18 Oct 2022


The Canadian Health System: developing type 2 diabetes, public health measures, West Nile virus prevention

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 2576

Pages: 6

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Lesson 9 

Are current Canadian blood-screening methods sufficient to ensure blood safety? In a few sentences, explain your opinion and give at least one way in which they could be further improved. 

I do believe they are, however, emerging modalities to screening should and must be implemented to ensure safety. Active screening and hemovigilance programs provide the program with an improve way of ensuring safe blood for screening. Unsafe blood has been accredited to over 16 million cases of new hepatitis B viral infections and over 160,000 cases of HIV infections. Therefore, modalities of blood screening must be implemented to guide against such cases. 

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In a few sentences, suggest and explain three reasons why specific populations may be more susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes than others (5) 

Susceptibility to type 2 diabetes is dependent on a number of factors. However, the three most prevalent of them are obesity/overweight, age, genetics, and ethnicity. As such, a certain population may be more susceptible to the development of type 2 diabetes due to the following: 

If such a population consists of people of certain ethnicity such as African America, Hispanic/Latino or Pacific Islanders, then they are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This is because they are genetically prevalent and susceptible due to their unique background as compared to others 

If a population majority is of a certain gap, maybe above 45 years, then the population will have the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because type 2 diabetes is prevalent among persons of 45 years and above, thereby creating a segmentation in type 2 occurrence. 

If lifestyle within a community changes and members are infinitely affected by this change by becoming overweight, this group of people will most likely develop type 2 diabetes. 

In point form, propose three public-health measures that could be used to help address the needs of individuals, to help prevent them from developing type 2 diabetes. (6) 

Initiation intervention delivery programs that are driven at preventing the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. 

Health communication to create awareness of the condition within the communities in question. 

Collaborative partnership with federal, local, state and private institutions as a way of facilitating implementation of proven prevention programs 

List the different types of surveillance or monitoring data that are collected by PHAC 

Human surveillance 

Mosquito surveillance 

Bird surveillance 

Horse surveillance 

Surveillance in First Nations communities. 

Briefly explain why human surveillance is important (b) 

Human surveillance provides an accurate reflection on the occurrence of West Nile virus and thus help the health professional remain vigilant in providing the right diagnosis of the disease and reporting of cases to relevant public health regional authorities. 

How would individuals living in a West Nile virus-infected zone find out about it? (c) 

Surveillance on humans and any other form of surveillance data are first reported to the government by those health partners involved in the initiative. It is then posted online every single week for the public to review the findings. 

List and explain three non-medical ways of preventing infection from West Nile virus (d) 

Cover exposed skin when outside. Mosquitos tend to attack exposed skin, hence covering exposed skin is the first step of preventing exposure to bites from mosquitos 

using insect repellant when outside is crucial in helping prevent oneself from being bit by the mosquitos 

Reduce mosquito habitats around one’s home by draining off standing water, cleaning eavestrough regularly to prevent clogs that hold water, tipping fishing boats and gear onto the side to drain, and replacing regularly pet water and bird bath waters. 

In 250 words or less explain when you think the use of a forced quarantine is justifiable. Include examples of at least two different pathogens in your answer. For each pathogen, explain two factors that would justify a forced quarantine. (27) 

Fast-spreading pathogens, especially those easily spread through the air, demand a forced quarantine to limit their spread and effect within a population. A good example is that of the H1N1 virus that is airborne and easily spread from one person to another. The potency of the pathogen and the ease in spread demands a forced quarantine. 

Another factor is that of its severity once it has been contracted. A good example is that of the Ebola virus that once contracted, its spread and severity are extreme. This demands a forced quarantine to prevent its spread and to address its effect on those affected. The Ebola virus was particularly harsh to communities that are naturally interactive like those in Africa. 

Explain why informing the public about the relationship among type 2 diabetes, obesity, and nutrition is an important component of public health. Use the words education, lifestyle, prevention, and risk factors in your answer (28) 

The best remedy to addressing type 2 diabetes is not treatment but rather its prevention. Therefore, by providing the right health education to the public or the susceptible public, it allows them to know how their lifestyle choices influence their health and thus intentionally choose to undertake definitive steps in avoiding those risk factors. As a result, the health system is eased off the burden of treating the condition, where it is preventable. 

Using specific examples, briefly explain five ways in which the public health agency of Canada (PHAC) contributes to the overall wellbeing of Canadians (29) 

Promote health of all Canadians by continually investigating and seeking solutions to public health scares 

Prevent and control chronic diseases and injuries. As a result Canadians are well protected from the occurrence of chronic diseases and injuries. 

Prevent and control infectious diseases. This is perhaps the most crucial of all roles as it ensures immediate and fast address of emerging cases. 

