excellent motivator, I can make people push to their limit by giving their maximum best. When it comes to weaknesses, my tendency to micromanage individuals can make some people uncomfortable, which can interfere with their normal functioning. 

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Given the above qualities, a technique must be devised to capitalize on my leadership strengths and improve my weakness areas to become well suited for a leadership post. The only hindrance to becoming an effective leader is my weakness of constantly micromanaging people. I can deal with the problem by investing more in goal setting, spreading love and happiness, and motivating my team to give their best. Keeping myself fixated on the positives will make me busy, creating no time to overlook individuals' activities. 


Thompson, P. A. (2017). Effective Leadership Competencies of School-Based Special Education Administrators.  Journal of Special Education Leadership 30 (1), 31-47. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Art of Motivating People: How to Be a Leader.


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