10 Aug 2022


“The Blood-Feud of Toad-Water”: the usage of plot elements in storytelling

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 615

Pages: 2

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Point of View (who’s telling the story? and what clues indicate to you who's telling the story?) 

The story is being told from a third person’s point of view about the subject matter. One reason thing that depicts third voice in this story is the use of the feminine subjective singular case “she” throughout the story. For instance, there is a lot of the use of “her” throughout this story. “…seeing how she remembered…”; “nothing to her credit.” These words depict that the narrator of the story uses third voice to voice their positions and clarify their arguments.

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Appearance and Reality (does the story seem true-to-life, like it could really happen?) 

This is a fiction, and fictional stories are not always bound to happen in reality. In as much as they could seem very likely to happen, they are not always happening because they are just human creations.

Tone (what is the setting and overall mood of the story?) 

The story takes place in between two neighbors who do not like each other. One raises livestock while the other raises crops and a feud ensues when the Crick’s hen does some digging on the Saunders’s freshly planted onion patch. The mood is generally sad since all these families are at loggerheads and are ready to fight each other. However, the story ends with a happy mood when the two families choose to reconcile and let go of their rivalry.

Character (who are the main characters in the story?) 

The main characters in the story are two families who are feuding over nothing. The two families are the Cricks whose main occupation is raising livestock and the other family is the Saunders who grows crops.

Plot (briefly summarize the plot of the story) 

This is a story covering two conflicting families over something unreasonable. The Cricks, who are livestock farmers and the Saunders who are crop cultivators, enter a feud because the Crick’s chicken dug in the Saunders newly planted onion plantation. They end up exchanging harsh words but finally they are able to agree and reconcile.

Themes (what is the overarching ideas of the story—what is the main point or moral of the story?) 

One of the overriding ideas in this story is conflict. There is a tough feud between the Cricks and Saunders however much the argument was baseless.

Describe, with specific examples, at least three (3) aspects of language (rhythm, imagery, figures, metaphor, symbols) a) Language example #1: b) Language example #2: c) Language example #3: 

The writer uses different symbols in the poem. For instance, the two roads are similar an it is difficult to choose one to follow. One is fair while the other is both morning and black. This means, making decisions in life should be a very critical aspect since we are presented with equally similar situations we have to choose from. The writer also uses imagery. For instance, the description of the forest creates some mental pictures about what exactly the forest looks like. It helps to better understand the setting. Furthermore, the writer uses metaphors. For instance, “the road” depicts a course not taken in life. The two roads is a metaphor for two options.

Diagram the rhyming scheme of the poem (assigning a letter of the alphabet for the end rhyme of each line) and identify, with specific examples, two (2) uses of sound structures (internal rhyming, alliteration, assonance, consonance). a) Rhyming scheme: b) Sound example #1: c) Sound example #2: 

The rhyme scheme in the poem is ABAAB, CDCCD, EFEEF, GHGGH. This means, the first line of the stanza rhymes with the third and fourth lines respectively. The second line of the stanza rhymes with the fifth line. 

Assonance is found in stanza two where Frost makes use of many short forms A’s in his words such as “grassy, passing, as, having, and had. 

In stanza 8, he uses the words “wanted wear” which is alliteration. 

Consonance can be found in the third stanza where “ll” and “g” is repeated severally. For instance, “shall”, “telling,” and “ages.” 

What is the perceived meaning of this poem? 

The meaning of this poem concerns a person who has to make a choice between two roads. “Two roads are diverged in a yellow wood” yet the speaker has to make a choice on which one to follow. After deep analysis, he chooses the road less travelled. Literally, it means in life we are always faced with decisions to make which we do in the long run.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). “The Blood-Feud of Toad-Water”: the usage of plot elements in storytelling.


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