Prepare for and respond to public health emergencies 

Serve as a central point for sharing Canada’s expertise with the rest of the world 

Lesson 10 

Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that is thought to have caused the black plague, is still causing outbreaks in some parts of the world. In sentence form, describe two reasons why this is not, at this point, a concern in Canada (9) 

The bacteria is prevalence is controllable through control of the rat population. This accords Canada the freedom to tackle the spread of black plague by addressing the real reservoir of the disease. 

The occurrence of the black plague is in sub-Saharan climate zones. This removes Canada from those countries with a susceptibility to the plague naturally, unless it is intentionally transmitted as a weapon. 

The highly excessive costs of antiretroviral medication make it difficult for people in developing countries to obtain and use appropriate treatments for HIV. In 300 words or less describe how this would contribute to the ongoing “pandemic” status of this virus. (10) 

The nature of the spread of the HIV, the “hidden” symptoms, and the long incubation period between infection and disease depiction makes HIV a very tricky and dangerous virus to deal with. This problem is enshrined within a community that is predominantly bound in traditions that hinder healthcare interventions. The high cost of antiretroviral medication makes it difficult for persons within these communities to access the care needed to prevent the spread of HIV in these communities. As a result, the disease is shrouded in cultural beliefs that hinder individuals from seeking the costly medication as they escape through traditional religious beliefs. The disease is allowed to spread and grow without any real intervention measure as the healthcare partners cannot force the community members to purchase the medication and the community members choose to hide their shame in religious beliefs. Consequently, the disease spreads fast and rapidly, without any form of hindrance in place. 

Using SARS and the outbreak of H1N1 in 2009 as examples 

Describe why the involvement of international organizations was necessary for controlling the spread of each disease 

SARS was an epidemic that was reported in many countries within a short period. The best way to control the continued spread of the disease was to create a coordination team that would be able to trace specific individuals “connected” to the disease as quickly as possible to avoid further spread. This initiative would be best done through coordination between governments and international organizations. Specifically, the international organizations were more willed and equipped to handle the epidemic than the governments. 

Describe some of the differences in how the spread of these two diseases was handled (8) 

SARS was handled by forced quarantine that ensured all persons that had come into contact with those who were infected did not leave their premises for ten days. This created a measure of prevention that allowed the disease not to spread further. In H1N1 virus, the government addressed its spread by tracing the true source of the virus and creating a blockade that diminished the spread of the virus through movement of people from that specific area. 

Lesson 11 

List three factors that can promote the spread of infectious disease in a social setting (20) 

Conducive Environmental factors 

Individual Contact between people 

Lack of health information 

Describe the purpose of a safe injection site and how it is operated (21) 

The primary purpose of a safe injection site is to provide drug users an opportunity to practice the vice under medical supervision, with the aim of progressively helping them quit their drug use habit. The injection site is operated under strict medical and counseling directive. It provides the users with needed healthcare that allows them to quit the use of these drugs, as a way of helping them change their habit. 

Describe three ways in which you can prevent the spread of infection in your home or community (33) 

The first way preventing the spread of infection is by implementing health measures that limit the spread of germs from one person to another. These can be simple measures as those of washing hands and maintaining healthy habits 

Secondly, one can create a natural environment within one environs like ensuring proper aeration and cleanliness. 

Thirdly, educating the members within the family/community on self-prevention measures one can take to protect oneself from contracting any form of infection. 

Write a short set of instructions for kindergarten students, telling them how to wash their hands to help prevent the spread of colds in the classroom (34) 

Wet your hands with clean water 

Apply soap 

Rub your hands together gently and thoroughly with the soap 

Ensure that the back of the hands is lathered with soap, between the fingers and even under the nails 

Scrub for at least 15 to 25 seconds 

Rinse your hands with clean running water 

Dry your hands using a clean towel 

Write a travel advisory for Canada. In your travel advisory, briefly discuss any three of the following five topics (weather, healthcare, animals, terrains/travel distances, possible diseases) (35) 

When travelling to Canada, it is important to note that Canada has an expansive wild terrain that is amazing and yet very dangerous. Therefore, one must seek the services of a guide if they want to explore Canada. Importantly, Canada is home to grizzly bears that may seem cute but are extremely dangerous. Therefore one must practice caution when and if one comes into contact with a bear in the course of their stay in Canada. Finally, there are certain diseases one needs to know about such as West Nile virus, and therefore it is very crucial to seek the right information as a way of protecting oneself from such diseases. 

Lesson 12 

Write 400-600 word research, report about any one of the following topics (36) (assess the effectiveness of mosquito net in reducing the spread of malaria) 


The proliferation of malaria has had a devastating effect on humans across generations. This has demanded a practical measure that would help in addressing the spread of malaria by mosquito in malaria-prevalent areas. This has been an area of concern when it comes to children and pregnant mothers the use of mosquito net was identified as an effective measure to addressing the challenge brought about by mosquitos and their spread of malaria. 

