27 Sep 2022


The Benefits of Job Satisfaction

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 529

Pages: 1

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Job satisfaction is the degree to which an employee feels self-motivated and satisfied with his or her job is described as job satisfaction. Employees who are assured of job security and career advancements are usually satisfied with their jobs. It is vital to have satisfied employees in the workplace. This is because such employees thrive to provide their best service possible. Every employee hopes to have a secure job as well as a healthy work-life balance. Such employees often make every effort to give back to the company. On the other hand, a dissatisfied employee will have detrimental impacts on an organization. This paper's principal focus is to discuss the consequences of having dissatisfied employees, applying the four strategies of job satisfaction in boosting job satisfaction, and the factors that affect job satisfaction. 

Employee dissatisfaction has a number of significant implications in organizations. Dissatisfaction with one's work can increase job stress, low morale, poor job performance, and high employee turnover rates (Khan et al., 2012). All these negative impacts can have detrimental impacts on an organization's productivity. Besides, job dissatisfaction can result in a number of other issues in the workplace, including customer dissatisfaction. Job dissatisfaction can erode customer satisfaction due to inadequate employee care, low job performance, and a decline in company reputation. However, there are strategies that companies can employ to address the issue of employee dissatisfaction. 

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Organizations can deal with dissatisfied workers in a variety of ways. The application of theories that justify human motivation is one of them. Some of the job satisfaction theories that can be used to boost job dissatisfaction include: "Herzberg's theory of motivation, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, ERG theory, and two-factor theory" (Velmurugan & Sankar, 2017). These theories can be used to define problems that workers face and provide them with solutions to help them cope with their frustration. For example, Maslow's hierarchy of needs highlights the need for employees' most basic self-actualization, esteem, social, safety, and psychological needs. On the other hand, ERG theory outlines three needs that managers should address to improve job satisfaction: existence, relatedness, and growth (Caulton, 2012). This would be a good way to make sure that all of the problems workers face in the workplace have been addressed. Managers may use the above ideas to meet their employees' needs or desires and anticipate a good result. Managers should apply the theories to recognize and analyze their workers' problems and offer solutions to these issues. 

The two-factor theory of motivation identifies both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that contribute to workplace motivation. Recognition of obligation and the need to resolve organizational motivation problems are examples of intrinsic motivation factors (Kotni & Karumuri, 2018). Extrinsic or hygiene considerations such as working conditions, wages, and job protection, on the other hand, maybe provided to change how workers interact with one another. It is simple to enhance their awareness of their employees' needs by monitoring details. This will aid in the organization's ability to solve each issue as an individual challenge. Managers will also quickly grasp various consumer needs and preferences, allowing them to make well-informed decisions about their clients. This partnership is critical for ensuring that consumers are happy after a business transaction is completed. Customers are normally the kings of every organization, so ensuring that they are satisfied is critical to ensuring organizational success. 


Caulton, J. R. (2012). The development and use of the theory of ERG: A literature review.  Emerging Leadership Journeys 5 (1), 2-8. 

Khan, S., Shahzad, S., Ullah, R., Khan, Q., & Wasim, D. (2012). Role of Transactional and Relational Contract in Employee Turnover Intention (A Study of Business Affiliated Institutions Employees of Peshawar Pakistan).  Journal of Asian Business Strategy 2 (6), 122. 

Kotni, V. D. P., & Karumuri, V. (2018). Application of Herzberg two-factor theory model for motivating retail salesforce.  IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior 17 (1), 24-42. 

Velmurugan, T. A., & Sankar, J. G. (2017). A comparative study on motivation theory with Maslow's hierarchy theory and two factor theory in organization.  Indo-Iranian Journal of Scientific Research 1 (1), 204-208. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Benefits of Job Satisfaction.


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