Organization and Structure of Report 

Challenge Of Malaria 

Unlike other diseases, malaria gained attention and precedence due to its devastation once contracted, especially among children and pregnant mothers. Over the years, malaria-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa have continued to be devastated by malaria’s effect. This has demanded a more effective and yet cheaper way of addressing malaria. 

Children And Pregnant Mothers 

In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria effects were more felt in among children and pregnant mothers. World health organization estimated that 92% of all malaria deaths are among children under the age of 5. With a mortality rate of 62%, malaria poses a real threat to the most susceptible and yet important people in the society. 

Mosquito Nets 

The importance of mosquito nets is that it provides those who sleep under it with greater protection from a mosquito bite than from the use of a pesticide. More so, mosquito net is cheaper and more long-lasting than the alternatives of treatment and use of pesticides to keep away mosquitos. 

Summary and Assessment of Information 

The value of mosquito’s nets in protecting people from a mosquito bite has been hailed as an effective measure to addressing the menace of malaria. Importantly, it has provided a cheaper alternative to tackling malaria and helping sub-African countries fight the threat. Importantly, international organizations like WHO and USAID have engaged governments in these areas in addressing malaria through the provision of mosquito nets to pregnant mothers. 


There has always been a need to create a functioning system that allows sub-Saharan centuries, prone to malaria, be able to deal with mosquito. The need to address malaria is global, and as such, every initiative is important especially when it entails helping fight malaria. The mosquito net initiative continues to save lives across Africa as more people start sleeping under a net. 

Convert each of the following topics into potential research questions that could be addressed in a research report: 

a) The quarantine placed on people infected in Toronto during the SARS outbreak 

What are the quarantine practices that were placed on people that were infected with the SARS virus in Toronto during its outbreak? 

b) The quarantine effectiveness (23) 

How effective was the SARS quarantine within Toronto as compared to other parts of the world? 

List some keywords that you could use to research more information on the vaccination program in Canada (24) 

Vaccine development 

Vaccine control 

Disease control 

Approved vaccines 


Identify the two main concepts of keywords in the following research question about the SARS outbreak: “what were the monitoring technologies used to contain the spread of SARS in Canada during the outbreak of 2002 to 2003?” (25) 

Monitoring technologies – these are the measures undertaken in the containment of the disease 

Spread of SARS in Canada – it addresses the virility of the virus within the Canadian state and how it (SARS) manifested itself. 

List two organizations whose websites you could visit in order to do research to find out more information on the “spread the net” program (26) 

UNICEF Website 

PLAN International 

Prepare an outline for a research report discussing international agencies and public health (27) 

• Introduction 

1. Statement of the Problem 

2. Definition of Terms 

3. Theoretical Framework 

4. Methodology 

1. Type of Research 

2. Respondents 

3. Questionnaire 

5. Hypothesis 

6. Review of Related Literature 

7. Scope and Limitations 

8. Significance of the Study 

• Body 

1. Background of the Study 

International agencies 

Public health 

Health objectives 

Collective responsibility 

2. Presentation and Analysis of Data 

Individual Roles 

Effectiveness of their roles 

Objectivity of health implementation 

Public health effect 

Value-added brand 

Global statistics 

1. Correlation Tests 

• Conclusion 

1. Concluding Statement 

1. Analytical Summary 

2. Thesis Reworded 

2. Recommendations 

Would the 1976 Ebola outbreak in the DRC that you encountered in this lesson classify as a pandemic? How would you classify it? (11) 

The 1976 Ebola outbreak in the DRC was confined to one village and affected a total of 318 people, resulting in 280 deaths. The definition of pandemic is the quick spread of an outbreak across the world. The 1976 Ebola outbreak can therefore not be classified as a pandemic since it was confined to a village. It can only be classified as an endemic since it occurred within a particular locality/region and population. 

In one paragraph, explain how living conditions and a lack of infrastructure contribute to the outbreak of new diseases (12) 

Poor and congested living conditions create a condition that is conducive to the outbreak of diseases. This is because of the closeness and continued interaction coupled with a lack of necessary infrastructure engineer a condition that limits cleanliness and the effective movement of waste materials. Consequentially, this creates a backlog of waste that predisposes the community to a possible outbreak. 

Given what you know about the emergence of new pathogens, is it likely or unlikely that a new micro-organism will affect humanity in the near future? Briefly justify your answer. (13) 

It is more likely that new pathogens will emerge in the future. This is because the global human population is growing, movement of people has increased, interaction has increased, and the interaction between humans and wildlife is growing. Additionally, the disposal of waste is becoming a problem as a natural source of raw materials continue to be polluted by human waste, creating a condition for the emergence of new pathogens. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Canadian Health System: developing type 2 diabetes, public health measures, West Nile virus prevention.


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